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Show MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hallsey announce the marriage of their daughter, Alice, to Mr. Morris Nielson, Niel-son, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Nielson Niel-son of Riverton. The marriage took place Wednesday morning, June 3, In the Salt Lake temple, President S. L. Chipman officiating. Miss Hallsey is a graduate of the local high school and has a host of friends who wish her -every happiness. happi-ness. Miss Hallsey and Mr. Nielson Niel-son are both popular members of the younger set of their (respective communities. Mrs. Stanley Peters and Mrs. Floyd Hallsey entertained at an attractively arranged party Thursday Thurs-day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Hallsey, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Nielson. n |