Show DAIRY AX1 POULTJtY NTEHB8TINO CHAPTERS POrt OUR RURAL READERS Him pureem nl l fttrmrri lIweete llr nepntlnent lit Ilo fare A Iw hunt as In ilia fare nf UfO Stink p ml loillrj llntr In llmillr Patron D 7 ov TO tiANnit patron Just right II I sometime n serious question write A Schocn man In the American as t can Chce emokcr I 3853 It II well l > oowil Nli 1 VT l Hint n ch r emak < 7l 0 IT to be ucces 1 J ful mini hone ability abil-ity to handle patron pat-ron with glosses on ftI It were The Chcce maker who Imply examine the milk nml accept or reject without cere stony has much to learn When I wan teaching ichool nml attending teacher Institute conducted by our bent state Institute conductor ids ad Mif first last mil nil the lime WB Study jour pupil Hitch pupil II I n law unto himself and mint tin 11III dIf d-If > ou would get the beet renulti Just BO I claim ha I It with cheese factory patron The checicmnker mint atudy each patron and handle lilm accordingly The cheewmnker who can make Oral clna cheese In every rllpl but who frequently Ret Into n Jangle with hll patron cnnnot command tyro hlghMt wage llnml lliiK lime patron Just right la I n most I Important part of lime chcntemakcr bualnlI I will tell jolt how I handled n I cranky patron this spring who many n quicktempered chcwcmakir would liato fnlUil 1 inrl > In April I received B out it milk with n Mrong taint of rotten po IRlouln fact I hardly knew whether tho product would be potatoes I ur rhce c Tho next day Ilunk I pain to dltcoter the rotten potato mnn which van coolly done Lilt I wn At tea Ju tit t-it hat to do nl lie wftl n talunblo I but cranky patron and t knew rtood In danger of lotlng fib cuntoni If I hold any Till milk you mint tithe back It is I way off I ald to my helper Hun this milk Into n can by llttlf and If wa cant mnko hello of It we will mnlfo potato dumpling We mint skit our patron thl cvenlntt and well have to handle him with glow I on 1romplly nt G p in wo vltlled ills home We found him nt tha barn and casually and plca nntly naked him to how III hb cow We talked cow end milk snit tent for come time Ho teemed 1 pleniod to have nil take an In tercut In him nnd wn nccordlngly In Rood humor I aid to him Did you ever hen of potato tainting milk Nat Mid he I mid Rouen potn toe Rive milk n wow taint thnn nor Ihlnit on Clodn Krten firth Is Hint pot Hay I hate my mor kings milk In the cellar now and there arc po baton down there mid solo nf them are rotten Well mid I If that la I no wont > oii please put your cellar milk In n separate can from tho rut Yen mid he I will Tho milk wn brought 41 promised nml wn way off And enough to sicken an one I gate him a alp and ha made n wry face Of courie alI I Hint milk 1 cant take Ami ho willingly lOok It home a humbler nil n wiser man JIHklng Under thin head of milking may bo comprlied the cleanliness of tho nnl mnla unit the mnnner amid time uf milking milk-ing Tho Introduction of eparntor practically retailed the necewlty for clcanllnem In a cow table At tho termination ter-mination of the proct M of nepnrntlng a peuillnr lIme is I to bo found adhering adher-ing to the Hide of the tepnrntor Ile color varlef fioni gray to green brown and oen black When rxnmlned un ikr tho microscope gcrma portion of plant hair coot llntn hove been dli cotcreel nod when exposed to the air for n short time It putrlflca rapidly It consists In reality of dirt nnd as such mutt Injure the quality of milk and butter In order to keep tho milk as free from tho dirt n possible tho cow ought I to bo rubbed down with n itrnw which on their rlrbt hindquarter nnd udder before they nre milked In tho morning During the day It ie I neci a spry to currycomb end brush each animal ani-mal The belt kind of bruili to bo used li I the one rather moro open than nn ordinary hone broth but of duo host hog brittle The nnlmnl nro tint ncraped orr with the currycomb and then brushed In addition the udder of nil cewe ought tu In washed snit dried before milking and the milker ought to dip their hand In cold water before milking each nnlmnl Care mint be taken to completely empty the udder when tho cow de I milked In large eitab llihmcnti where several milker are employed It to I ndtlirablo to select one or two of the more rarrful persona to itrlp the cow after they hnte been milked 1 II thin menna the carc seen teen of sumo of the milker mny bo corrected correct-ed Each milker ehonld 1 have his own eight and pall market nod numbered end itonlct bo held rcrpontlble for tho clennllne of the sonic The milk ought to be poured from the pall Into the mUk can through n double bal strainer and the milk can ought If pomlble to be plarrd outililu the eowhoune It 1L lleamlih In Connecticut Former ot to Stlrt In tharp contrait to the commit or rot which are published the agricultural agricul-tural press regarding the large profits to be 1 realized from a few dollar In vested 1 In the poultry builneu Is the following from Form 1oultry In nn tier to a question from a correspond cut In which the editor clearly point out what mnrgln of profit may reasonably reason-ably be looked for Can the poultry business be storied with 1OOr 1e It con be lofted but we Imagine Imag-ine we can read between the line tin t-In that tart nail for that amount of Investment In-vestment our friend expect to be supported sup-ported nnd of course want nil Ibo other expense met It cannot to done Three hundred nnd fifty I dollar la I no money At nil to Invent In any buslncc unlew tho operator ex I I peels to find himself Three hundred lII nro IfG r I nod fifty dollar at G per cent Interest would earn 121 a year t 1 V no B cool business that would 1 gill 12 per cent interest Yet that would only Ie I2 A year How oMny buliiMM an paying It per MolT I IoiiUry will but tit not being enough for a living the capital Outlet be In cmiml How much of n henhoni cnn lie built for JlftO At 13 a running foot It b I easy to figure out n fi0 foot hcnnry Dhlde till Into live lien and put ten fowl In men pen nod there lIo be ri rhl quarter for Just fortyfit hem nod live cockerel One hundred hen nt U profit each would glte but JJOO n > enr clear money on the entire collection Could one lice on Ihnt amount Hut there are more who only make tl n head profit than that double this amount It require experience to bring out big re ultn Juit like ony other btiflnciK has other Now If our Inquirer some occupation for n lit Ing and will Mart 11 we niKpent he ran gradually buildup build-up n paying business Mornl Itegln small go slow duo expect too much with little Rather referee hI Irkln Hurl There II I probably no branch of Ibo poultry bimlneii more profitable than duck mining yet but eompnrntlvrly few formers will admit there big white leoiitlc to their premise 1 The wham would like to keep them for their fen then are light anti elaitlc nod every wny nl de lrnble as goose feathers feath-ers and while the goose lay but few eggs the duck lays a 1 great many The great objection raised ngalnut duck Is I that they foul the homo trough and the majority of the tgg are lost for It U of no lire hi gHo n Iekln duck nest or nut egg Hho lay whcrerer It happen To keep duck lucccMfully and without with-out nnnojaiice about watering troughs n lI1alll pen is I nerctmiry Their house need not be n flue affair nor the yard expensive A fence two feel hlith will hold them nnd twelve feel square Is I ample for n dozen or fifteen duck Ins alto the yard mny be plncisl A trough An Inexpenslto trough may be mnda by taking two piece of Onto icnntllng four feet long hound them up nt each end like led runner Tnke n piece of KaUmilted Iron two feet wide and nail It to limo rounding ilile of the tcnnl ling To make It troiiRer nail piece of 2sh across each end This make In very convenient troiiRh to clean for It cnn bo rocked back end forth lo clean It A plpo from the windmill supplies our with water Our trough linn been In constant fuse for six year and look good for several fmr more Duck soon become nccuatomed to their home and nfler their gobs II I opened In the morning It ought not be opened before 10 oclock during the haying season they will go forth In search of bug etc but frequent return vlilts will tie made to that trough Tho IKH should bo gathered before they nro siren their liberty and they should always bi given giv-en breakfast In their pen The best food for laying lurk U I tealdcil bran nml the table norai In llago will ho eaten greedily by the duck Itnw carrot are good food Very little grain will be consumed If green food and table scraps nre furnished fur-nished Duckling are very easy It manage but a mistake sometime costs the ton of n large flock They nro Lent raised In brooder even If liatchel muter hen For years we have no artificial ar-tificial hint for duck but we would do mi If we railed them In large numbers They enn stand more cold than n chicken chick-en but wo corer our when tho weather la I bad only letting them out of their box to eat We feed them every two hour until they ore several week old l Open water illshe are disastrous to duckling They get wet roll or on their back nnd die Wo hate never been cry particular what wo fed Ibo duckling bread crumbs cold pots toe rcalded corn chop and table scraps only feel often and keep them clean I Ilco II I intro death lo duckling If hatched under hen oil their heads u I soon no hatched In breed lInlll Is I a great cause of fallino In duck railing You may Inhrcr chicken and have fair aucccM hint I iluckn nosey They take file and die it is I poor economy to try to lIt on with the clock on hnnd to sore expenseIhelsy Trotwood In Wwtero Hlocl Journal Dairy rorm One point I must always bo kept prominently in mind We rosr not know exactly how milk Is I produced but wn do know that It conies somehow some-how from Ibo food The great dale cow must ho nhle and witling to cat I digest and niulmllntn large quantltlri of food A large abdomen is I Important as It Is I nn Indication of health Igor vitality Tht siiRcestn the danger it going to extremes In Insistence en dairy form The cow must ho n good nnlmnl first thnt la I she must have ability abil-ity to well perform nil the functions necessary to preservation of life nod health rinene of bone or general 1 delicacy of atrncturo mny be carried too far Another common compilation compila-tion In Judging pure bred cow he I tho dllflcully In properly apportioning the relative Importance of breed characteristic character-istic and general dairy characteristics There U I no reason to bclleo that color or the sire shape or absence of horns materially nttect the ability to girt milk but Inch thing are taken Into nceount by tho brcedir There must hen he-n 1 tOIlhlrrnblo mollnollon of definition of term In Judging different breeds That which would be called small or fine In one might be railed large or course In another breedEx CrosIred owt In England finite a demand la I nnnuall created for crow bred by the poultrymen there advcr Using such bowing hint they are fIe f-Ie more hardy nature and that 11I meat and egg producer they excel 1 the bird In its purity Until a few year MOon MO-on account of fancier sacrificing the utility point of thu breed to gain blia coring fowl It looked ftS If n Blmllar itep hud la ba taken In Ihlg country Hut limo fancier are more careful now and wo believe that better and hardier stock in I being grown Wo prefer p ire bred poultry but want them profitable Wo do not earn for high wore when wo mo aiming at upptlng a market for tablo poultry nndegg and for that reason the crossbred queatlon wf raised Hut let tho fonder contlaut to Aim at utility and hardiness and the bottom will drop out of tho Idcn of crowing for profit Iowa Homestead The government reservation Mack1 I I Inaw Island which wa presented to Michigan by the last congress has I been formally accepted by the state and Oov Rich has appointed commie 1 sloncrs to have charge of It |