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Show - " W UNIVERSITY OF UTAH, district judge t the convention to be j Mrs. E, E. Davis ol San Mattel. Cal., T am try ing in a measure I re: LakeT September 14th. held in says Halt Lake ( Itj. rracMdlil f Ike ( i.nvantiun Held In pay the manufacturers of Chamberlains The next aiateuuc ve.vr w ill begin Ceal Title Mender. ilMt.iHIL UKLCoATEs. for the great good thtir Septeailr p.iih. Toe mllow ,n g couiscs The Democratic county convention lor senatorial convention t beheld Cough Remedy Cone me. F'or years I are prov i led has remedy was called to order at 10 30 a m. Mon-j- 't Pik City, September 2th, the tol a constant sufferer from weak . t'or.r-- e .n and len . DEALER IN- gel ei.i. lungs ClufTs were da? in Hall. Judge Henry lowing delegates elected; J tMie ui .ills. rest bronchial asthma. at nights My 3. Coiitse n Shields was elected as temporary chair-- I City , U. C. Cm dell, i. W. Geigber, A. iiuuing engmcei ng w as disturbed by a 4. Advanced Horn a! couiae backing cough so that D man and O. F. Lvons as temporary sec- - H. Nolan. lljh Rm 1. J j!hi Mur-!-- . Flai h ot j)K. aiMip lead- - t" the nai I felt miserable the greater part of the NERAL-MERCHANDISE, i , Iluiley . ,1 oui.i t upit. .1. 1.. IVrrv, letary. elorJegjtH-jl.to a iisi dipwina, -GEtime. --,Mancrcdi'-bu Tah-- tt. t if v Ik.. s!ou . iw 4, even ots'lu friends w re tried, none of w hich proved-- prOVl IrOm ait examination-- , ui 1, speech, after fi u h the call was read, hall, Coa Uilic, W. U tfluff, Jr , Wiiliain suitable Vo m? case. I did not e a svst l Catra-U, AL I:htt..l.faCa.A A,.JE!t. rai e;u.Jk. JAZ .Slid lb? J, Exeept-Grocerie- sr' e l.t.g to a "s: Echo, Joseph t irer . lleueler, William toimuiUeee Inch Cough titics'e of gra.uiaiion taking CbthWvl' VV Usou C , began W W , Credentials B, tv Kimball, A, VV, of the large Hie btnjr ironi examin.it. nt foi a pi r'isl After bottles two Remedy. N of five Tea Kuna-- , M UTAH COALVILLE, Maxwell, Ivtlglta'iTii, S Atwood, G V. Yo mg, H. Wtt sue have been used I am pleased to h. Preparatory lea bug tol V. I B.me'i ; I'ptoii, John coittse, J. E. Bromlev. R'Xkp.rt, -no health is better than it baa collegia iiiiims. Tuition is Virtually f lUriie't Rigtiv; Wood- - slate, Permanent Orgamz itimj an urdcr of Clark, for years. The soreness has left leen Baud IWr. John Ma in L. luu I, Han, cl Mitch, I. Vlteiuates, J. li, iI hit lungs add chest and t can breathe nura ef oi noi Hia! - is Hi- Wllha li- -. J. len, E W'kkel, R. A L. Randall. It haa done me so much good lottwl h ea.-- county; bohirhipeasily. W illiam lor A. laIt D. B. C s applicants M. ha White, lones, Resolutions talli. that 1 want all who are suffering from appoi tmnmeiit to sii.-- scholarships, Ed lleii John Violin, i. John Maichan', Clark, aid, seaiuons, Ferry, to the territorial , vouiiiii ' lung troubles, as I was, to give it atrial." must t apjdv Powell, Ji. F . Petei son Any precinct F'or sale by .John Boyden A Son. John Hoyden. stone of whixii ihr.mgh the respective j mav h not lepre-cnta- e icpresentcd1 . count) siipem.teiidenU , Adjourned to 2 p m. Conveti'ian Co ic in horses can lie cured quickly The fsm.t i of the C tuverstty has Iwen called to order at 2 p m , ouimittec on ' III xv . bv Ir. J. H. .McLean's Yales nic recenlr greatv and the kjnip- uing ijedentiuls rt H)i led t! i,'y- - dt gates Oil Liniment. Farmers, siotknien, miii'Vi imi miKimi. entitled to seat-- , as fo.lovvs u ted to vote iivervnien and all handlers of horses ihe del g lie were should have a bottle of this remedy on 3'. h,. T'llmeg.-- , president 4 niver-it- y xamm-h. F. Atwood, lutaUiw, tot ami s J L. U iw iiuan.l Moves jl ham! for immediate use wben nvsded. Utah, halt ' Park Cit lev S ai Kimlall, Katiiii;B H atchcr for United Mate- - senators. It will save time and money. Price 25c, R. MaxwelTTtl. F.lioni, ppo.i llei rv 50c, and 1 per bottle. 1 t LAO. LUll'!! ft V. 111111161 Th qaa.itv ot the bioisl depends, r. W . cHluotlS, Jrdltl Malu Ion kp lt Take Notice. mti''li and or 1 Subscribers, lad oin-upon c uua! i goo digestion Fo! Wan-hitheiuiiuty owing lho Josh etou. Pend, Young, to make the blood rich m t Although Thr Tikes has been runping assimilation H s!i.el.l. W. 1), Colhalh, J, tiildioiis, . P. Eleven-- , Uakiev, alter- m.ttee a year and a half we have sow life and -- ti.Migth giving const it uenta, t only -it use Hr. J. H M. Lean's Mreiigthcnnig weency Ia id Fisher, Solon 'piro, on our books. over fSOO due on nate, N. It. napp, Frecmt'ii 'film. Ml- T. L. Al ti Cordial and f.lood I'urllier. it will! u, 1! news-i.ije- r. Iuik Kuuball, a run to It W money llovts. H. Williams, requites Sophia Gunn, and wbilethindividul indebted- nouri-- h the properties 4 the blood freiu len, Charles t'.illis, J. I.. R.iyden, J. A. tlle;L. I.. Randall, John Ci.uk, C of ness our patrons ia small, theaggre-gaf- e which the elements of vitality are drawn, ( C. H. John Clark, 4. Bruu, ton ; J. K. Bromlev, E.ho , C. 11. Mev-- , is co'nsiderable. The Times has fl per bottle -Former price Ladies Sailor Hats 1. 25cts R 11. C. W. 40cts Wilson, Pa.k, tevens, carried you through the dullest times ens, George Judd, lientfcr;E. W . Berrv, . 75Cts Former Sailor Ladies Hats. W. M..xw ell. H. 15. R. harw lthout a murmur, but nowr ai ks every while the Lat 9octs iu price. Aujuit working Fred Larson, proxy. F. C. Thomson, (l- w- man w ho owes it to make settlement at vest held I lioeome overheated, was Former ',,U!12- " Hats 25cts Boys 35cts price 11. C. A. Reed, Tewksbury, prow, one. Please bear in mind that every K ''"lllb- Former sttai ked with crumps and was Bos Hats . 65cts 75cts price Hyde, A. Shields, F. C. Thomson, J. dollar counts,; and you can easily pay a owe without in- - nearh deail. Mr. Cummings the dttig-ges- t, Dress The committee on resolutions then the small Former price 25cts 3octs amount you Patterns, yard C. Lrigg, H. Shields, J Duikin, A. W. per otleied the follow ing, vv Inch was adopted cnVfi,ience to vourself. -- Former gave me a dose of Chamberlains Dress Patterns, per yard x I aocts price . . Krighaum, C. W. t.roo. proxy. Ia id Colic, Cholera at d Dtnrrheoa Remedy .Ladies Sliirt Waists froin" cents Fisher, lav i i l'iher, John Mclkmald, ntitin rmouiy 50 up. ummit Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder which completely teiieved the, 1 now the Dunocr.it of We, I have a nice line of Infants Summer Bonnets that will be sold at J. J. Cook, V. H. Mttler, John McLurly, World's Fair Highest Medal sad Dtphuiia. en-- i of i A. keep lotle the leinedy handy. John Mclami, proxy, F'tank Mi Laugli- - countv. in (''invention asembled, " cost. . If yon feel run down ; have no strength, M. derse the platfnriu alopted by the Dem Runnel', Centeriille, Wash. F'or the feel alt tired and m, B. McDonough, W M. F'errv, Jame no time, eneigy of 1804, MAGGIE SALMON. oi rat ic Tct ritorial onenuoii take a luurse of Dr. J. li McLean's sale liyjobn Buvden & bon. Parkinson, F. H. W riglit, Win. Cariuth, out efforts to i Cordial and Blood luri-tiJohn Boyden, Chatles Calhs, .Mr. and iledg out best conventionanytube Mrenglhening Short fiirui1 warranty deeds and 4 her . It will lmpait htresgtli, vigor and the will of the state haralT F'iIier, Mrs Hannah Flldredge, legal blank- - f .r rule at tin office. iwttle. Price Fl cheerfulness. per 18!5. 5. B. Klmad, Hlternates, held at Ogden September F2. H. Rhead, J. . j U e denounce the legislation of the Mtfs Maggie Carruth, Miss I.enore e cau-the of cm paitv as the Fivans. J. I.. Bojden, J. if. F'addTes, Repub!. eoston in bun ness, and late ilepi Coalville. John Wilson. the Democracy upon the lie-- 1 We have stock it just leceived our Xew Stock of Gun and R'lle. and a mon-tThe report of the committee on creWe ean furnish anvtbtiig vu want. We ship our le too, 45,0014 worth. ginning of properity as an unmistakable dentials w as received. vou the hct of the beneficent results of Powdei, Loaded Shot Shell, etc., bv the larload, andcau-giv-e Tne cominitiee on permanent organi- evidence DEALERS IX- goods at the same prce as you have been inthe habit of paving other Democratic legislation. , conceded for second-- . We handle the Winchester Loaded sation recommended William M. F'errv the Ve Pcmveraiyof corgntulate K- - fl. to lie the beet produced. Our stock of Ft long Tackle, tnebnll, Tcn-Iti- s for permanent chairrov1-Ihead, for the great work of their dele- Flab and Uncket Supplies; Hammock. Hunting (Tolhn g,Kubtier (toot and orfollow and ei mg retnrv, p.erinatient e Comer.-- 1 ( late the Cutlery. Walking Stick. B.cvcle. etc . - the Inrgeat and most in giles . . der i.. i uiiie-- Report ot committees , and g We handle DuPont Black. and !n Utah. Powders, Spirting remocratie intoro in pun non, lucitig noiuin.ition of representative, nominaJudson Xitro Blasting; al0 Xitro S'por'inj: Powder, riant Cap, Fuse, etc. ciple into the proposed coustituUoii of houls, TO A LI. ofc nintv tion superintendent kend for Our New Illustrated dtlttlogue, of their .delegates, the ability dilegates to through noimiuitions ot twenty-iMam 155 Strut, Salt Laka City. tl-stability and honesty of Dem-- 1 delegates ami state convention ; twentv-sl- x 2)iil A.t.Ogdta Utah Wtihmgtoa oirattc principles; and upon the succes-- j deleto jm.ln lal convention ; twenty-si- x ful efforts of its representatives in the gate to senatorial convention; said convention in granting ty, .women (uankAf. fiouaty.sswuUal ooiuiuiUee, Rethe same political privileges as ' men ; po rt adopted and we welcome theui to a full and free ent Colonel F'errv made the opening in the affaire of the new Utah-Implemparticipiation for the convention the thanking speech, state. honor; eongratulateijl the ladies and FOR PRICES ON We denounce the Republican party hoDed woman of favor suffrage; spoke in of silver and their demonetization for the to see the new state of Utah made pergeneral oppositionjto it, and we manently Democratic; announced nom- present its remonetization at a ratio ef demand inations in order for the representative 1.5;) with or without the te Id to the state legislatute. q any other nstion. 231 ITIVK. ALl.KM roa PM We arraign the Republican party of w V' S. F. Atwoxl of Kamas nominated Utah for the continued examples of Ward FL Pack, br., of Kamas ; Henry recklessness and inconi petency in carryShields nominated Thomas L. Allen of ing out the affairs of government, and Coalville. The ballot resulted. Pack, 12; especially the legislature of I3t4, in Allen, 24. Al.ens nomination was made crippling the University and other pubWhen you cb be made to walk strtlarht. We take plaster of unanimous lic institutions by refusing to appropriate fiwotaU.t, in crippled ami Pari, cast of feet to in.nre comfort anllicial fimtw of any otherwise and JeformeU shoea. steel brace, and their for COINTV SI PERISTRMEST. money support, also rhfH-- f made for anyktnd of a deformed foot; the toTorfeit as its affairs conducted so nomiF IL Khead qC Coalville was HILGERT DEFORMITY SHOE CO. nated for county superintendent of supjiort of all good citizens. . We evtngrtuze with the American schools, bv acclamation. Ettahlithed ISgrara. people in being compelled to resort to STITE DEtKOATES. the issue of bonds to cover the deficit South Street, 69 in the treasury of the United States The following delegates were recklessness the caused by extravagance, SA.XiT CITY, ted te the state convention to be held and the incoqapetency of the last Reiu Ogden, September 5th : F'tom Park publican Congrert. M. We pledge a proper consideration for City, R. C. Chambers. William the rights of laboring men and farmers John P. Shield, James Quinn, Ferry, 0 d;r the constitution and the passage "William M. Curtis, R. . Ivory, Fred of such legislation as will secure those Thousands of citizens of Utah and vicinity have Flint, William If. Colbath, George W. rights, and we denounce the Republican felt the wave of enthusiasm that is sweeping over the Groo; Parlevs Park, B. S. Kimball; party for their shameful discrimination Class. the laboring land on account of Home University- - League based on Dan against Lamliert; Ksuias, George C. Pack, Cuaki.fs Calus, Chairman. W.-Deseret Hortin News Edition of the Encyclopedia Britan-nic- a. the Peoa, ; Ralph Oikiey, Vote of thinks, Have you joined it? If not, you should write to Maxwell ; Flo kport, John Hortin ; Wan-ghiThafonventiou then gave a vote of fhe Deseret NeWs Educational Headquarters, 217 S. George W. Young; HovUviile, thanks to t he othcers of the convention Freeman Malin, Oscar Crittenden; and to the proprietor of the hall for tle Main St., Salt Lake City, lor particulars, at once. Echo, J. E. Bromlev ; Henefer, C. H. R. use of the same, fter which they adStevens ; Upton, John Clark ; Coalville, journed, sine die. John Boyden, Charles Callis. W. J. Rftwlint and ThatcherWright, W. II. Branch; Woodland, is th ticket nominated bv Following r Henry Shields. Alternates, F. C. the Salt Lake Democratic convention Fred X. McLaughlin. J. Thompson, baturdav last: j Larsen, Thomas Cupit, S. F Atwood, For Fnitad States Senators Joseph j' ' Moses Thatcher. X. B. Snapp, J. W. Xeel, Joshua L. Raw line, For Members of tne State Senate--ParleJoseph i'torer, W. II. Batchelor, L. William-- . George 1L W h i Postoffiee address, Hoytsville, J. John Algood, I. Edward Powell, Jr., S. Rawlins, Charles R.i .'d. nd,U Pat-cCwt.nd Summit W. Wilde, lan Mitchell. The alternates Savage,Joeph County, Utah. bummes, conducted for Moorasn Frcs. Orcar W. Moyle. Sumf from U OsncE UEFtTY 0o S siTinromri, is OesoeiTt were made alternates at large For Membrs of the Hone of Uepre- j Uau those J ' iml , caa wmre Daienl to leatuue sectativee ltavid R. Allen, Kulon S. Hcticr C; Stephen. Henefer, Summit Co., Ptib emote from Wednnetop. mit county. Utah. Summit with Co., or dewrip-- 1 t.rtlle, SdjnodeC-4wi'iHoj Heber H. iluweu, Bennion, photo., John pvH Murphy, Wells, tioo. ii of sot, hM of tOur jtDicrvL convex nox. aav, Henrv Wallace. Charles W. Penrose, ! not dut till patent i wcared. : with Delegates to the judicial convention OrrmP. Miller, Charles J.lence, Joseph . OSCAR F. LYONS, JA ot uqc in thHowU.toObiufl & aod fomgo couatnct E . iav lor, Adam Spiers. t E. C. Street, Park City, II. Shields, - For County Mipenntendentof Schools j David Fisher, F. C. Thompson, W. E. Notary Public and Oscar Van Cott. F J. McLaughlin, C A. Carnack, 0- WATtKT Office . WASMtNOTOM, O. Collections Promptly made on The Ogd Tewksbury, "J. FT Sweeney," John M. Commission. nominated at ticket is the Kito-ba!Following Harrington; Bariev's .Bark, B, S. 0 Ogden by the Democrats yeaterdar : -Coalville. W. W.Cluff, Sr., J. Office In the F'or United States Senators otph A. L. Moses Smith; J. Salt L. Thatcher, Lake, iii Boyden, J, Rawlins, Summit County, Utah, Peoa. Henefer, George Judd; Katias, W. Fl. Cache. of salt Caine T. For Governor John 'Pack, Sr., Solon Sorenson ; Peoa, Oscar Lfike. ' . -Iu connection with our line of Lyons; Upton, John Glark; Echo, J. K. H Cw sr COPYRIGHTS Bromley IloytsviUe, Enoch Brown, J. pavil,;'Ci"! I ci inlon. wr) For Jndaesof the Supreme Court J. Bowen ; Oakley, S. T. Stevea ; 1 woo F bad Btrwijr Any goods, GROCERIES, HARDWARE,- - HOTIONS, SHOES, Elf; f V. Richarvi i Thomas Maloney, Yeber. th CoostfiontcB 'a if., Teler M. ; Wanship, Malin John port. tinn A lleedbeeltof In. fVtl)r c.Sfi,.ntw4. Salt Lake. Samuel R. Thurman, anil bow to ob toncermuc ye will carry'' a stock of MACHINE LXTRAS Hixson ; Woodland, W. R. Smith. Al; Young, f A tea a MfftJoguaolBoba ot E. it L. lc,5iTir?nt,Rc which we ha e ordered direct from the factory for all kinds fr. Kecretarv of, State F'islier S." llarrity, J. J.Fetera, ternates, M. facalwB k Mwn tbrouab . couul of section the, sri1 Jlitnlhe mtc Amrrirnn, iDd mowers and binders that are Used in this TV. Perry, D. F Hurley, George Wihle, f Harii, Salt Lake. . befckra ba pbDcBltb purrbt Meber A. J. j Attorney-Ge-ierral out and OsB L. Ran For binders L. . ...I?. IflTIRllOF, 'I hi pihxh1I4 papw bay J. K. Imon, John Maxwell, We also carry wagons mowers, bMhrfAB Co., : : i Urirt Tculitii of any anent)c work la tb before our and Call pure!:, prices Greenwood of dall, E. Wickel, J. Mills. Marion other get pTn-n-nr.r-AI.oand things. many prut f t i BotdiLg Ottjoauj rtMWiftiir, pti ier, 41. Fl- .- Malin, G. W. Young. The Mi(ar(1 w e as defy competition. elsewhere, flrttrr 'sctn cnrtin of nw tToi . tu MtUtr, ait delegate were instructed to use theiryor Auditor Gny C. Wilson, smpete. J pfHHfi, tiJiriltTisr btHU1r to hop Ui In-of notiiinaPubl.c j the secure to G. W. & nOBT-YOU- NC, Lest endeavors fllFur, LOn t J' abi BBOADWiT. G. Marof Utah. tionof llenry Shields of Park City for strucuon-k- arl SUMMIT COUNTY DEMOCRATS Cash Bargain Store " -- , 1 e , -- I i lbii, 1 r- an-hi- p, ". i ftOYDENS f)RU SssiV Biu-mes- -, STORE. i 1 7&l:t,rxHAmAmR5mnNEmti0NiiK in-tr- l coalville. j 1 f , I i , Hats and Summer Dress Patterns Will be Sold at Greatly Reduced Prices. J Jo-t-p- Wil-Ale- x stld-dea- ly - - j v- -i ..... Jcts -- MISS Respectfully, ei I SPORTRMANS HEADQUARTERS WILSON BROS. er Stn-11- ! icom-I'let- B'.a.-tir- 1 mix x la BROWNING BROS, "write;' Mitchell Form nml Pnn dll bud Co. and Spring Wagons, Henney Buggies and Moline Plows. and 233 State Street, Salt Lake City Utah. Lump, per ton Stove, per ton Nut, per ton DONT LIMP E Third LAKB $2.00 At the Mine. UTAH. Always On Hand at the BULLETIN. EDUCATIONAL rcH W. - MI p, 'ILrdiiLiLjyy HEBER GUNN, ' ,p2sOO - 1,50' ren-dlete- y osfl Pronin ! g I CoDYeyaQccr,i3.Arsriow&co. ); povrorricE PATRONIZE HOME 1MDUSTR'. Wasatch Dept. O. S. M. Cd notice. ildivL, , rbert, ------ 'dry k' a. :PE Summit Hm-iA- 1 0. F. LYOilS, 4 bctF-A- Wanah p , |