Show 0111 AM JUS LADY SALISBURY A LATH IAINTCD LIKE IRON Jhllcnl In 1nltllr 1Ieeaeee hill Colt at llnirl InilWrert and 1 tint al T urh elch IirtyII lIalll Ilome 111 t HBBR Is nothing In Ale world which Is I 100 apt to loatl curs liiiy In eellmate I of men AS to net on i1T the principle The I dOte le l the man A i J and there ere few I men III whom the principle would prat M unjust M I lo the Marula 1 of Hallstiur If one were to judge him Ii y hie rpoken and mill more If ono wen 10 Judge him by his written idler aneea he would Paso for one of the mom rnnenrnus the m Ml Implacable and Ihe narrowest of men Mr llrlght IIk long ago of Ids hauithly until It I loin and ftose who err old enough to emcmber Ids romeahal mind l end teal erbralneil imllllcAl > nith are still un aide to throw oft Ihe unpleasant ant I biting memories nf mine of his fierce and mallgnint utterance In lhu e dry lie one fur Instance simke of roma proeeelinge of Mr lladslnne as worthy I or n tlirnKelng attorney not I when some dts afterward he was asked to apoloclie his reply was that he a vol oxliedtn the attorneys When we were In the ml 1st nf the IUllil over he reform Mil of HO I Lord CranWne aa he then was 1 cut aomc i ery One Jok over lice 11111011 whether a work ngman who was In prison would be held to h cave qualified by residence < In fact Ion I Cranborne of that day was Very much like the Illmannered and rather rancorous youth whom we know by that name In this day with the very mpnrUnl qualification that the elder bracer of the name ad ted urrffll brll 1lcury I lo hit glUeei If the humor was sardonic at least It mon humor And yet those who know Ixird Halls bury give one the very opposite Impose aim of hi Inner nIII TI leer Is I n strong movement at the present Urn to drive him out of the premiership In case the n1 election should return hli party 11 iwwer and one of flee reasons given for this movement la that he Is I of so oft and really ninlihle a disposition n In tee I unfit for Ike iHwltlon of a ruler of rim He l la I described one of that unhappy un-happy claM of men who nro nvr able to ay No and 1 who accordingly can not tie trualel to deal with Incnmp trace or Imprudence or knavery after the sheen nnd 1 pllll fashion which n b I adir nf men I bound lo dliplay for the preservation of himself acid his arty Iberals even who are pilvl Igd I with lice iwnwnil acqualniaiic f lorl Hallabur declare that In feel v Hi llfi nobody could Ieak mar ami a Ilymore reasonably more tolerant h l of iHilltleal 1 thinks and even of loll Heal npiunent The training of Lord Hallsbury Is I to a rrrtrln extent nttponilble for this LINaLt M J ter I tlmati and the Inner life of the mm Though he I now a nobleman ol innumerable wmllh and hu reached the highest place In the Male of Drills amblllun II one not alwaya thus ant ink early yen were years In which Imverty struggle and perhap even bit ternem were not unknown lie wna not Ihe eldest son of Id father In the home of hurl Hallbury too there wa another family for hi father had mar rled second time and III Is not often that In such house there k I peace tie I tween the elder and the younger tribe If an > thing were wanted to nccenlu te the fjmlly dirf r > DC which ttc tintmcl f ioet r ir11IIw rl uft circumstances ntffi w well cnlculaltn lo produce It would be a marrlag which wn regarded a a meialllnno And fiord Robert Cecil as he then wa made uh a marrllIl In these clay It 1 may appear somewhat rldleuloua to regard a union with the daughter of one of the most distinguished Judge of his lime as a mesalliance for anybody however how-ever exalledi but we have advanced very much In the democrnlliallon of society so-ciety lnce the day when Lord Hall bury woe a resolute young lover and undoubtedly hi marriage lo Miss Al demon was resented by his family II I would be Indiscrete lo ask how far f IOIII 8AUBI1UIIY the young household 1 had to face the bitter want of Insufficient means and nt all event there Is I no rccufcn for such an Inquiry now The marriage Imam been exceptionally happy and satisfactory satis-factory these Ic I not n hnplulerup there Ii I not a purer homo In Hniland l than that which thus In storm and atress began so many yenrn ago nod besides lo the neceisltlea which such n marriage and his position II a younger son created cre-ated 1 hard Hallsbury own probably I Ill present position more than to any other Influence In hla life For It was AI a writer In the Bntiirday Ilevlew that head Hatlsbury learnt the great doctrine of ttruggle and of work Mr Ilereiford who founded that journal and expenlrd upon It and upon churches a vast portion of hid patrimony wna hi brother InInw and thus the young writer found a ready mado place for lila pen The character of the Haturday Ilevlew In II early year must have come Itrgely from Mrd Salisbury Tho Haturday Itevltw give Lord Hllslmry bread and he him elf won ready to eay so many year afterward af-terward when having reached the great position I of foreign secretary In an hour of national crisis he presided on ters fortunate members or Iha Journallillo profession 4 To this lay line run see traie of thll partied I It Is I pnrhapa aa much a result nr thn form of training aa of lmpr > anent that the Jlspatihen and the peeches of I nrd Rallibury aaorlfln M much to stle regard epigram ns armies luxurlea of writing and tho neat collocation of epithet nl mar Im inrlanl than the stern fact of life It woe enough to make ones Mood run old to read that dlipatch which lord Mallsbur Issued In the very tnldlt of he ituea Turkish orlflu ami to see hoer the Palurday IteMew unmener ale vehement and Impultln wrote ax 11 hi words were not things whloh might bring Into motion and Mlluslon myriad of armed men and Ihe clash of ronelad I and eightyton guns It wan his epoch in herd Hallslmry1 career hleh elicited I from Mr John Morley 0 one of the finest nf Ihe many ice fine Hismgm In his platform eWhes Ho remln led a great audience In 81 Jane nil that In Alpine height the deadly avalanche which brought death and lemlallor tj HM quiet villager below often wan no neatly ImUed that the sound nf a human Voice wn enough to bring It down and I then he asked whether with such terrible forces In such dread tension Misting nrounl u In Iurnpe II WAS Ale to have Iteulng from the fnrelgn oillce the harsh and Ilinughllesa voice nf the Marquis of Hallsburyt If vve escape war with Itus eta In that terrible time ant n general conflagration it WaR In spite of bond Hallsbury And yet this man who wu about tr IADY MltlllUIlY precipitate event so awful would probably have been Odor shocked by them than any other man In liurope Igor he was not like hi chiefhe had a conscience and I a heart and he was also unlike his chief In lacking that magnificent magnifi-cent Mlfeonfldenc which Is I often CII ar eat n hardener ol the nerve II true courage lllimnrck with that keen ant almost cruel eye of his I soon found 1 thl I out for meeting Urn Hallsbury at llerlln when Ihe representative of the great priced met he described hart Hallsbury as a lath painted like Iron Many nf the worst catastrophe of history his-tory are produced by weak men who desire to appear I Mriing The Marqula nf HsllsbTTry at the pres v Spfpll pp the pille Arthur IriFofufW1ntRfn ly I advanced ink publlo reputation ant above all think co touchy with hla party whll It t 1 miry la I note Indeed except In t not-e at the sine Mr Panull there h int been an Instance In which a pu ual trader haa told I so far apart from ink follower u Lord Hillsbury Thli 1 due to many clrcumstanci s but mainly to hi In tens lav o of study and his Intent 1 love of home It la I known that hi slnruUtly rich Intellect In addition to Us Immense literary aptitude It scientific I and that nat ho aonl1l lie hli laboratory 1 with t almost t much Induitry tc a professional chemist or a man ot science lo whom the study of natural phenomena Is I the ole Interest ot life Out of touch with the house of common feeling unfamiliar unfamil-iar with the detail of It warfare pas dons and moods he lately got on A platform without committing some billing Indiscretion which It look all the suhtlely and all the energies ot his adroit nephew lo undo Hut the future ot every politician la I dark and the unionist party must settle their own affair af-fair fairJct us dltmlia loa Hallsbury with dome gratitude that with all Irk fault he ha given the country an example ot political hlghmlndedne and personal cleanliness nf life which will be one ot Ida valuable heritages in all It fulur political experience T r CONNOR |