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Show about: HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. Thev say this will be the liveliest fight for years and years, with glee clubs gargling and the boys out with brass bands and 'brass-knucks ; and batteries of college professors firing on opposition professors. But they'll never reclaim the glorious glo-rious ancient spirit We're too tame. Take uo. io, there was a campaign cam-paign for you. When Bryan was a discovery instead of a chronic recurrence. recur-rence. Two life - long friends would meet "What d'ye think of this here free silver thing?" one wouiu asu. A UUim Irvin S. Cobb It's the greatest notion no-tion In history," the second fellow would say. "What do you think?" "I think you're a dirty such-and-such!" The first man would yell, and then everybody would start bouncing those old-fashioned old-fashioned cuspidors off of everybody else's dome. J. Edgar Boulder. OWING to recent developments over which it had no control, I believe the Interior department temporarily has shelved the Idea of changing J. Edgar Hoover's name to J. Edgar Boulder, as was previously pre-viously predicted in these dispatches. dis-patches. But now certain critics at Washington insist on accusing that gentleman of over-advertising in connection with his latest activities. activ-ities. Well, he has the advantage over some press agents. When he promises a show he certainly, puts it on upon the day and date announced, an-nounced, with the band playing "The Alcatraz Drag" and every cage full. Fanny Foreign Names. WORD from Warsaw is that the incumbent, the Hon. Mar- jan zynaram KoscialcowskI, having resigned, the president of Poland has picked as the new premier none other than Gen. Felicyan Slawogskladkowski. The latter gentleman gen-tleman has already been installed up to and Including his first five or six syllables, the rest of the name running as a second section. So what you mistook for static on the radio night before last was just the- news broadcaster trying to pronounce him as a whole. Ever Rising Taxes. A NYBODY who fondly believes r- that, regardless of which outfit out-fit wins in November, taxes won't keep right on going up and up has a thinking apparatus that dates back quite a spell. I'd say it dates back to the climax cli-max of the big rise, as set forth in the Bible, and is a direct inheritance in-heritance from the skeptical folks who wouldn't harken to the prophetic pro-phetic warning. Remember the scene, don't you? The forty days' rain still beating relentlessly down, the freshet climbing climb-ing higher and higher, the animals marching in two by two. And with the old ark starting to move and Father Noah yelling: "Ail aboard." and with the waters closing over their heads, those know-it-alls still gurgling through their valedictory bubbles, "Shuck-in's, "Shuck-in's, there ain't goin' to be no flood." Honoring Lee and Jackson. VyHEN the Post Office de'part- y y ment includes among the gallery gal-lery of the greatest Americans" to be pictured in the new issue of memorial stamps, the faces of the Confederate chieftains, Lee and Jackson, what happens? Why, nobody waves the bloody shirt. Nobody ennobles the sorry word "traitor" by applying it to the memories of those two gallant gal-lant soldiers and simple Christian gentlemen. Nobody in the name of patriotism drags the mouldering bones of sectional rancor out of the ground. Nobody - beats the Rogue's . March for Rebels" on hate's snare drum. Instead, all over the Union, men and women applaud this generous but mented gesture. A leading na. Per of Boston-Boston, no less once the mulching bed of abolition and the breeding ground for antl southern sentiment - editorially commends the idea. IRVIN S. COBB Copyright. WNU Service. |