Show PEOPLE AND EVENTS The duke of Hamilton only daughter daugh-ter II years of age Inherit a fortune of IGOO 000 n year The phosphate mines of Plorl la number num-ber lot And they Vloold more than Mo 00 Inn of phosphate annual Certain blghl leniltlte simple In Tnglan are dlscuMlne the question Are bllllardi compatible with Chrli tlanllyr Itupila proiluced 297S00000 poodi of lelrolpum In IMt n filling off of over K COO 000 from IM A iwol It I thirty ilx imundi Yonkers IN YJ profile are protentlns against the proponed dpnlructl nf the oil Ihlllixo Manor House wherein aihlnglan once slept Knighthood come high It cost Fir Henry IrUng 1500 to answer the first days dlipatchc4 if congratulations from 1 uropn And America A woman TO yearn old was one of the hopeful pioneers who filed homestead claims In Ute United States land office of Todd County Minnesota lilt month Major Henry T Hlanton who read the poem nt tho dedication of the Confel erale monument In I Chicago tail week In I reported critically III at film home In Frankfort Ky Arthur Ilnlfour becoming fired of Rolf hiilaken to the bicycle The Hrlllih rnrllamenl It la mil la I watchIng watch-Ing Mr llalfour experiments In wheelIng wheel-Ing with deep Interest Mrs HatInn In I almost of an generous build ai her husband 1 Juitlce Harlan who la I six feet two Inches tall When men togtlher they attract much admiring admir-ing but lurirlied attention Rov Itr Moxom of rlngfleld Mail who In able to elicit his name barkwnrl cannot be nediKed tooHlclato torture the wealthy tire II I liters of a Now Yorl church aIIlG1J I a year A clerk In a New York rul twr atore has a ruin day suit of clothes that In unique It II n part null made of the very twat macklntimh material and the wearer may stroll ulonit Indifferent to any downpour White nalln was the principal material mater-ial at the court ball Hucklngham palace pal-ace rttently ni It hAl been for the tail three Knnoniiatln shot with gold I with pink with liver and with mother o Karl tints The city of Hamburg haa toted IttO 000 for expenses during the coming celebration cele-bration of the opening of the lial tin flea Canal Among other things a dinner la I to be gUen In honor of the Knlser and 100 guest The coal of the nervlco li I illmited a > IJOOO and that of the wine at 19000 Backed by Iord Itoiebery an expedition expedi-tion will moon be undertaken Into the enllrley unknown country twlwten Tripoli Tri-poli unit Alexandria Here were onco the gardens nf the Heiperl lei ant hero flourished the Greek city ant colon of Cyrene the ruins of which are now about la be excavated Dr Max Nordau II n good deal of n philanthropist In his way aa much III he irofeiiia to Iflpl wayg degeneracy degen-eracy of the great He given him pro fissional services free to the poor In his neighborhood In Iarls and likewise to the noW members of the Auitm Hungarian colony In the French capl lalThe The only Englishman to decline one of the Queen birthday presents Is Mr Holt of herpool who refuses to accept ac-cept the baronetcy offered to him for the reason that he has eight children and la unwilling to practically pauper Ise the other een In order la settle a sufficient Income on his eldest ion tv lUitHln the position after his death I |