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Show MINERSVILLE NEWS T Mrs. Mel:'.-a S:odJrd, of Milford, is hete vision.' r..lr.;ive3 and friends. Mr. and "At. K. C. Eyre left Monday Mon-day for Sait Lake City, where they will visit for a week. George Eyre, of Gull Lake City, is here visiting his brother, John. This is the first time he has visited in cur town for thirty-seven years. Mr. and Sirs. Jack Bir.kerhoff are receiving congratulations on the arrival ar-rival of a baby girl, born March 27. Mr. and Mrs. Philentes Jones and children, of Rockville, Utah, spent the week-end here as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Worthen. Word hag been received here of the arrival of a baby boy born March 26 to Mr. and 7Ars. Alfred Heslington at Salt Lake City. Mrs. Hesfington before be-fore her marriage was Miss Drvota Griffith, of Minersville. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Dolton and Mr. and Mrs. George Dolton and sons spent Sunday at Parowan. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schwab and little lit-tle son, of Beaver, visited friends here Sunday. Miss Zella Baxtrom, of Beaver, visited vis-ited friends here Sunday. Douglas Hall left Saturday for St. George, where he has bought a barber shop and will now be occupied there. m Mr. and Mrs. Arshtl Rollingshcad i and baby, of B';aver, were the weekend week-end quests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Holling.ahead. Howard Farsnworth, Paul Folton and Donald Mathews, of Beaver, visited vis-ited here Sunday with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dotson announce an-nounce the arrival of a baby girl, born March 30. Mr. and Ms. F. A. Bingham and family, of Milford, spent Sunday hei-e visiting relatives. George H. FTe f-pnt the pst wvk at fa:t l..-.l:o C'ty. Mi fler'h.i I'ryor "ntertaind the Gleaner girlj at her home Thur-jday won i n g. Mr. ;m'i Mrs. Frank Garter entt-r-t-'ilped nt a curd party Saturday ev-oniri. ev-oniri. Eighteen Clients were present. |