Show irisv r v LETTER trills pace Ktnruta Co a roiniHr I WAMimoriiii nept i HJV I II Secretary Oliwr ln < nluplwl tile jllniltlo tiou10 Ur tlll will In liU itSnrnTT tnr7orifjn powor lie hai I Islets Ibe 1111111Ist rest loll from one extreme ex-treme tu annlhcr MI l < r no Its foreign iwllcjf lioiiictrnisl It IIIIIII be rtinrin InTHlthnl I I frliinlt or Mr Wooly valI I Ht Hi flow that h niinliltn condition ul liioiinlnii mritiuy 1 ol state that In himlil Illallutod l 110 Inaujilrat u ljor n < n itrrlirn H > llcy Till hull MI hy hl < friends lo lnupilon I r om the allay I In I tunk i lmrt Thiro l > no olllelal pi mil of title low nciwtilblt lu the public1 look Not on no IonjreM liiMln It will IV all rallayinAllortit yet olwtloii mlopliM 1 mllliiii far nil the Lorreelloodencelf l In tin CHHHI which frcirury Wisely may ve Isle l topics iHfornthr public III frlvmU MV llmt thli rorrei > ioiiili > iii < i > Hlllihun that Im title Iwen uilnc spread vntfit lunjiuito I right I dealt left not only In that llllli ri > Hibllrii on lhl iviitlnenl and tu Spain bell to tnliihty lirmt Ilrltoln and tolrenr Hull 1 this Iw true ll ahowa that HrcruUry Olney ba correctly iliml up the wople ul ilil iiiiinlrv II ho until 1 oonvr back up I a wkrr mluilnlitriillon tlmtMni wroiiu than an mfrllnilil one that Ill fight I It may W 1 lug late non oiriilloaui I Irnm like inliiil n I tlie n prut public HtiwUtliiii or Ilinlilltv I 11111 th 111gol loolivy ol thU ulinlnN trillion lUiuf la tvrtaln oniirrrnrrn ilnrlnu If defeat the IIUB Secrtlarr ireili prethlnt ever the tutt > oleltart iiient but II ll 091114 1 ilune Secretart Dlney fit ill tb light lark 10111 It The omII tallest 1 of these gnmnmint villilloinkir eoinuilatlon which In accord aiwe lth an net ttt Caiinre recently went over the rout ol the Nicaragua Oanttl or the puruao uiiiklui a minute mi-nute lurc tlatlon of what baa been Ion and what the prjeent plaua will i require la be done will not tw made public until coliffloss effects but the Illl Jllltlhltollh rvportlmve become known iv tort of tvnuonlclal way TtKi iviiiiiilMion rupurii the general plan up in Inch th Iliimlloiiiiuiny lull been orkliig in leuihl bill Ktiflfvit It the vaurk im i In > H lumpliinl a number of liillinrihilllijiK t Mill ll too illlirr llll I oxpvti Ilio iiiniiuinii wlrtlo that I the eelluiaUi of llm Cost uf the work which hate been lubwl toil ID Congress I wererlillculuualy 11 onliiix to the limitot uf thl coininl lill It will 10 i i iiu oil Ivan shape fll I 15A00W In n > tu I i plete the canal IHW nl milliua UollMi 1 nai ihcfHitiitmtdiftliil 1 t I Company luitUnil I nniitii to U I lut Into the control f i ill n il if tiu goveriiuieiit lito I I build and whole the matter couira up in Congress waste lively towhee may IV l 1ookel loll III tluitnibect Hi mu allv rl > iiiocrataol Kvnluekv viiui ireUury Carlisle tu r uie out and nuiK wows mom H chNlu the cum 111II i but tlw Hcreury delimit l ke I kindly lo Uti Idea Ilavlnt looeeeded In V r1itfrm j Ulop l dby tbu ttuU iouKiitlou bull I I loth to eIff urni A rw nw H whirl has might IOM A flow porSl IthorI I ol > r iary rarlMe says ttothlmf Illort t I of a rfin 111 l folvillopot Imtt olnl Cleveland III rationot 441perspoinar Isehloll it ri hiinwlf nilnl up In I tint m111 1 nlncky cani > ln The pnllilrlant muni 1 gPtkklir tl too to-o > > nil I Irlnmnh In Irnn U 0 1 to UIIH vir lollftillt Idailn 11 0 lie IlpiMfMn otoll nt his prm koonla taint ii n tl will silver ttrlti nor I ul fear > IVniiitlianli 1 IIIall J nuiiilnittliijtionirriillan nhlcli I r 1 mraii that 110 mil vollt if UK ww Millh fleas lr Hll 1 Wild thoo lll minto xiir ul IVnli Ixnla to all with And the thr w 1 sh 4 I I Si > nati > rllUi v ilifi klitlMiiil A IL M I Mr Ul mill 90 Inn shop efitrul I wllh iirrllrnt pro pecl ofaiiitr 1 vt tho nnnilniitlnti Throw prvdhtio to looloopoll uKin Ht > nrtior Huiyi il for Mr Revoll l Pilot lime an lloofir A I healer holson ki own tarliantffflhHr 011 I nnilrinlf Jnny wn teally frlh I I o hen hr aald he was hr may n t If to f him imso or If l he wa for him new I might nII In for him whol n th > 0 1 shelf Involves Nothing lop l nitn in jort111 than wlltlf |