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Show Tap Dancing Lessons Miss Lue Groesbeck will open classes Monday, June 8, at the Legion Hall at 10 a. m. Classes for all ages. ' 6-5-ltp. HOME FOR SALE--On First West, between First and Second North streets, across road from Grammar school building. Inquire Lehi Sun office or write to Mert Prestwich, Idaho Falls, Idaho. 6-4-tf. For Sale International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, cost $60.00 will sell for $12.00. Adolph Nielson, American Fork. 5-1-tf. For First Class Sewing and Remodeling Re-modeling see Mrs. Ivor Peterson. Tel. 301-W, Lehi. 5-21-2t. Mrs. Mable Miller returned to her home Thursday after spending the previous week in Salt Lake City at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Leavitt. For Sale 20 acres farm land, now under cultivation, with 20 1-5 shares North Bench Irrigation Co. water. $1200. Small down payment will handle. For further information write J. H. Bilton, 442 Church St., Salt Lake City, Utah. 6-4-46. STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE Alex Christofferson; 'phone 301-M, Lehi. FREE DELIVERY'. 5-29-2t. LOST Black and white Heifer, branded U.R. on right hip. J. E. Richards, Lehi. 5-28-ltp. COW FOR SALE Just fresh with second calf. LeRoy Davis, Lehi. 5-21-tf. FOR SALE Office Desk, medium size, good condition, con-dition, roll-top Reasonable. Leo Hanson, 'phone 186, Lehi 5-21-tf. EE 11 llUYlf Obtain relief HVJ Hurting corns, callouses, bunions, "Athlete's Foot," painful feet, tired, aching feet, weak or fallen arches ... all of these common foot ailments can be relieved quickly and inexpensively. Dr. Scholl's representative from Chicago J will be in our store on Tuesday, June 9 All Day Come in. Learn how relief can be obtained t . and get Pedo-graph imprints of your stockinged stock-inged feet. STEELE'S SHOE STORE East Main Street American Fork G Jl WANT ADS Wanted Five students to ride from A. F. to Provo for Summer quarter of school at the B. Y. U. New 1936 Chevrolet, O. L. Snow, 158 So. 2nd East, Am. Fork. 5-29-2tp. For Sale Cabinet Atwater Kent Radio. Good condition. For Cash, $17.50. Telephone 46-J, Am. Fork. 5- 29-tf. "?OE SALE' Building Lot Am. Fork. Close in. Water Rights. Reasonable. Easy Terms. ""Write S. Moyle, Laramie, Wyoming. 5-15-4tp. , For Sale Blue Enamel Universal Range, L type, water jacket, $35. Almost new. 547 Hollywood Ave., Salt Lake City. Tel. Hy. 13 14-J. 6- 5-2t. USED CARS 20 TO PICK FROM NOT LISTED From $50 to $550 A CAR FOREVERY PURSE AND PURPOSE 1933 Chevrolet Master Sedan 1931 Chevrolet Master Delux Coach 1934 Chevrolet Coach 1930 Chevrolet Sedan 1933 Plymouth Delux Sedan 1930 Ford Tudor 1931 Ford Tudor 1928 Chevrolet Sedan 1929 Ford Tudor 1929 Ford Tudor 1929 Ford Coupe 1932 Ford Tudor V-8 1930 Chevrolet Coupe 1930 Chevrolet Coupe 1928 Plymouth Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Coach 1926 Hupmobile Sedan , ' 1928 Durrant Sedan 1929 Ford Coupe 1929 Ford Asay Tudor 1929 W. W. Sedan 1926 Chrysler 1927 Chevrolet Roadster 1926 Ford Tudor 1926 Chrysler 4-Door TRUCKS 1934 Chevrolet Pickup 1929 Ford Pickup 1 1930 Ford Duel 1 Ton Box 1928 Chevrolet Ton 1928 Chevrolet 1 Ton 1930 Chevrolet 1 Ton Platform 1929 Dun-ant Ton Canopy Top 1931 Chevrolet Pickup Martin Nielsen Auto Co. AMERICAN FORK, UTAH f yagp- Lowe Brothers High Standard 0kMB jpr tf? ijPfliA House Paint costs little more T'eSO&afc1 I Pergallonthan "cheap"paint. t , lM"3r i, n But when you paint with it kS? you are sure that the added I , 'ajj-MisSsf !J - durability of the finish war-, pllll SMMI' '"&9i0 rants the small extra expenscj togf J There's lots of "cheap" paint sold but seldom twice nc to the same man. One such purchase teaches an expen-- expen-- sive lesson. Using Lowe Brothers High Standard Paint is true economy. It not! only wears for many years, but being easily appUed, it cuts down the painters time and cost; covering more surface, it means fewer gallons to the job. Come in and talk paint with us before you paint your house. We can place all the facte before you and , ''VyrC' - then, you can decide. We can aUo help '0tOvU you in regard to color schemes. CHIPMAN MERC. CO. 1 1h0DMmm, m ll,ES j WORLD FAMOUS dSvM DRIVERS MMfimfMi mm tire is mmfwJMM: GUM-DIPPED TIDES mil INDIANAPOLIS 500 f.llLE HADE Louis Meyer won the Indianapolis HIGH SPEED TYPE 500-mile race, at an average speed of sizi-' price -109.069 miles an hour, breaking all track I 4 $ g.0 I Li. records, without tire trouble of any kind. 5.50-17 11.90 XT . r. 6.00-16 13.15 "T Jo tires except rirestone Gum- 6.00-17 hd 15.90 ;: Dipped Tires could have resisted the 7 00-17 hd 21.30 , terrific heat generated at such high 7 50-17 hd 31.75 " ft sustained speeds on the hot brick track, lapafterlap.hourafterhour.Youcanhave for trucks 1 no greater proof of blowout protection. 6.00-20 $16.65 30x5 t.t 18.75 1 Not one of the thirty-three drivers 32x6 hd. .. 40.355 would risk his life on any other tire, for 0lhe SiZM PrOMrtionltol Uw each driver knows that heat is the chief I cause of tire failure and blowouts. Firestone cords are soaked in liquid rubber, which saturates and coats every cotton fiber, preventing friction and heat and adding great strength. This is the Firestone patented process of Gum- Dipping, that gives you greatest blowout protection and safety. Profit by the experience of race drivers. Equip your car , today with Firestone Gum -Dipped Tires it costs so little to protect lives worth so much. the ikw JffllSSbZnfri STANDARD Mil J a first quality tire built of all first All iMmW& SIZE E2iL grade materials, embodying the W M I 4.50-21 ffl.-Ji many exclusive Firestone patented i f WII$f3 i 4.75-19. 8.10 construction features. Its Vv?- f$SWW L 5.25-18 9.75 exceptional quality and service kB 1 1 rVKf-l 6.00-17H.P. 14.30 at these low prices are made Pf FOR TRUCKS . posstble by large volume M $$&W&$cM . production in the world's most M--SMl 6.00-20...-. 16.95 , efficient tire factories. Made in jk iA'p I 30xj X1.3 all sizes for passenger cars, trucks J'Sl J oitwt Sizes Piopoiiionaieij lo 1 and buses. Let us show you this JaLte- new Firestone tire today. w. -ir" I 1 ?, BiTIER,ESSfS dffll Ji&tf Kspark plugs Ikgy mS PVECEACH SENTINEL TYPE COURIER TYPE TS 5 PRICE SIZE PRICE : 4.50-21 $6.05 4.40-21 S5-OS BRAKE LINING) 4.75-19 6.40 4 50 21 s 60 A)a Pi A I 5.00-19 6-85 B,,?5" "j 5-25-18 7.60 4.75-19 5-9X Xjjji3 Omer Sues Piopor(iomiiel Lo 30X3. JCI. 4-55 Lien to the Voice of Firestone, Monday evenings, over N. B. C WtVF Sctwork TEXACO CERTIFIED SERVICE AMERICAN FORK "Weil, it didn't seem like 400 miles!" fit's true! That V- 8 Feeling ' Xv makes the miles go Easier! X 17 " MijjM' "7"0 know as soon as you take the wliccl of a C j" ?2rrr''''r Fr' lat Yu've hit on something different. 'J fSsf You're driving a car wilh a V-8 engine, and a chassis I ( ' J like no other in the world. You get an edge on city ;: . ' traffic. You cover the open road more easily. You yfi. ":-jHr-'isK? hold the road on turns and had going without Vf V-ZLJS having to poke along. You actually cut your run- f fC. if ning time without boosting your top speed! f $$irJ Yet driving a Ford V-8 is delightfully easy. And J 4-Vsa - you save rnoney, every mile. Owners rejrt gas y f.,(. JjcJ mileage on a par with less powerful cars; and no oil needed between changes. Terms as low as $23 a month after usual low down -payment, under new UCG 32 a month payment plans. Prices 510 and up, FOB Detroit. Ilorrow a car from your FOEKI) Dealer today got that yt for yourself! IIARVEY-PAGE MOTOR CO., PL. GROVE, UTAH 1 Car & Furniture j PAINTING We are now equipped to 8 S paint automobiles and all V, Vr kinds of furniture. $ Get Our Free Estimates. IChas. J. Gaisfordj Tel. 176-W American Fork j MODERN. WOMEN Ntd Not Suffer monthly paia and delay due to corns, nervous strain, exposure or similar causes. Chi-hes-tera Diamond Brand PiHsftre enecU va, reliableaodfriveQuickRclirf. S.id by 11 drueeists forover4."yf-ars. Ask For i; J TMt DIAMON D BRAND" |