Show CITY DAD They C n lnlT rUj > nhl null Till flMl a lllllr llull Meetingaacailed l to under Mntor UrlEht Inherlmlr Peeper hv Conn cllman Wilde Cnunelliuen IHntClntk IVinint and WIII an n > reil in roll rail lllnulninf Inooillu uiieiiiii m rewl and apuroted Ill mitlon of f J it 0V llde lie rule wrre piifpended ID hear wbal report f1II a utixent pro enl Andiew llohum okwl the council lo rMtill hit city tear M he derlvnl mi bentfltk iota ihe clay cowl on mnlt n fib city tatty were rnnliled J II baryent alert ektl fell remlnamenl hlii city IIU but the re < inl w + tnol grnnle < 1 John MmlilU In a Io M ivillivn a > ked 1 f > lend a porlon nf hit land for a portion of city ptopery Itefrrrnl In coinuiltltr on city pioiwrl nn I in uiiiwaii lynite1 I nit nalle on au thin I a M J If liiMin > rmil > im < rKnt I Tl Danlrl Ktimrm lout no iTlr talk i ee MnndTrttnftil hMlIk ant e Jim Wil h liinhrl UN I A feitmlrr W rliht ix > rortrrr wart Mia I if IViJrtlrt Aetay i Mly iu < h1 l I n liblThnraM t itrlxitr ow J 11 tI lkI a leek 4 to The 10111 01 TlIImu lleiid for furnlth I Ing water for the HUt four year i nmoniillni ti10W woe rrfrrrcil In II e committee rmclaltut evil aroounti IIIOR1I or oniria The reiKirt of Marthal l 1 nlinon wai read and 1 mweptrd Deport of Jiitlce II Wllklnt tone rend and appnivnl Ilepori nl Trraturer hall war read and referred lo the cotumltle on finance TAX UIHirMXCr Therllv tales nl the following namnl cltlneiii were remitted Mr WjdierUy MMoilj I Mr NMiol Mrt llotiwii MIL FMldle JaniM McDonald Mrt M I K Pprlgff UllMbolh Allen rlln IVlermn Mn C Wlldo Mn UII Jnmtt Birch Hulland I fir Chandler Mary A Wilton I Mary Uobln on Mary Ilrldge JDIIIO Ihrij Amanda Itohlnron John Dexter Irorge Addy Jomee Iffi John Irlngle City Attorney llopklnt rconmmrndti UI4LU IUILJc tttiigithe > inir > nut pure water de I contnmed lhu prexenl hug fevern and other disenet I On mollon thin hoard of hialth was In ttruclcd to Pee to the matter Adjourned 11 t bcncdlcllun by found nun Ulirk |