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Show - COMMUNITY PROGRESS- I If a community is worth living in, it is -. " worth trading; in. Money spent away from home never returns to make your home more prosperous. The business men and merchants are counted upon to keep the town in a progressive condition. Help them by trading with them. THE Milford State Bank MILFORD, UTAH TTTlll - TtliTTIIIIIl I '"'f ttf f I mttt IttftlUMffttfUHIiilHlitt SAMPLE PRICES ! i J! LEMONS Large size, Blue Goose jj"c ! ! Dozen oD I I 0 jj PEARS No. 2 1-2 Del Monte Melba Halves ore j For :. Ut) ; .-i.M I ; POTATOES Idaho Russet cic Lb. . L ; ; VIENNA SAUSAGE qj-C t 2 for LJ t 1 I SCHLITZ MALT rfc ; ; For ..J OU I j Our Meats are Tempting I ; and Tasteful. 1 ; HAMBERGER and SAUSAGE ojfc f ? I ! Per lb Zt) 1 j ; FIRST GRADE SKINNED HAM Half or wholTOTc Pound J J Full Assortment of Cold Lunch Meats Fine for Picnics" j j JEFFERSONMERC. CO. I PHONE 20 ' " TTII WWW Now Is the Time- to plant SHRUBS, TREES AND ROSE BUSHES One will not have success with late plantings. We are taking orders for Portes-Walton Co. mountain grown stock. Drop in and make your selection while stocks are complete. A full line of Blabon's Linoleums and Rugs ALABASTINE The Sanitary Wall Covering Fresh and Smoked Fish All kinds of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables On stormy days just phone your order and we'll deliver quickly. The White Market . "A GOOD STORE IN A GOOD TOWN" ! The increase in our business indicates that our prices and service must be right. 'strife .icfV,cf From Monday On f$"" jf'' You will have an opportunity to buy The Hoover on v terms that are quite unusual and most advantageous y to you. A special low down-payment has been ar- ranged for a limited time. Don't fail-to take advan- tage of this occasion which enahles you to ovrn the J J finest of all electric cleanerson remnrkably easy terms! I 1 Jf" The low down-payment prevailing for a limited & "jl rime applies not only to the famous Model 700 ;''' k&"dJ? Hoover, but to the new popular-priced model as ell T&W&f the latter costing no more than an ordinary vacuum fM3i&S$ cleaner. Both of these models have the exclusive r-?-'-'4 cleaning principle, "Positive Agitation" which gives to The Hoover its ability demonstrated in repeated tests to remove more dirt per minute thr.n any other Complete with ,, . Dustins Tools W cleaner. Balance Monthly w. This offer i fcr a Telcphon noit ir.d h.nt a Hoo:;r in asu'.i for yox. limited t;a;c only Liberal u'.'.u-sunct Jar you' old cltJntr. Telluride Power Company |