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Show ISP EClJ . -KA1 Til j Large Colored Baby Chid Deliveries can be Made $ All During June "j I ; ean ADAMS HATCHED I Telephone 13 ' America,, p, ; j " jiion. ill cc SHERIFF'S SALE IN THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF UTAH COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH. THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF BERKELEY, a corporation, Plaintiff Plain-tiff vs. FRED J. YOUNG and MAMIE P. YOUNG, also known as Mary P. Young, his wife; HOME HOLDING COMPANY, a corporation- WILLIAM PREECE and CORA CO-RA PREECE, his wife; COLUMBIA BOND AND MORTGAGE COMPANY, COM-PANY, a corporation; WILLARD L. SOWARDS and FANNIE SO-WARDS, SO-WARDS, his wife; STANDARD COAL COMPANY, a corporation; McCONAUGHY-LOSEE LUMBER COMPANY, a corporation; BYRON P. FISHER and CECIL M. FISHER, his wife; THIRD DOE, Defendants. -TO BE SOLD AT SHERIFF'S SALE at eleven o'clock a. m., on the 22nd day of June, 1936, at the Front Door of the Courthouse, in Provo, flCE CREAM - INVIGORATING! I ft fSh For Parties I anc Guests i 1 J XLfM C00K'S ICE CREAM is I jj f rJ i mac'e e most select pro- ri 1 K?"V - ducts the market affords. I GlX v vf Serve with fruit and nuts a A rtSSo3y'w!l Sundae. Serve it plain or with fresh fruit. You are sj sm'e t0 Set a vote of appre- ;i P ' " J ciation. Always many varieties 1 Counter Pack Quarts 50c g Counter Pack Pints '25c I s5 Malts, Double Rich '. oc A treat in store for you in this pack '' ? Sunday Special I QUAET BRICKS 29c COOK'S ICE CREAM "AVe Freeze to Please" I East Main Street - v American Fork Utah, the property situated in aforesaid County and particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point 26 chains East and 0.375 of a chain North of the Southwest corner of the Southeast South-east quarter of Section 3, in Township Town-ship 6 South of Range 2 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian; and running thence North 16.415 chains; thence East 14 chains to the East line of said Section 3; thence South, along said section line, 16.415 chains; thence West 14 chains to the point of beginning, the same being a part of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 3, and containing an area of 22.98 acres, more or less. Together with 3 shares of capital cap-ital stock of the North Union Irrigation Irri-gation Company, said shares being represented by Certificate No. 911; 6 shares of the capital stock of the North Union Irrigation Company, said shares being represented by Certificate No. 887; 6 shares of the capital stock of the Provo Reservoir Water Users Company, said shares being represented by Certificate No. 164. Together with all other rights of every kind and nature, however evidenced, to the use of water, ditches ditch-es and canals for the irrigation of said premises. Together with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, remain-ders, rents, issues and profits thereof. there-of. Dated May 23, 1936. . E. G. DURNELL, Sheriff, Utah County, Utah. First Publication, May 29, 1936. Last Publication, June 19, 1936. iiecn, ' . ' , -5 k' -5,0A I tasta 1 . J lidinghc ,SSSMl that's the jfc k I LAST TIME7 fa fcftf d) I'll ever km a) gamble j r, Ji ephi Ba FfrJ y-S cdeo "ca Goldesi Ply B!ov;4 . ( Prstectiosi is ifc O Thousands of motorists are killed or injured n' wloi year in blow-out accidents; but even if youan n enough to escape with j-our life, it may costyoa- Ed g. dreds of dollars in doctors' bills and repairs to yc ;: he iarge Isn't it foolish to take this risk when you msys ' "unity, your whole life "regretting it . . . especially since it does not cost HlMwV ; T one cent more to have Golden Ply 1 5on? ' blow-out protection? Only Good- WWr' The cit-rich cit-rich Silvertowns have this amaz- thTT''5!,5 i Propose ing Golden Ply invention. This JmGf111 Nwn-em special ply resists the heat gener- "-w f4 tmS ated inside tires at today's high tfi - 5e cit: speeds. Blisters don't form, and J lie. thus the great unseen cause of ind high-speed blow-outs is pre- tocw vented. Play safe! See us about f :ire hj'dra Goodrich Golden Ply Silvertowns !Uate f today. P " I ' Thomas UO hWRE BOILING OVER'&S CLEAN YOUR RADIATOHl rtt?aS QUICK, EASY WAY fe,1 Quick, safe wnv to elenn out cK J i JTi Jllst lius1' wiUl GxlriohRw Y;- i moves nil scnlc, somi. corrosion, I ; vents ovcrlicMiiifc promotes 11,0 ;, ,B '' -!w"' Save trouble md money this I r : ;1' slum imrchiisc. --4 Goodrich Radiator Cleans rrliti SttWivt to am nt' Will"'"' wls WITH GOLDEN PLY 51 ' BLOW-OUT PROTECTION CIIIPMAN MKltf American Fork. ! i . i.immii mm ,iWi mw M Hi .mmwtmm.t wiu'H mMi.M iH winiw-yw-M-M " " " J '...-, m-iVshj. i' , v i - v. - v 1 J CHECK THESE A ' HjJ3jij7 j SENSATIONAL f I VALUES 1 P Uf''SiVl "J"--""" "-...w .v- f , ... ......v-...-....i 1931 FORD TUDOR Motor 1934 PLYMOUTH COUPE completely reconditioned, new Reduced $75 to sell at once, upholstering, good paint, Motor has been carefully tun - good tires. 90 ed and checked: body. finish Reduced to O-wtJU and upholstery give proof cf : rvalue-- S490 193Q CHEVROLET COUPE If you want a coupe, grasp this opportunity of a lifetime. You'll be proud of its appear- 1931 CHEVROLET SEDAN ance and performance. And BiS car comfort at small car at this low price you c"an pay cost. Careful "OK" recondi- for many months' operating tioning assures long life and costs with the savings. Re- dependability. Beautful finish, duced for quick COOfC Special sale sQA sale to t5idJ price only wOri) -- 1 1928 PLYMOUTH SEDAN If you are looking for a real bargain in a small, attractive car see this Plymouth today. Its motor, transmission and axle have been carefully checked for dependability and durability. Special Kfi sale price DAt)U 1934 CHEVROLET MASTER COUPE If you want a coupe, grasp this opportunity of a lifetime. You'll be proud of its appearance and perform- ' . ance. And at this low price you can pay for many months' operating cost with the savings. sav-ings. Reduced for I?IQjr quick sals to .... wiVO 1929 NASH SEDAN Looks like new and in very good condition. con-dition. 6 ply tires, mostly new, original paint and upholstery, up-holstery, shows no wear. Has trunk and lots of fine equipment. equip-ment. A fine family car for little $07 PC ' money 3 1932 FORK TUDOR SEDAN Just traded in on a new Chevrolet Chev-rolet Six, and in excellent condition. con-dition. Body and upholstery like new. For sale "with an OK that counts" to the first lucky buyer at (JiQFCn , this low price tDOOU USED CARS 20 To Pick From Not Listed From $50 to S550 A CAR FOR EVERY PURSE AND PURPOSE 1933 Chevrolet Master Sedan 1931 Chevrolet Master Delux , Coach 1934 Chevrolet Coach 1930 Chevrolet Sedan 1933 Plymouth Delux Sedan 1930 Ford Tudor 1931 Ford Tudor 1S28 Chevrolet Sedan 1929 Ford Tudor '1929 Ford Tudor 1929 Ford Coupe 1932 Ford Tudor V-8 1930 ChevTolet Coupe 1930 Chevrolet Coupe 1928 Plymouth Sedan 1929 ChevTolet Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Coach 1926 Hupmobile Sedan 1923 Durrant Sedan , 1929 Ford Coupe 1929 Ford Tudor 1929 W. W. Sedan 1926 Chrysler 1927 Chevrolet Roadster 1926 Ford Tudor 1926 Chrysler 4-Door LOWEST If priced' if is di rtlONTHS OLD tmMk 100 lfmlB' PROOF flli r 3 KENTUCKY ! WHSSKEY ..Sfeag PINTS ? , "-" Code No 55 FIFTHS llfi Code No. 54 FOR BIG EV30NEY SAVING, ft CHANGE TO hfV'm": jilenmore's IVIINT v- 1 n n i ii n a -:mint f"': 1 JjPRINGS JiSpjB Kentucky Straight -ciailuB Vt"i Whiskey 5 CmmJ' 'I . And keep PlM he change RgM i PINTS Code No. 100 -LT PINTS-Code No. 99 FIFTHS Code No 98 jLENMORE DISTILLERIES CO., Jnc, Largest Diilillery in Kentucky I 1 I Martin Nielsen Auto Go. AMERICAN FORK, UTAH |