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Show UJi. rLi..io--' 1 - 1 Fire Insurance I Real Estate I NOTARY PUBLIC I ABSTRACTS BONDS I JOHNSON-AYDELOTTE I Telephones 97-M-224-W j I Office Over Bank of Am. ForK j FRIDAY, .HJNK o, VXiC I TURKEY FEEDS and TONICS j BLACKHEAD TREATMENT , I COCCIDIOSIS TREATMENT And Other Disease Preventatives gj Uniform Quality Feeds For Turkeys and Chickens Buy your Sun- a I day Eats at your home owned store 0. P. Skaggs S Am. Fork, I Oxydol 19c I Star Flour T $1.20 I 4 lbs. Lard 59c I Good Broom 37c Kingsford's Corn Starch, 3 for 25c 1 lb. jar Peanut Butter 14c 1 pkg. Grape-Nut Flakes andl Post Bran 25c (1 Mickey Mouse Bowl Free) Peet's Gran. Soap 29c 1(2 Giant Cr. Wh. Soap Free) 8 oz. Lemon or Vanilla 19c 4 oz. Lemon or Vanilla 12c 9 9 lb. bag Rolled Oats 35c QlRSKAGGS FOOD agffljSTORES i Summer .paving j f- lace rr A . 0ne look at them and you 1 'Yl t0 bu seyeral to see youftj.. V (;lltire summer of sraartness'"': V tiful Pastel Colors an4 t ajjoj $ Whites Sizes 14 to 44. d J - . Cleanup on One Lot House IWs? Past Colors Your fw ction - jnt of . ' ter ril I if 49c S "i",""""4W ,mi-r Men, Women and e0f S H Such Smartness fjv Children's All "Wool H. purpc :j' mm Bathing Suits I) SANDALS m ' i sLs$yy y I ;atior ; PRICED WVHTfl PRICED ual' ' 1 $2.45 S2.98 M1 S1.25 S1.95 rt i ' - nM) ' K u ; ) Novel Line of R f Glen's "Wool 1 T ioya Children's White ! TRUNKS fli 1 I SANDALS :U(( 89c up , i at ) j, s I V If Men's and Boys' p v; I ie p I u . cn h Wash Pants JjS j others at S1.69 yg$y ;- 98c up 1 EXTRA LARGE 52 Inch Square G:. i Turkish Towels 'MkOiT. ' SPECIAL ' j Plain White or Solid Colors ' Or" " .Q dl '.j Truly a Remarkable Towel for 4JJC J j Chipman Mere. Or ,gi.V.wllu ii.iji j. ipiiyiiiiii i i m. V i nniiii .IWUH..JWMU mil I mmc-mm 11 ' t t an i-.ij.Tii.il in inMi'y-iiniiid r i . r - -m A telephone pays for itself in trips WEEKLY PROGRAM The Amusement Center for the Towns of Northern Utah County FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JUNE 5 AND 6 2 FEATURES 2 ANN HARDING in "The Witness Chair" As Great a Heartthrob as "The Trial of Mary Dugan" NUMBER 2 BUCK JONES in . "SILVER SPURS" Mystery, Romance and Thrilling Action in Buck Jones' Most Exciting and Entertaining Adventure Picture ! ADMISSION 10 and 20 SUNDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 8 AND 9 PIT III 1 HE SOLD HIMSELF OUT 4 'In 1 T0 H,s W0RST ENEMY j IJ : I j i I To Buy a Woman's Life From - XlL 1U I Man's Deadliest Public Enemies! 1 The story of the famous hero fT J ? TXT 1 lumanity fouflht ieer"' r'tl 1 1 EVl 1 jng world. thatwemight livel fill? OTAPi ttmiiiMmmmmmmmsm I WithTJOSEPHINE HUTCHINSON tSk 1 Ml aN1TA LOIJISE ' MANY OTHERS A. picture as great as the man it immortalizes! ALSO REEL VAUDEVILLE ACTS & 2 COLORED SHORTS Matinee Sunday 4 p. m. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, JUNE 10 AND 11 BARGAIN NIGHTS "BARBARY COAST" "With MIRIAM HOPKINS, EDWARD G. ROBINSON AND JOEL McCREA A vivid dramatic masterpiece painted upon a canvas as vast as life itself! Also "Custer's Last Stand" AND GOOD SHORT . ADMISSION ONLY 10ft AND 15$ ANNOUNCEMENT f SUMMER SCHOi New classes at the U 1). S. BUS1XKSS H fli'e beginning on June f5. 13 !1,u "" I Check subjects you aiv interested in J 11,;iL notice for full informal ion : Shorthand Office Training Stonotypy Machine rU-ult' Typewriting ' lousiness Cerro"" Bookkeeping Arithmetic I Spend a pleasant and profita-blo sui""1,1 L. D. S. Business C0 70, North Main Salt Ie 1 ll Wasatch 1S1-J Name; Address; In Buying from Boley's You Always Get the Best Money Can Buy Jello 5C 2 -lbs. Peanut. Butter 24c 3 cans Lye 25c 1 lb. Walnuts, shelled 29c 1 large pkg. Par 32G 2 lb. can Mothers Cocoa .... 13c 1 pkg. Shredded Wheat" 10c Large can Broken Sliiced Pineapple 15C 3 cans Booths Sardines". 25c Boley's Inc. YOUR HOME STORE-TELEPHONE STORE-TELEPHONE 4 WE DELIVER 1. SPECIAL 1 Saturday Only I CAKE or RAISED I Donuts 15c doz. I To introduce our unwrap- Ped and unsliced Golden I Crust, 'Pull Milk Loaf of Bread 12 OZ. LOAF 9c I OPEN SUNDAYS 1 Quality Bakery -American Fork |