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Show oo- , HAROLD LOCKWOOD AND MAY ALLISON IN "BIG TREMAINE" The lives of Harold Lockwood and May Ai'ison, co-stars in the great Metro Me-tro production of Marie Van Vorst's novel, "Big Tremalne," are hko dreams come true. Being great ar-ti ar-ti ts, Mr. Lockwood and Miss Allison had dreamed since childhood of great careers Be wanted to be a New Millionaire; her ambition was to become be-come a great opera singer. Those were their first dreams. Then came second ons. dreams aroused by the' success Of motion pictures. Lock-wood, Lock-wood, a Clerk in a wholesale dry goods Store, dreamed of becoming a great motion picture .ictor. Miss Allison who had composed an opera, won success suc-cess as a lyric soprano and then had gone on the stage, dreamed of winning win-ning laurels as a screen actress. Ai that time neither knew the other But Fate, spinning industrioualy drew them together in her web and thus gave to the world two of the mot popular stars in motion pictures Mr Lockwood was born in Newark His father, a breeder and trainer of horses, wanted his son to follow him in the same business. But Harold was determined de-termined to become a man of wealth in New York For more than a vear he worked in a wholesale drv goods house there and his dreams or wealth gave way to visions of success on the motion picture stage. He was suc cessful from the beginning, and was long one of the most popular stars on the Mutual program, appearing under un-der the Flying "A" brand. A.s a Metro Me-tro star he has been seen in many big productions. Miss Allison's birthplace was a plantation plan-tation in Georgia. Educated at a pri jate school in Cleveland. Tenn., and a fishing school in Philadelphia she won success as a musician and an act ress. among her stage parts being that of 'Beauty" in "Every woman," and then appeared in a screen production of "David Harum," in which William H. Crane starred. As a star in "The House of a Thousand Scandals" she first me Mr Lockwood. Sine, joining the Metro forces Miss Allison has been starred with Mr Lockwood in Jhne,fh!r of Romance," "The Masked Mask-ed Rider. "The Come-Back," "Mister 44 and Big rremalne," which last picture comes to Utah Wednesday and remainder of week |