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Show Ugliesf Wot ian? A- A f ' . t, f R I No' -1..' '- : f : ; i.',!v'.i: -Mfi Miss Mary A. Sevan, who n said to .claim honors as the world's ugliest ug-liest woman, arrived in New York board the Leviathan. GOVERNOR DERN TO SPEAK AT H. S. DAY One of the outstanding events of high school day, April 12, at Cedar City, will be the 11:00 o'clock assembly as-sembly at which Governor George H. Dern will be the speaker. It was felt that this would be an opportunity to present to the students of southern south-ern Utah their chief executive. The governor readily accepted the invitation invita-tion providing he is not called out of the state at that particular time. Another feature of this morning assembly as-sembly will be the musical numbers furnished by all of the high schools participating. The tentative program is as follows: Prelude, Beaver orchestra; prayer; instrumental number, Parowan; vocal solo, Panguitch; vocal solo, Circle-ville; Circle-ville; girls' chorus, OrJerville; violin solo, Kanab; address. Governor Dern; vocal solo, Marysvale; piano solo, Milford; vocal solo, Enterprize; dramatic dra-matic reading. Hurricane; vocal number, num-ber, Minersville; "America," congregation. congre-gation. Immediately following the' morning morn-ing assembly will be held a barbecue barbe-cue at which all visitc s will be the guests of the college. The afternoon will be taken up with contests until 5:00 o'clock when the sunset festival will be staged on the front lawns of the campus. This will be a festival of song and dance. Seven bands will participate in furnishing music, sometimes some-times playing ensemble numbers. The dance will be furnished by the girls physical education department of the branch agricultural college. At 6:C0 o'clock all of the high school teachers of southern Utah will be the guests of the branch agricultural agricul-tural college faculty at a banquet in the recreation hall in the new gymnasium. gym-nasium. Following the events of the day, at 9:00 o'clock in the college gymnasium the annual high school day dance will be given. There will be present for this occasion the 10-piece orchestra which played for the college prom. At this time the various awards will be given. ri |