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Show $1750 325s Jlr vipifps BARGAIN I lfWlf Excursions MM0 and other points in California frm UTAH POINTS on L. A. & S. L. Railroad DAILY-TO APRIL 30 Plan now to take advantage of this unusually unus-ually low bargain fare. For $17.50 you can travel in a comfortable Union Pacific I'rr-Vk Coach or Chair Caa to any of these points "'Yiy'SiAiJ with convenient station Cafe M?al Service Jij"fjVyl En Route. fTLl BARSTOW RIVERSIDE l fsSirSr L0S ANGELES POMONA vUJlF PASADENA SAN BERNARDINO Proportionately low fares to other California points. Fer farther information consult TICKET AGENT "The Overland Route" - Get behind the wheel and get the TH cfrs f cars arc not samc lCi'1'3 1 a thrilling new order of performance awaits you in this brilliant Buick Drive the car . . . snuMn6 prove its superiority to '. !i"u!xj your own satisfaction, szitris in Spas Ck - tuts sA f kj S1RIES u V f Sport On- JuJ5ioi55 CCSj) l 4 Ttio prices f. e. b. Baick Fur- 7W'"- Ja I V r tprr. sicUl maipment itr. IS'"Sf I V J CeRfoUfni term) c b f -Sr iSI It: H A V' UMBXra o tbe fibers! G. M. ( KX A S A. C. Tim. H.rtnenc PI. a. jr M 41 Smp - MILFORD AUTO COMPANY JHLF08D, UTAH PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JELSEY'S BARBER SHOP Located in JOHANSEN'S POOL HALL "At Your Service" rR. L. F. KOHLER Dentist Examinations and Diagnoses Free gAM CLINE Attorney-at-Law Jefferson Block Milford, Utah U7M. F. KNOX Attorney-at-Law Will Practice in All the Courts of the State BEAVER. .... UTAH JHORTY'S BARBER SHOP First Class Barber Work Beauty Parlor in Connection MILFORD CLEANING & TAILORING Suits cleaned, pressed $1.50 Dresses, cleaned, pressed ?1 to ?1.50 Mrs. Charles Kelly E. F. B. DAUDE, E. M. Hotel Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah Research Explorations Branch office: Main Street Milford. Utah O. F. HUBBELL, DRUGS CLEANLINESS SERVICE COURTESY. FORWARD-LOOKING PEOPLeJIL WILL INVESTIGATE THIS CAR Brakes- another All-American feature that arouses owners' enthusiasm The brakes of the New Oakland All-American are internal-expanding internal-expanding . . . fully protected . . . unaffected by mud or rain or ice. They are always positive and smooth in action . . always exceptionally quiet . . . Yes . . . Oakland's brakes are far from ordinary. But the same is true of everything else in the New All-American Six. Come in . . . and we will show you how much more it offers for i ts price. Prica $1141 to $137$. f. o- b. Pontine, yiiclxigan, pluj delivery eharfs. Spring env&ra anA Ijoeejny Hydraulic Shock Absorbent included in liitl prices. Itn mpers antj rear fender guards vxlra. General Motors Time Payment Plan available at minimum rate. Cousiider tlio delivered price as well as the list price when comparing oulo-Bublie oulo-Bublie valued. Oakland - Pontiac delivered prices includa euly reaaeuAbto ciijrt;c4 for dultvcry and fiiuaucLug. NICHOLS & ZABRISKIE MILFORD MOTOR UA&Mw OAKLAND ALL-AMERICAN SIX PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS |