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Show Ten Years Ago Now (Taken from files of June 5, 1926) The June issue of the Union Pacific Paci-fic magazine carried a very vivid story of our great mountain peak, Timpanogos, and our wonderful cave, Timpanogos. The story was compiled by Reed W. Warnick, to whom much credit is due. Interspersing Inter-spersing the story are fine scenes of the canyon,' cave, mountain and valley val-ley and the double spread of the magazine is covered with a group of the best pictures that can be secured secur-ed of our wonderous mountainous section. Ten Years Ago Now This year marks the 150Ui anniversary anni-versary of the signing of the Declaration Decla-ration of Independence and Independence Inde-pendence Day by this reason will be celebrated in royal fashion in many communities throughout the United States. A ma38 meeting has been called for next Monday night to determine the tyjie of celebration the people of this city desire to put over. Ten Years Ago Now William Wright, 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright of this city, was saved from bleeding to death Thursday noon while bathing in the lake near the Geneva resort, when he stepped on a broken bottle. Hs older brother, Sherman, Jolui Webb, Forbes Foster and Harold Chadwick applied First Aid as learned learn-ed in the Scout work and had stopped stop-ped the bleeding before help wus received re-ceived from Pleasant Grove. Ten Years Ago Now A quotation from Provo on their recent victory over the Iavemen of American Fork is as follows: The largest crowd of baseball fans to throng the Timp Park for a central Utah league game this year yelled themselves hoarse and huKt'cd themselves and each other, over-joyed at the realization of having defeated de-feated the American Fork Cavemen with Addie Miller in the box. Ten Years Ago Now-Several Now-Several students from American Fork are numbered among the graduates grad-uates of the Brigham Young University Univer-sity this week. They are as follows: Ralph S. Chipman, Delbert A. Greenwood, John Hildebrand Wing, Ruth Chipman. Vee Aydelotte Rob-i Rob-i erts, Emily Brown, Clara M. Greenwood, Green-wood, Edna Miller, Marie Spratley I and Wilma Stice. |