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Show it,Y-.i jl .J......., s; -nr. i--,- id,- ) ....... jrt1rr? ,fj Neither pretty pictures nor colorful adjectives will dye I J' a tlr-"'3 or coat" 11 ,;ikes rcal dCa 10 Jo "le WOrk ' dyc t '.Jyj made from true anilines. h'l' f'e I 'cxt time you have dyeing to do, try Diamond Dyes. fi '''!! '1 See how easy it is to use them. Then compare the results. V' f ' Your dealer will refund your money if you don't agrt I a You get none of that re-dyed look from Diamond Dyes; f,vV.'i JK no streaking or spotting. Juit fresh, crisp, bright new ' i'rl color. And watch the- way they keep their brilliance V ; I 1 through wear and washing. They arc better dyes because Jv.-.'i I I they contain plenty of real anilincs from three to five) ll 1 1 times more than other dyes. ;' in The white package of Diamond Dyes is the original ?'?.' ifyf "all-purpose" dye for any and every kind of material. It T il if w'" lye or si,1' W00'' coUon' mien rayn or ai,y I II (W mixture of materials. The blue package is a special dye, I ILk for silk or wool only. With it you can dye your valuable , I articles of silk or wool with results equal to the finest I professional work. When yog buy remember this. The blue packaqe dyes silk or wool only. The while- (nckaqe - I will dye every kind of goods, including siik and wooL f Your dealer has both packages. Ptt&moBcl Dues gftsp to use Perfect results ffe AT JSU UST7G 8XOUE3 t If 1 I', 1 ; ' 4 ' , " ' i t jm JvmkA.ir,jA... .i. i "When I was a young single girl I took- Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Com-pound because my mother did and she gave it to me. After I married I took it before my children were born and afterwards, after-wards, and I have eight living children. I am now a grandmother grand-mother and still take it and still recommend it when any one is tired and run-down." Mrs. Alfred Iverson, St. Edwards, Ed-wards, Nebraska. iiiiiiiffli Quick Relief A. plwJantff ectvT vn.jp 35c and 60c lixea. And ex- 4 ternally, tue P1SOS Throat and Cheat Salve, 35c I 8!S j,;SS ! : t: IPS'; J j 5,3 i H T'lfii til HOTEL Newhouse j SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH One of Salt Lake City's finest hotels, where guests find every comfort with a warm hospitality. hospital-ity. Garace in connection. Cafe and cafeleria. 80 Booms. EACH WITH BATH 52.00 to $4.00 L : -rSSiil fleallli Giving -r.-pn Ail Winter Long MarreJoas Climate Good Hotels Tourist Camps Splendid Roads Gorgeous Mountain Views. The umuierfu desert resortof the We F. Write Croo Cbattey C CALIFORNIA Choose a Profitable Vocation f Learn the Beauty Culture Course given by a A 4t man that has uxngbt 3S3 stndcnts how to A earn BiG MONHY. Catalog sent on request, i UTAH HIGH SCJTOOt T T OF BEACTI CULTURE 2 J 331 CliftBIdg. - Salt Lake City X PARKER'S F'Q5iwr-rf HAIR BALSAM I RemovesDaadj-nff-SIopsHairFalUne pYW.i f-i Restores Color and LC iS ji J Beauty to Gray and Faded Hail pOV I i tk Uc and S1.CO at Druinrits. 1','.: j s A HT?r"T Chem. Whs. Pauh.-nHio, N. Y. p FLORESTON SHAMPOO Ideal for nse in connection with Parkers Hair Baisam. Makes the hair soft and flufEy. 60 cents by mail or at dra-eists. dra-eists. Hiscox Chemical Works, Patchogtie, N. X. WHEN IT LOOKS DARK to any U.sta-y-Sjai weak, nervous ijjft'i Ji or ailing woman, -Vja J W Sly Dr. Pierce's Fa-iiSi-i'S 1 Tort Prescrip-Vjf1 Prescrip-Vjf1 tlon comes to 1QJT in every walk of, f TV il life today say I'. -J y Dr. Pierce's Fa- 2J fcsJ Tor"e Prescrip-Ujrrt Prescrip-Ujrrt 'tion is a reliable "f I medicine. It ia made from roots and herbs, sold by druggists, in both fluid and tablets. Mrs. Bert Ross, 62S So. Hth SL, Boise, Idaho, said: "Thru overwork I suffered a complete nervous breakdown. I could not sleep nor rest at night, had no appetite and my back bothered both-ered me. I was so miserable 1 coaid hardly do anything, but, by the time I bad taken three bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Prescrip-tion my nerves were restored and I was feeling fine I would advise any woman whose nerves are giving her trouble to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Fa-vorite Prescription." This medicine contains no harmful ingredient. Send lOe for trial pkg. tablets to Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 14-1929. TT'iJirJ- 6 timed Slsins Soap and Ointment. They do so much to vj C -J j I allay irritation, redness and roughness of the su 7 l face and hands, remove dust and grime and A t?" y' keep theskinsoftand clear under all condi- J V , f tions of exposure. YvTrC""" I v. Soap 25c Ointment 25c. and 50c. . j - l ' Talcum 25c Sample each free. 1 "0Jt m IT drreu:"Curicnxa,"Dept.B6,MaldenlMass. I |