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Show SO THAT THE PEOPLE MAY KNOW A GREAT SALE OF MERCHANDISE ! CLINE'S GOLDEN RULE STORE HAS SOLD THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF SPRING GOODS SINCE THEIR SALE STARTED. Business Adjustments Given As Reason For This Unprecedented Action By This Well Known House. Just thirty-three years ago, the name, "Cline," first became identified with the merchandising business in this section of the country, until to-:lay to-:lay it is one of the best known stores in this territory, with a complete stock of the finest nationally advertised '.ine of goods that can possibly be secured. Cline's feature such lines as Hart, Shaffner and Marx clothing, Florsheim dress shoes, Thorogood ihoes for boys and girls, Sherwood ;hoes for women, Munsingwear, Oregon Ore-gon City woolens, Crown and Big .' work clothes, Mallory and Stetson iats and Manhattan shirts. Only on this class of merchandise :ould we enjoy our tremendous growth. We have built our business "rom the smallest to the largest store f its class in Milford. This reliable, dependable merchan-lise merchan-lise store was successful from the "xjginning and has experienced hard times along with its hundreds of "riends and customers. At all times, they were willing to extend special accommodations in order to clothe the families and to help in every way possible to weather adverse conditions. Will a foreign organization of any description help you when misfortune overtakes you? Are you willing to accept their statement that you are securing in unknown brands, that have been built to their specifications, better merchandise merch-andise for less money? YES, FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS CUSTOM-ERS WE CONDUCT SPECIAL SELLING CAMPAIGNS FOR YOUR BENEFIT, FOR YOUR GOOD FOR THIS REASON: We must clean our stock of seasonable season-able goods. We can't exchange our merchandise with stores of other places. We must sacrifice profits, md in many instances, lose money on goods the least bit out of date. Why do large department stores operate sales? For the same reaion. We have to have a sale and everybody every-body shares equally In the savings. No one is favored by a bigger reduction re-duction and we come out in PLAIN ENGLISH and tell the world our intentions. in-tentions. BUILT UPON CONFIDENCE For thirty-three years past, the policy of Cline's has been: "We build our future on confidence. It is the one big asset in business." With confidence of the buying public, pub-lic, a retail store will thrive and prosper, without it, it has no foundation. founda-tion. This business was founded on this principle, and all down through the years of its business life, it numbers num-bers among its friends and customers, the fathers, mothers, daughters, sons and sweethearts for fifty miles around. This concern has stood before the public as an institution built upon confidence, strict integrity and fair dealing to one and all: stating the truth in its advertising selling only good dependable merchandise, priced as low a3 true merit will allow and inculcating into its employes the necessity ne-cessity of representing the merchandise merchan-dise as it truly is. From the first, this house advocated such principles, always the leaders in firmly establishing estab-lishing the tenets of high and scrupulous scrup-ulous frankness in business, and maintaining main-taining this leadership all these years. QUALITY AND SERVICE IDEALS Only a few things improve with age. Service being continuously rendered ren-dered for thirty-three years becomes better each day as a natural result of studying the community's needs. Quality and service go hand in hand. A firm may be ever so courteous, always al-ways anxious to please, but unless its merchandise is of dependable quality its sen-ice does not count for much. All goods carried in our store are standard, and prices can be compared with those of other cities. You will find the brands of merchandise we sell all over the United States. Compare quality for quality, price for price, you will then discover that we are selling at the same, or lower, price. CLINE'S BIG SALE IS STILL ON ! (Adv.) n |