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Show Limit to Train Speed Under Best Conditions When railway beds have been made as nearly perfect us possible; when the lines have been straightened and as far as practicable leveled, anil when the best types of loioinollves and cars have been devised, how fasl will steam he able lo carry us? An answer lo Ibis nucsllon. based on a selenlllle examination of Hie conillllons Involved, Is furnished by an authority on fads relnllng lo railroads. rail-roads. ne hundred miles an hour Is Kbiiiit the. limit of speed Riiggexled. Another very Important qiieslhm growing nut of the first Is: Wllhln whal dlslani-e can a train running 10(1 miles an hour, or bill llllle Icsh limn I. II) feet a Ki-coiid, he slopped? The reply Is Hint under the most favorable favor-able conditions a distance ol nearly half a mile would bo required. A train running a mile a mlnule can ho slopped, It Is estimated, within n distance dis-tance of 000 feet. By adding only two thirds to the Sliced, therefore the distance required for bringing lm train lo a standstill would bo Increased In-creased almost three limes. It Is evident thai when we are whirled across Hie country al flic rain of 100 mill's an hour "a clear tiac'lt" will become a far more Important no cessily even Hum II Is loilay. |