Show Until n I ItrIGIlan ustliinge I The country has already heard much of the recent gathering nn Memorial Day In Chicago for the urpdne I i if Alit leallng n monument to the fallen eAl dlern of the mull It modern un blurt in think that some of our northern friends have taken occasion to Speak In I vlilent hiullllty In this celel railon There li I nothing In iltmorlal Day which make II the iceiillir property of any elate or section and It seems U ui a dMigbtful occasion whn north AntI south I east and weal unite with t il ipM ftf hamla to rememWr he loUUr frirnai of all If our leader of th < ught ivrM inalf action north and south Mil Ieen mail of the Mme miterlal and call In IM name mold an were Grant and LM And Lincoln unit Ixmgtrei the war would have liven night And llnUhw III four years Inaten of nilnulni Ihroughout onefourth > it a century II In I the moil Imperative fully nf II I earning generation lo foreer lay inly I an 1 I ury the anliuoiltlei an I JenluuilB mail backbiting which have lining from that unfortunate contest Thti In I not nnly raaanal but It li patriotic patri-otic and It It I Cliffs it llama Horn |