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Show sip ol Interest to Theatre Goers 1 COMING TO THE ALHAMBRA 4 DAYS 1 COMMENCING SUNDAY, JAN. 14TH. PRICES REDUCED TO HALF THE USUAL ADMISSION FOR THIS WONDER PICTURE 1 i fr Errors of War flamy Are """"'H UitlM liflUJcnfl WAIi VIVIDLHISUALIZED Battle Scene on Land nod Sea In the Cinema Spectacle, "CWillzntlon," Show Modern Dealh-Dealing Machinery. , From a speetnr-olar viewpoint "Clvlll7.a-I "Clvlll7.a-I tlon" Is a wonder play, Startllnp clrcnm-s clrcnm-s stances follow In rapid succession, each eclipsing tbe preceding' ones tn magnificence magnif-icence and awe Inspiring aspect, until the I 1 brain ts In a' whirl from all the set-ralnirly impossible. uid surprising events unfolded to view Miracles appear to be performed before the very eyes of tbe spectators. The camera ha been taxed to its utmost j and lias responded to tbe mnglc touch of its operator without waverlnjr or In the j least disclosing how the mysterious and I I tremendous effects, so thrilling and lusplr-iuic. lusplr-iuic. were sceomplishefl. Aspects of KeaJ Warfare. Dnttle scene od land and sen bare vivid IstiallxutioD. depleting the grim realities of war clothed -with all tbe brutality and suffering attending: modern warfare. Thousands f men burl I he ni selves against WTHE KINGS 4if fiT ARMY IS. BEATE.NV Lher in terrific slaughter. disregard-' Ing their personal comfort for the phyl-r-.il dingers they fare. They move with .the xplrlt of well trained soldiery, advancing- retrealng and righting ss If tbey participated par-ticipated in pcnolne warfare. The action comes so rapidly and furiously that one can not Intelligently follow the progress of the contesting armies to distinguish the winning from the losing sides. And to sdd to its realistic aspect the Ulm has been artistically and delicately colored, rendering ns true and exquisite a picture of a natlleOeld as has emanated from a him ktudlo. If tho land engagements do not excel In originality, the sea offers unquestionable unquestion-able surprises, splendidly and skillfully executed. One beholds a naval encounter between opposing fleets with shells exploding explod-ing In every direction, damnglnjr the s.-u lighter iind ultimately sinking them. Tbe lamentable Lusltania disaster 1s recalled by the Mibraarlne warfare pictured, which SWEPT BY A HURRICANE 7 I OF STEEL' I result In tlw linking of tin ocean liner by a well directed torpedo. Panic stricken men. women and children run to and fro on the deck of the steamer, and. after try-Ins: try-Ins: unsncremfolljp to get into lifeboats leap or fall Into the wafer. Master Hand la Seen. Wonders and horrors ncr cease In this irrltleal war document Pacifists will ilnd surLi leut argument to uphold their cause In Mr ln s spectacle He has Dandled the subject brutally und cruelly. contrast-Ink' contrast-Ink' the suffering of the combatants on the Held of strife with their peaceable home life In flu- rural districts. Just as hnr-rnwlng hnr-rnwlng ai are the details of war. so pic. tureSQUr Is the rustic atmosphere of the s'niple country people M ho suffer by It. (Here the familiar master hand of Mr. Ince Ik considerably in evidence. His photo-grnphlc photo-grnphlc errei t.s border on the marvelous and his dulnty touches bear a human appeal ap-peal seldom encountered In cinema pro- j diKtions A VOICE FROM THE TRENCHES The following letter from "n plain I'.r I soldier." is one of tunny that Inn reached Tunma's II Ince unsolicited lei ters of tbanko and praise fr..m men. wo , men anil children ho. having seen the Ills Inema spetta-le 'Tlvlllxntion.'' were In " polle.l to cniiiniiinlcnte their opinions of this mnsterwork directly to Its creator "lenr Mr Ince- ,ll"or one who has been through the Qelienna of Nations in Prases, and for the millions who roio.iln. a I went, to lav down my life for the defense of my toun try and my loved ones. I thauk you. sir with a simple soldier's prayer that your wonderful picture. Clvlll.utlon.' wlIYIi I saw here tonight) may waken your own great rn e to the Demoniac madness ,,r modern vr w hat you in your might1 s reen sermon have depleted Ivld. re morseleM and truly horrible u It Is 1. but the least part of the Saturiulla of war, Phtiire the stench of your comrades rotting In death by your side ns you are bespattered by tbe hot blood of those freshly but. hered In all the blistering heat and volcanic thunder of shrieking shells and belching guns! Then. In the black and deadHer silence of night, while you lie balf-biirle1 lu muddy, bloody slime hour after hour waiting for hell a Ore to hurst out from earth and sfcy again, to feel the wajrirots that are devouring lu their millions the men you have lived and fought by. crawling over your own living carcass, ns your brain reels In delirium at the sights and sounds you hear and see. and at those struggling souls you feel above and about you. still limiting a ghostly ghost-ly battle in the air, as If not realizing lx nil ' "Then the thoughts of home, of the anguish of loved ones, their lack of your support helpless women, hungry babies Oh! God! You can't think of it! No! Not oven you, whose vision sevms "D FIGHTING IN THE. to have been made prophetic, elear and pure with tbe power of a great. God pur pose I un write no more. I can think of no more that I dare write. But. sir you have In Civilization' done a grent work for Ood und for the Sons of thai Man who made us all lu His Image 'Lei every man woman and child u to see this picture Let them see In It tlmr world tragrdy we. whom I write for, bfl.-come bfl.-come through Let theio .see it as I do-the do-the dethronement of the Physical with all it- fuNe Mola and the awakening t.. Christ's Kingdom on earth of a new, ami a fuller Spiritual Consciousness, born Brotherhood and Sclf-Control, which In Its turn shall give birth to a New n with liberty loving hospitable America its home. May God bless and prosper you as tl e world will thank you Is the hearts prnyej of "Yours for 'Civilisation,' '"A PLAIN BRITIfl H ROLD1KR, j "Formerly of 2nd Wore,. Batt It V Af A VOICE FROM THE TRENCHES Henry Ford purpooea nominating Thoru" as H In. e as a c andldute for the Nobel Peace Prize In lew of the fact that Mr In.e prodmd "Civilization." recently bown at the Criterion Theatre, New York, and now In .,,iir of presentation In all the other luru-e cities of the world." Mr Ince's masterpiece has admittedly creak 0 an epoch, lu the art of tlie silent drama production, and by reason of that fact Interested many noted advocates of unlver ' sal peace -It will be recalled that Mr ford paid Sl.ioO a seat for a private showing show-ing of Civilisation." lo Detroit. Aueut 4 tli. 4 Mr Ince admits that he U tremeudouslf pleased with the extraordinary corapll ment paid him by th great pacifist but declines to comment furtnef, preferring to retire behind the vetj of modvity. |