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Show BRISBANE THIS WEEK The Big "Black Legion" More and Better Babie. A Worried Empire U. S. Dollars Emigrate The "ritual" of the murderous secret society called the "Black Le-glon" Le-glon" contains ri"., some "K now : - -m i ?7 i Nothing" features. fea-tures. The candidate can-didate for admission ad-mission must be "willing to commit com-mit murder, to proceed against Catholics, Jews and Negroes" ; he must be "native "na-tive born, Protestant, Prot-estant, white and gentile." The "Black Arth" Bbo Legion," which probably will not last long, had ambitious am-bitious plans. Among other things It proposed to overthrow the federal fed-eral government, which is not an original idea. It was also going to set np a dictatorship, with nlght-ridlng nlght-ridlng regiments to enforce discipline. disci-pline. Dictatorship is not a new idea, either. Strange things are done or planned In the name of "liberty" now, as they were when Madam Eoland mounted the guillotine platform. Russia wants bigger families, like Mussolini and others with "plans." Stalin wants plenty of new little citizens. A thousand million mbles will be set aside by Moscow tp "subsidize "subsi-dize large families and aid mothers." moth-ers." Birth control ladles and gentlemen gen-tlemen will hear, surprised, that aid to large families will begin after the seventh child. Seven are taken as a matter of course; that Is Just the beginning of a Russian family. Chancellor Hitler of Germany joins in the "more and better babies" ba-bies" cry. The German ideal Is no longer the beautiful golden-haired Margaret, spinning her wheel and saying "No." The Nazis demand women who, "above everything else, can become the mothers of several children" chil-dren" and are willing to do so, according to a representative of Chancellor Hitler. William Philip SImms, English, Is afraid the British empire may not survive, on account of "air fleet peril." Britain is disturbed by the thought that her whole Imperial line of communication, stretching 4,000 miles from the Straiu of Gibraltar to the Gulf of Aden, Is under Mussolini's bombing planes. Except that her empire is the biggest, big-gest, England should not worry more than other countries. With surface ships losing all importance, except in the opinions of some Americans, anybody's bombers can break np any line of communications communica-tions temporarily. "Americans Investing huge sums In the Bahamas, to es.-ape income tax," says the New York Times, big type, front page. Americans have been "Investing huge sums" elsewhere, outside the United States. Billions of American Ameri-can money have gone to Canada, England and other "foreign parts " More will go. In all the Bahamas, 4,403 square miles of beautiful territory, there Is no income tax. Think of that fur a happy country. Needless to say. If enough Amer- ' lean money pours In to make it worth while the intelligent British wlU And a way to tax it Many Frenchmen are disturbed and puzzled by the situation In Europe, Eu-rope, and General Mordacq, close associate of Clemenccau in the war discusses the question. "What would' Clemenceau do If be cou.d come France feels the need of "a man with a fist." un homme a polgne and Clemenceau was that uL " ' Concerning that fine old flghter rom the Vendoe. it I. 8afo that If he came back he would hnt-tcn hnt-tcn preparation, for mother war. But he would not have waited until Marsha! Badovho cleaned up to Koine, primps ag ,mrt of , , tl ' tPC" 'K'isll. supposed to have It. root. t helL lu to, most branche. i hnre t0P" A new comet now appronchlnff u fl.cov.rea by Bnd m ftff' wo ri.,,'.n,"tW,r 'strr. who Oennany cut,ll(( h11(, ' 0 ,,Tft poison tlist doe could not detert eK,B' wN;,;r.-r,"''. |