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Show I TO OBTAIN THE ! I Highest Degree OF EFFICIENCY Special attention must be paid to the diet, and regularity must be promoted in the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. You can help Nature wonderfully by trying HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters U - - oo RUB RHEUMATISM PI FROM SORE. IC1G JOINTS Rub pain away with small trial bottle of old, penetrating "St. Jacob's Oil" What's Rheumatism" Pain only. Stop drugging' Not one case in flftj requires internal treatment. Hub soothing, penetrating "St Jacobs OH" directly upon the ' tender spot ' and relief comes instantly. "St. Jacobs Oil'" Is a harmless rheumatism and sciatica liniment, which never dlsa-points dlsa-points and can not bum the skin Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle from your druggist, drug-gist, and In just a moment you'll he free from rheumatic and sciatic pain, soreness. Btiffness and swelling. Don't suffer! Relief awaits you Old honest "St. Jacobs Oil" has cured millions of rheumatism sufferers in "the last half century, and is just as good for j sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, back ache, sprains and swellings Adver ti8ement. oo EIGHTY SEVEN YEARS OLD Backache, sore muscles, stiff joints, dark puffs under eyes and bladder disorders dis-orders are symptoms of diseased kidneys kid-neys 11 II Adams, Springfield. Mo, writes: "I had a very severe attack of kidney trouble. 1 am getting old, eighty-seven. I tried different treatments treat-ments but none did me so much good as Foley Kidney Tills. I consider it the best " Foley Kidney Pills are tonic In action, and quick to give Rood results A. R. Mclntyre Drug Co. Advertisement. puremdk alwayt at hndlM fljH l convenient and eco- 1.97 Years Serene . 7 m i continuous management J 1 HARD WORK I alone will not bring Success. No matter how hard you may work, you will not win out, unless you make the work count, not alone in money EARNED, but in money SAVED. A Savings Account is a secure foundation founda-tion for financial success, and we invite you to open an Account with this bank with One Dollar or more. OGDEN STATE BANK CAPITALS SURPLUS 296,OOO.OOr I 40 Interest compounded o Quarterly on Savings, ! .j. 7 Improve Your Complexion Get your blood pure, keep the liver Active and the bowels regular, and disfiguring pimples and unsightly , blotches will disappear from the face. For improving the complexion and putting the blood in good order BEEGHAM'S PILLS are safer, better and surer than cosmetics. They eliminate poisonous matters from the system, strengthen strength-en the organs and purify the blood bring the health-glow health-glow to the cheeks, brighten the eyes, improve and Beautify the Skin Directions of Special Value to Women are with Every Box. Sold by druggiu throughout the world. In boxea, 10c, 25c t lyfPXOFFEE Plea tho moH drscrlml. " WIUI It, quality It, flavor. Roaated by tho Murphy Grocery & Drug Co. Buy the Cement that I is Best by Test I Trade Mark Made by tha Ogden Portland i Cement Co. Ogden, Utah. im m m i ii rsoioBmuMisisnafifiS |