Show w A ttnmlrr ut Anllullr dnenf the grcnlert wonder of in tent Egypt taj s oho ht Ixiul Repute IU was oho u moor artificial 1a2y of auW1 J water culled Iiiko Movrls According to Herodotus the measure of III circumference cir-cumference was 3JCO furlongK which is l equal to the entire length of Egypt alnng the kearosu The excarullon which wu made III the time ollnle Morris the meinnon of the Creek mid Ilimaniv of a varying depth and It wilier I use occupied by two pyramid rII ol tho apexes of which were 300 feet Main I I rr that the surface of the water The water for this gigantic artificial reservoir reser-voir was obtained from tho Nile through n canal l whirl six month of tho dear had an overflow corresponding correspond-ing to high and low water In tho river Die canal gradually filled with sand and llho luke longtlnceevaporated but the bottom is I still one of the most fertile tract la Egypt |