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Show KILLS INSECTS ON FLOWERS FRUITS 1 VEGETABLES & SHRUBS Demand original tealcd B bottles, from your dealer Grateful, unsolicited letters by the thousands tell of wonderful wonder-ful relief by regular use of Cuticura Ointment and Soap. Soothes burning and Uchint? of eczema and helps heal pimples, rashes, ringworm ring-worm and other skin conditions due to external causes. Get Cuticura at your druggist's. Ointracnt25c. Soan25c fPBSTBfFEra A OINTMENT Ua 1 BSLIsfrBfca ams soap I Be Sure They Properly I Cleanse the Blood OUR kidneys are constantly fllfer-i fllfer-i I ing waste matter from the blood I stream. But kidneys sometimes lag in their work do not act as nature intended in-tended fail to remove impurities that poison the system when retained. I Then you may surfer nagging backache, back-ache, dizziness, scanty or too frequent I urination, getting up at night, puflinesj under the ycs; feel nervous, miserable misera-ble all upset. Don't delay? Use Doan'i Pilk Doan's are especially for poorly functioning func-tioning kidneys. They are recommended recom-mended by grateful users the country iover. Get them from any druggist. wnuw 2:;5Io i Deborah Enters a Great Adventure I t X -"" HONEYMOON fllOUElTAIf! by Frances Shelley Wees OUR NEWEST SERIAL Far up in the mountains of the Pacific Coast, in the old-worfd atmosphere of a secluded estafe, the lovely, unsophisticated unsophisti-cated Deborah hed been reared. Instead of marrying the fartune-hunting suitor named by her family, she offered another man S50,CC0 to cct cs subs'ufe for one year to sa'isfy the siipjlaticn of a will. Ejt he fell in love w;'h herl STAP.T READING THIS FINE STORY NOW Uo Ueed to Suffer "Morning sickness" is caused by on acid condition. To avoid it, acid must bo offset by alkalis such as magnesia. Why Physicians Recommend Milnerar fVafc Aiese mint-flavor, ndy-like wafers ar pure milk of mngnesia in solid form tho most pl:asant way to take it. Eaei wafer is approximately equal to a full adult dose of liquid milk of magnesia. Chewed thoroughly, then swallowed, they correct acidity in the moulh and throughout tiio digestive system and insure quirk, complete com-plete elimination of the wnle rnaltcrs that cause gas, headaches, bloaled feelings and a dozen other di scorn forts. Milnesia Wafers rorne in bodies of 20 and 4-8, at 3jC and 60c respectively, and in convenient tins for your handbag containing contain-ing 12 at 20c Each wafer in approximately one adult dose of milk of magnesia. All good drug stores sell and recommend thcrru Start using these delicious, effective anti-acid, gently laxative wafers today Professional samples sent free to registered physicians or dentists if request is made on professional letterhead. Select Products, Inc. 4402 23rd St., Long Island City, N. Y. r r l 35e & 60c :. ; bot:!e ) I j r' 2Cr fins The Cririnr.l Milk of li'.ir.'tcsin VJaiorm |