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Show SOCIETY April Fool Party Miss Esther Crawford entertained a number of friends with a jolly party at her home Monday evening, April first. Games were enjoyed with each guest wearing a fool's cap. Those present were the Misses Catherine Cath-erine Rrndfield, Maxine Kirk, Stella Ilollia, Vernicc Smith, Ethel ftrarn, Virrla Killam, Iiernice Outzen, Out-zen, Ranee Smith, Olive McCulley and Aniliey Raines. A delirious luncheon Has served. C. H. Club The C. H. club met at the home of Mrs. Mary Peterson Wednesday evening, ev-ening, March 27. Sewing was pleasantly pleas-antly engaged in, and a dainty luncheon lunch-eon was served to the following members: mem-bers: Mrs. Kate Easton, Mrs. Mng-Ki" Mng-Ki" Crawford, Mrs. Letlia Martin, Mrs. Eva Beard, Mrs. Maud Robinson, Mrs. Jennie Carter, Mrs. Frances llollis and Mrs. Elizabeth Clay. Mrs. Ilattie Root will entertain the club next meeting at her home April 10. Shopmen Give Dnnc The Milford Shopmen's association was sponsor for a dance held Wednesday Wed-nesday evening fit the high school gymn.-ir.ium. Tho nchool orchestra furnished the music for the affair. |