Show I thus Tnloo lc mile Hero Is I a table of figures Tho problem prob-lem Is I to add any nix of these figure to nether and make 21 For a correct solution so-lution n sure thing Chicago weekly offers a prize of several thousand dollars dol-lars All answers are accompanied by a dollar for n yearn subscription 1 I 1 3 J IIi I-Ii Ii Ii 7 7 7 II II II As a matter of fact tho solution Is Impossible Any ton odd numbers added together mAko an oven number and six odd numbers Pro merely three i sots of twos In other words one odd number added to a second odd number makes an even n third odd added make an odd n fourth added mnkei an even a fifth odd added maKr an odd and a sixth odd added makcs an even Therefore neither 21 nor any other odd number can be obtained by adding together six odd numbers |