Show r ttahet 11114011 nal r And now II herninei tliv ad 1 dlllr Till rmi roimnnnnrn Ihv IIIUn nllft sf r another Coalxllleii oldest richer l rljr ThnmlAV morning new ipi 1 with a h11 oter the ava nhndty I Itobert Itlppon had guile to 1 hU Khg sleep On Vedneiday morning ho l > wss taken whit a snroke thot portly 1em1 sl hll lower llmbi but few ulrra awnowuf till Illiieu and lie uw nf In I d I Ih WM Ihlf or UKrllimt It was Ibon ht by hloilf and amlly tlut he w Jul 1 1 loon nltiier anal nil nvuit i11 tikI t I UHOIIIW ularmliiK II mini TknrSir immlnit nH uUk s hen I n 1 ph > 4 ft I wit inmiuoneil hut l enau rl J lily to 1 Iul 1 I I Mr Itippon it lorjft Mr Ulppon Old knm u bu ercr l hl I It and rMtI roman In cute iutaill I lit atnlwnyi haul a hung ru ul I considered one of Hie 10 l 1 uf nvrk tat In uk line hat oru lsly hu t auul 1 lu hlii dealt a upright Ilthllj Ile h loIU entnilet hfl The funeral takes pn < lolay n hula reeldenr Ia he May rue III pea etwassuu u I Hobtrt Itlppon nu 1 in taut JD IMOnt Hldtewny tu r slim htndcnilo I i Aortic in I Ar luvel In COIIhIIIIn l 21 wni the father of fnUi iuMrrn a1i tfiynilfalherof twu t uih oue4 aad lnograntl children I HUHK I lura r |