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Show f MBA If HE TOMORROW. ! DAYS The completion of the Famous Play ers production, "The Slave Market," in which Pauline Frederick is the star, and the first Paramount picture for the year 1917, has served to impress upon at least one director the fact that there is war going on in Europe. That man Is Hugh Ford, who has been in charge of Paulino Frederick's new ess starrlne vehicle The cause for Mr. Ford's sudden interest in-terest in the war lies in the fact that The Slave Market," which was writ- ten by Frederick Arnold Kurumer, is a pirate story. That means, of course, that a good sized ship would be required re-quired for the settings of many scenes for It is not a tale of the submarine 4 or of rier pirates, but of the Spanish main. Mr. Ford's first idea was to take these scenes in Cuba when Miss Frederick, Fred-erick, Thomas Meighan and Ruby Hoffman, Wellington Plater and the rest of the company were there, but the only ship that In any way answer ed his requirements was to be had onh on such terms that he virtually bought the ship outright for the privilege of using it three days, whereat Mr. Ford rebelled. Mr Ford is noted, among other things, as being a great globe trotter, and during his many sea voyages he has become very friendly with the officers of-ficers of some of the liners After he had come as near to giving up the search as any motion picture director ever comes to giving up any search. Mr. Ford boarded a ship, at the Tie-bout Tie-bout basin and found, to his surprise and delight, that the captain had been the second officer of one of the British liners on which he had traveled, and with whom he had many smoking-room smoking-room chats. After a brief lnterchnnce of pleasantries, pleas-antries, Mr. Ford outlined his difficulties difficul-ties and was informed that, inasmuch as the freight blockade had delayed the arrival of the cargo for which they were waiting, they were at his disposal dispos-al for a ery reasonable sum. Mr. Ford rushed back to the Famous Players Play-ers studio and assembled his company as rapidly as posible, determined to take the picture before the captain changed his mind or ihe ships caro arrived. |