Show THE COUNTY NEWS GATHERED BY OUR ALKRT CORRESPONDENTS COR-RESPONDENTS tlr litany f On Ik I n IM > m tly Irr TAlOn In vaintll l auntyll l1 T1e TIn tint 1uua ii it alit ott IA iia KMM Utah cpt4 1I1I1f KmnmTiMMi Almnt < M I enough Sunday nlpbl fur fruit Corp III I11I1II1 to I now rtmnltii full time John Peek made t a quick trip to Uw cnillal hit week mi bufliiett Mitt Leella Cromwell and JM lm KnnKllnn troth returned to their home In Milt Lake on IrliUy Imi Mir J 1lorn Mluhol hat un1 In lark City after enjoying n pleaMnt tliiirfiirmuiv nook In Kama bite Wan I 1iMfk 1 Jr It preparing tomott In Vctonl very 10011 where Mr I Pink lim e uied a Kliool for Ibo om IngMhool year Illthnp S P 1 Atwood and Jnmnel li 1 Turiibuw were the delegrtle I I tent by lliv Hviiidcratmif I Katn to the county con cnilon nt CiMlvllle Monda Thu lI1utte furnlthed by the Klaat tl ttrte 1 lit tie Opera loam I WrtlntwUy uvenluewai iiijove1 Mr Carpenter linn Nrcnrtd them fur the Thaiikrrlvinr ball Shortly t otter Mr John Cnr > t > iiler futility nod tfixnlt bad retired the night 01 l Hi bell 0 bullet was tent crathiiig tlmiugh oie of tlio InrifD parlor window Tliv room being empty no oar ant hurl bat It len I danK ron Ira i tier iiwl It tan I pity n eloq > ceuiiot be pat to nidi vnndalUm C rout ICUA Utah ilthtli th4tl I KniToiiTiut UI I Wel of Iloyttvllle wai In lon the tint of the wcvk taking I olden for tOmUtOUCl may JL l > rrl n llu uatnlu iJllimifcll I a 1tt cnntlderablu damage to WUto beam mill 1 oilier lender plant A hugo number of wagon wean torn on our itrvelH this week loaded with lumber width wai being 1 taken to lark City CityMr Mr J II WlllUmt otCoaMtle hu bred In 1ooa tar II late dnyo putt The lady came up on account of the tcvtio itch M of her erauduhtld Ralph Maxwell unit U V Lyont wont toOisduii WedneHbty tnornlnglo Ill v 1001 tun tMM Pemucralle convention on the Mh which trite held In Ihut city Trade In our batlBt house U pickIng pick-Ing up 1 cant tiro merchant have n 1 more hopeful look 1111 ore Iltthug tutu Ihel ImtlnvM liuwiwllh fall unit mute goof On Tcculny night the wvnthtr nor paidenough lomnku therm hovnt out into putt on llivlro rooaliand the pro peel I nro that more lounge whit Lodone hv tho frost It It now reported tlmt tutu deal for a twin threeher It oiland t that wo will twin tn depend I on hnrwjiowcrui In the jeai 1 i that liar nut Well they do good work and why not bu lOntcntwlT Very few of lhe o whom have wen rut tlvutlng iround here but have left for home I llietecuol night hnte poured them lo trek home and n warmer ell luato with a prowl to return tutu rta ton UreiiHi W WIIIUm und wile of Coal villa hove been In town during the pmt u few f days oolong on thou nejjicw y 11dur and It Ise > with tad hearlt that tty will return home owing to the tad death of the yonnz man i It may not lie generally known but I thin font are that any imreon who prao tlceeobttelrluior mWnlfry without a lIeollll iirellirowlin tliiiimilvfn liable i r to Ibe law and Mil betlnwl fortuch prue 1 hIve 1lrtl get oar IbxniKi and then go at 111111 TheoW Inhabitanlt ay thai they do lint relllllllli11r of that being U little actor In the Weber river at thli taeuu Tb fart Ic of tb year M tber is I now there li i hardly water enough that Iho Bib ma go frum ue pool to another in iota pan an Ifltkwp up thu dry link Juooh loiiKcrwe can walk urr the river di1 thou When welu I c nmlne un in mil 1 have to rid i area i mllitloia Iw v i w Und how convenient u culd bi to > haven tolepione lilt were pu illll1 IIle U each lown would I and il In I pontlMe I lake the iutoriit III I he mauur that Ieoa baa Again uuill UKJII time lY upDCldoWQ W hberivwroutithin matter bJI pie neeenntty of ter and ergs olton linvlug n uullllli rott mad III ll ° dhretlrm oftetephonlc emtimnnlemlon i Wiail want It coil the little amount te mar contribute will lot rftiuinil I a bread ihrnwn on the water I lithe Nellie MiKendtkk of TWii i innu l vlltltin with her nd ile and 11 friend in IMM 1 The posing lady la I e t greet of her aunt Mr 1 > Isabella Vex dull I Thai II harvesting of grain I In hill r1 eiation I and roan tho nolwof Hi tbreh ing machine will igtln be heard In the land allot winch lellt in that tony dreary whiter lnuMr nl hand The ecllpttt of the inihin on Tutdny IIIhl was watched with much Inlerel by time who mold Hand being out In the raid Tutu oy wai cheer and the I change In the < yllpc could be teen lo rood aiivaulage I Many who did not know of theerllgae aelondcrtug why i It aa un dark and cold w lib n char iky then we thould tiara hue lluhtof time 1 moon bin they toon liimhled to It tin with much rrret thAwehave lo ehronlile Ihe death of oooM Ieoa I > hrlabt > oitnt men that of Henry Walter illlliim who Itaerttl 10 the grad Nr I und l mull oclock Titenlay evening rely lemWr 3 1KM Waller moos n rnung man of excellent character n general Iuurlte with all who knew him and bin tun will Iw fell by many nf hlo friend < relallieii and all who ant fortunate lo bare bl aciunlntann Tim dewatiil waSeamof iige on the ihh day of flay tail We eitend otirfnn iiiy to the bereuveil family rollllc hate not dlttnrbeil our town a > you hut from appearance loth political politi-cal piriir are preparing for Ihc coming tight md Iwth > are confident nf n victory The tile of Noicinhir will tell the late and tun iHiunllng ol the voles out decide the gicnt quuftlon ou to ho h I In It It will 1M u frl iidly con teat and It 10 I lo bo hoHtl tint nolhliig will ham ecld fir 10110 think will dittilib thin Irlflidthlpot neighbors and com mnnltta And why thoiild there bo e etmiimllllwi thoiild be ovotdwl where II I he I calrnlnteil wound Iliw feeling or hurt Ihn rrpntntlon of aliV mat itoniin or child ireat dltmllffactloii laexprenuet l our he lutlni ol thn fuprrni rourl In that II it dreldwl junk thu wauitn ouilU not 4lty itttlecmif1tdtllbtitllf lIuMI rtdln can nffonl to wait another year he time will noon gums uhf and Alien they do auto Mlllt of the knnn nlle find 1 wtter gel from under or they will IK inrt Mtlcnlly n tttto in rgaatu igyt The ladlei had great hope nf lining Able to vote for the conitllutlon of the new ltatlIl1Ilo harp their ileilrtxi ruth IcttU cruI1 l linn not left many of Ihtm In the heat l f mine of mind but they ore JIII at good and oet to thinly flellI11I ever and will hide their time with commendable com-mendable reiluiiitlon It hat demonitrated that flax mid hemp of the oery liett kind ran be roan In thl county Wo tend out of f the territory tboimnuhi of dollar every year for linen and rot > o Then I ark nliy catuint I < > nie of our mottled men > tart up tome manufacturlnu of linen poKl Hiid cordijte Thl would be a Mlnjt Inrontiiicnt i keep thou money at homo and funilth employ nivnt to n lars numljer of pwplu 1 I ruincmlier henrltiK Illghop H f F Atwood At-wood of Kamar pray ago ngltatliiK thli tery queitlon luch If It had bean our rlt1 omit at tie prugottl would hat u beuu aieryilotulnhlni liuitnent now Who will try thin oxicrlini > nt to u nicctWul tram Illihoti Atwooil 1 wa rluht und 1 we hop 10 emu and hear of him taklnc uptheideni < ialn bnmtnlt ixiunty Inn many fncllllle for cnmlng on many kind of mfCOMfnl butlneitei the manufncturlne line and It only netxlt it little eneruy fomeone to lend out mid the thliiK le l mado n fait niter which our comity would bo Imtv ulin labor III thin home Indiittrleeiind to hick we all to much boles for and dinlro Hut It will not be brought about by our Indifference and IdleneMi wo must fa 1 at It wltha will determlnoil tniiccomplltli to hilt to 10 undertnke nnd thotu who COIIIV after ut will rile up and call tu hlowcd for furnlihlng work and time moans to support thenikolven and funilllei It li I llIoO1L time that Summit mlllng out of the old rut and coniliiLto the front a > fl manufaoturlni center and that In the near future While tbe dry Mnuon latU camper In theKiiyonn and 1 hllU tlionld aw toll I that their tamp lira are not allowed la ignite the undnbrunh and thereby came thedettiucllon of the timber A very little I caution wlll icon thoutandu mil f Iilan worth of timier UilU that il t 111 I In UKTllt help lollli I wnlil mip pi mitt n lira mi I I < ft tmlug HI u I keep hark the enow until late in the I I Ma > on when the water from It I ha l moil diirililo Itifon liali > gacHinp water ihmild I IK thriwii on the tire lo avoid 1 anv diuixir from that quarter The trouble I to dn thin would 1 out Ix I much but the good limy be of untold worth I 1J U fie Vuu j OIl It 111 Oust et Utah itept t INItt KiiinmTuiM K I Iliittun had a nice hour 1 die on the Jnd tnt uppmcil tu be lulU him fuer thorn to the nlfe ot Jiweph rflllllpt a to pound girt Oil the let of Septtmdw AllaiedolHfiilevly I I A Ian I l > ar lieu been aeeu np the river near A Kan > plan 11 boa a else l Imp on one fool Mil licrilm Nicl I hat Knn 10 Wnl burg lo rte herinothwuilil friv 4t Mil llrrlln t m u who I lit plll HI In llWfllll JUIIF iniin w 1ltI on lid Vt I f rom CoaMlle hail u horte lake lei aunt ne alit mK > IW lol ilu Hand htte ell other Ito get home 1 Ire I Alielw Waternoa Mf John I Muichottreand irm rge IWtHeli and wife have retnrnnl home after n cleft to W II Sttumol POIlt six wc ki On the nlitlit of the Sth of A ugst wlillion nil way home Jmnn Rvane II I ntw what 111 l ternml a lunar rainbow It had star fwturr of n rainbow only It I uiare < l to be of a light color II echo Iv be Mimelhlni very rarest bill few iipleccr r ease fuch n thing end ran > ra-n they never heard of one The caux aa i Unit vhowrr of ruin had Int gawl Mr Knot 1 to the northeam and limo noon wiimhlnlni In UK tnuthwem II lenn IhvUt wai the rainbow till Democratic inwllngon iheSUi I J hlllto I wat ehuien preldcnl and II I Itlchanlt nrrelnry 0 itiiuurnnr ItotKruirr ttih Kept 5 stud I Kmronlitiai J MMalln I rondo it trip to Salt Lake hurt cII John Horlln ttartnl Wrdnctdty iiiornlii or Ui + len to intend the I Vine mat hut cv u tent hut J M I Mitlln ami II Bcninoni went It ashttllu I III t attend the Democrntli ion entlonoii Mnndny The last of exciirrlonlst who have been camping In I Staler grow thi iiminir returned liomoThnrnUy 1 On Ausu lSTlh Ml W II Stonu and Mrt I W W llurlln of Uiklcr wh n rKtUrullitfihoniH 1 mot a ohiltnftmn port met WllnlwlrlmghrTrac oe iia icrlmi accldenl When In front of John Hortln retldince 11 low came tearing down thu road 1 with a dot at Hi heel and rnthiil Into thu buggy break hug Olio of the thaft Tho horse be camo frliihteneil and commence < llo run Ihe broken ihafl illcklni Into lIt rocry JII in p 1 Charlea IIllIholil to ho n at lira aught the loon e mill relieved the Indic from their perlloni K > tltloii Tho hull Hayed unlit the next morning hai their buggy reiMlrml got another honest and went home Nothing ads hurl but Iho hortc K 1 S iiKNirijU llRMirnt Utah Sept II m iniTonTniRH There were no reryiroa here on Ijtbo Duty llnneitlm ii In full blurt and Hvoml crop of luccrn being cut Irepnrnlloin arc lielne I inailo for IIII ping heel of tho Sictiliunicorral George Turpln Mid family of Wet Jordan arc vliltlng rulntixot here C II It Stuuni attended limo Demo crallc convention ut Olcn nt delegate from this place Mlra Amelia Jononnnd bile Annie Bhlll trot 10 Ozlen Monday t > work Tho front fine been quite covers here for teernl nlghti and young lucern It I 1 nlpjuil bt1 HarrUand purl of hit family hMo beeu II Uiltlng In title 1 I + tko during Iho wick It A Jones and Clcorgu It Morel II no gono lo the fruit country togoi louded up I Our botebnll went to Heytivlllo on IjilwrDay f and played o gniue of bane 1 ball which rciulteil inn victory for Ilia llintfor hwy MlHllohman who taught tho primary department of our dltlriut tchool nil winter It hero leaching again lhli lea KIII Tho Kliool oommene Inn Monday Mon-day The total ecllpw of the moon onTuct day night wan nollcwl by torornl hero W II |