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Show lift 1ASV 5 111 i'! "f. -Ali -A V J J WHAT DR. CALDWELL LEARNED IN 47 j YEARS PRACTICE A physician watched the results of constipation for 47 years, and believed that no matter how careful people are of their health, diet and exercise, constipation constipa-tion will occur from time, to time. Of next importance, then, is how to treat it when it cornea. Dr. Caldwell always was in favor of getting as close to nature as possible, hence his remedy for constipation, consti-pation, known as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, is a mild vegetable compound. It can not harm the system and is not habit forming. Syrup Pepsin is pleasant-tasting, pleasant-tasting, and youngsters love it. Dr. Caldwell did not approve of drastic physics and purges. He did not believe they were good for anybody's system. In a practice of 47 years he never saw any reason for their use when Syrup Pepsin will empty the bowels just as promptly. Do not let a day go by without a bowel movement. Do not sit and hope, but go to the nearest druggist and get one of the generous bottles of Dr. Caldwell's Cald-well's Syrup Pepsin, or write "Syrup Pepsin," Dept. BB, Monticello. Illinois, for free trial bottle. SPECIAL LIMITED OFFER $50 buys 40 acre oil lease state land In SB New Mexico If bought now. 20 major oil Cos. have spent millions here for leases and development. January gushera In two new fields skyrocketed prices nearby leases. Lease owners have made large profits here. Send J50 today and become a lease owner. FORD & CO., RO SWELL, NEW MEXICO. YOUNG MAN, WITHOUT HELP, arose In S years, on nothing, to owner of large investment invest-ment properties In St. Louis, offers you opportunity op-portunity to associate with him by investment, invest-ment, large or small. In large Real Estate Holding Corporation, to be incorporated, under un-der strict State laws, to buy and hold larpe investment properties. Your investment will earn 6ri, accumulative, for six years, then 25 to 50 yearly for life. Safety assured by assets In Real Estate. Are you Interested to subscribe for stock? JOSEPH A. MAPE3 3933 Lucky Street - - St. Louis, Mo. For Galled Horses Hanford's Balsam of Myrrb Mane? back for first bottle d not soited. AH daatert. styz&f" A A X "., t Y: ' ' ' ''( Y?o. X A? y- M Whenw- Children Cry for It P.aby has little upsets at times. All your care cannot prevent them. But you can be prepared. Then you can do what any experienced nurse would do what most physicians would tell you to do give a few drops of plain Castorla. No sooner done than Baby Is soothed ; relief re-lief is Just a matter of moments. Yet you have eased your child without una of a single doubtful drug; Castorla la vegetable. So It's safe to use as often as an Infant lias any Illtle pain you cannot pat away. And It's always ready for the erueler pangs of colic, or constipation or diarrhea; effective, too, for older children. Tvicnty-flvc million Txjlllct were bouyht laat year. JjA.-, it' ,-J.. '-nC .. ... i ... AA; jrjt A CSyvA A - ''! jA ,'"';- "-' :- MakssLife Sweeter Too much to eat too rich a dlet-"-Or too much smoking. Lots of things cause sour stomach, but one thing can correct it quickly. Phillips Milk of Magnesia will alkalinize the acid. Take a spoonful of this pleasant preparation, and the system is soon sweetened. Phillips is always ready to relieve distress from over-eating; to check all acidity ; or neutralize nicotine. Re-member Re-member this for your own comfort; for the sake of those around you. Endorsed by physicians, but they always al-ways say Phillips. Don't buy something some-thing else and expect the same results re-sults ! PHILLIPS a Milk . of Magnesia , p Booklet free. Hlpbestreferences. Ul I L n I V Best resaks. Promptness &3-rfl &3-rfl I r I J I A sared. HiTSOS I C.)Lkai5.pu.rt ' ' ', i ' : : ... :- i :, t I . f t xn 5 I r A ' x I v XX'IIEN damp days, sudden changes in weather, or expos-lire expos-lire to a draft makes joints ache, thcr is always quick relief in Bayer Aspirin. It makes short work of headaches or any little pain. Just as effective in the more serious suffering from neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism or lumbago. No ache or pain is ever too deep-seated for Bayer Aspirin to relieve, and it docs not affect the heart All druggists, with proven directions for various uses which many people have found invaluable iu the relief of pain. Aspirin fjpinip!es Nnturp'flwnrnino hrlpnaturocloar.wur complexion nmi pnint rwl rvwn in your pnl unllow chock. Truly womlorful rvmilt follow ihoivutrh colon clonimn. Take W Nnturo'a Komoily to roj,-ilMo nmi tivnwldon your rliniinativo nrcn'i-, Then Wftlrli tho trniwfoniuUlou. Try N$ instead of morv IaxhUvi'. MtM, info furrly tvjjrfuMc At Druggists only 23$ |