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Show FRISCO SILVER-LEAD SILVER-LEAD BUYS A ' GASOLINE HOIST The Frisco Silver-Lead Mining company, with property adjoining the Horn Silver at Frisco, has purchased purchas-ed a Fairbanks-Morse gasoline hoist. Tho machinery was brought by Manager Man-ager L. F. Block in Salt Lake City last week. The equipment will be installed in-stalled at the mine within the next two weeks, according to the Western Mineral Survey. This will greatly expedite ex-pedite the sinking of the winz now being put down in the tunnel. Sinking is being done at a depth of CO feet, following a fissure of from four to five feet of ore, according ac-cording to Mr. Block. This ore is of a mixed shipping and milling grade and ha3 commercial values in its silver, sil-ver, lead, copper and gold. The dip of the fissure has been gradually increased from 45 to 00 degrees de-grees and the shaft follows the dip. The company plans to continue a drifting program at one hundred foot intervals in order to thoroughly prospect pros-pect the fissure. Weather conditions have been exceeding ex-ceeding favorable for development at the Silver-Lead. Of late, the company com-pany has constructed a mile and a half of road, built cabin accommodations accommoda-tions and has installed a portable compressor and bought a one-ton truck. |