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Show i would only be $42 a year. How many businesses are paying 12 psr. cent? Poultry will, but $12 not being enough for a living, the capital must be increased. How much of a henhouse can be built for $100? At $2 a runniug foot, it is easy to figure out a hennry. Divide this into flte pens, and put ten fowls in each pen, and there will be hens and quarters for Jst forty-fiv- e five cockerels. One hundred hens at $2 profit each would give but $200 a year clear money ' A Caw Art i A Mother to a rig. DAIRY AXI) POULTRY. Portland Oregoniaffi The recent in the paragraph Oregonian gtout freakish relatione among animals causUERESTING CHAPTERS FOR es to be brought to light a very singular circumstance on the farm of lb J. OUR RURAL READERS. Moore, at it alalia Corners. A heifer lost her calf and two or three dart afterward it was noticed (low. Sureeurul Farmers Oiierate The that she did not require milking. Inliepnrtment of the Isnu A Few vestigation led to the discovery of the Hints ss to the Care of Live Stock fat t that the heifer had adopted a pig, which she would call and suckle as affectionately as if it had ) t teen sustained some weeks to the ana Poultry. llnw to Heetlle i ns s4.v e rtarvL 0V evi- - Ready teDo Ills firt Chaining n Beauty Jinks Everybody predicted that Haiti head would have trouble after ho married that vain beauty, but ahe never leaves her home unless he is with her. How does he manage? H inks He filled the house with mirrors. New York Weekly. Cure for Curiosity. Inquisitive Yankee visitors to the Aminen ram while lying at Bath have been unable to refrain from meddling with the machinery of the guns and other interesting pieces of mechanism found about the ship, despite the big placards desiring them to keep their "hands off, which the officers plenti- fully strewed about the vessel. So in order to discourage such investigators several of the machines wich seemed most to attract the inquisitive were connected to a powerful electric battery, the hands off sign being, of course, retained also Since the idea w'as put into effect the ship's company bus bad lots of fun, and the visitors have begun to have respect for a reasonable request Th University of Omaha. Nebraska has many creditable institutions of learning colleges that have . wrought a grand work and given the state name and fame extending far beyond its own confines and conspicuous smong them wiU be found that embodied in the heading of this article. It Petrous. TO HANDLE ' iwr"juvrTrg5V the shoal is sleeker and weighs several pounds more than its companions of the Wot age; And now will somebody in the audience accommodate me with a cavalry sworo? asked the professor of magic, stepping to the front of the stage and rubbing his hands in pleasant anticipation, T here was no response. The professor repeated his request. heme result. I am sorry, he said at last, after waiting several minutes, that 1 shall be unable to perform my advertised feat of swallowing a sword, but you wilt see, ladies and gentlemen, that it is not my fault. I will now proceed with the wonderful performance of the magic egg bag, etc. Chicago Tribune. ot a sometimes seriou8 questionL 'writes man in the American1 Cbeesemiker. It is well known that a cheesemak-er- , to be successful, must have ability to handle patrons with gloves The Cheese- us it were. maker who simply examines the milk and accepts or rejects without cereWhen I mony has much to iearn. was teaching school and attending teachers institutes, conducted by our best state institute conductor, bis advise. first, last and all the time, was; Each pupil is a" Study your pupils. law unto himself add .must be studied, if you would get the tost results. Just so, I claim, is it 'with cheese The choesemaker factory patrons. must study each patron and -- Bandio-Th, him accordingly. The cheesemaker who can make first-clacheese in every respect, but who frequently gets into a jangle with his patrons, cannot Handcommand the highest wages. ling the patrons just right is a most important part of the cheesemaker'a business. a I will tell you how I handled cranky patron, this spring, where many d a cheesemaker would have failed. Early In- - April I received a vat cf milk with a strong taint of rotten potatoes in fact,-- hardly knew, whether the product would be potatoes or cheese. The next day I took pains to discover the rotten potato man. which was easily done, but I was at sea just what to do, as he was a valuable but cranky patron; and I knew I stood In danger of losing his custom if I should say; This mlik you must take I said to my back; it Is way off. helper, Run this milk Into a can by itself and, if we cant make cheese of It, we will make potato dumplings. We must visit our patron this evening, and well have to handle him with gloves on. Promptly at 6 p. m., we visited We found him at the barn his home. and casually and pleasantly asked him to show us his cows. We talked cows find milk and teats for some time. He seemed pleased to have us take an interest in him and was, accordingly, In good humor. I said to him, Did you ever hear of potatoes tainting milk? No, said he. I aald, Rotten potatoes give milk a worse taint than anyIs that thing on Gods green earth! bo? Say! I have my mornings milk In the cellar now, and there are potatoes dqwn there and some of them are rotten. Well," said I, If that la so, wont you please put your cellar milk in a separate can from the rest? Yea, said he, I will. The milk was way brought as promised and was bad enough to' sicken anyone. I off gave him a sip and he made a wry tace. Of course, said I, that milk I cant And he willingly took it home, take. a humbler aud a wiser man. ss quick-tempere- Milking comprises three departments, namely: Bellevue College, Omaha Medical College and Omaha Dental College, the latter just organised. Each department is conducted on the plan of doing the best possible work. Bellevue College, as is well known, was the pioneer ia Nebraska for high grade work, bein in some particulars in advance of the state university. All of the high schools of Nebraska which prepare fully for the state university, have the additional studies necessary for entrance to llellevne College. The institution maintains an academy or preparatory department and for those who desire to tcaeh or become proficient in music it offers superior advantages, thp talent employed being the best to be 'obtained. The college is ten miles from Omaha, the metropolis of the state, and is a delightful and attractive location. It is far enough away to be out of sight and sound of the bustling city, andyet near enough to lie in touch with advantages that the Many desirable metropolis .brings. features is connection with the college might be dwelt upon, but from what Jiua been said the reader can draw his ct her conclusions, corresponding with ''the faculty . for details not here set forth. A Wonder of Antiquity. One o! the greatest wonders - of -- au-- St Louis Repub lie,' was the famous wrlificlal bos y of water called Lake Moeris, According to Herodotus, "the measure of Its circumference was 3, 3C0 furlongs, which is equal to the entire length of Egypt excavauoo. seacosL. The . eient Egypt, says the , Moeris (the memnon Romansjwas of a varying depth and its center was occupied by two pyramid, the apexes of which were 300 feet higher than the surface of the water. The water for this gigantic artificial reservoir was obtained from the Nile through a canal, which six month of - The year had an overflow, corresponding to high and low water in the river. T he canal, gradually filled with sand . and the lake has long since evaporated, but the bottom is still one of the most ' fertile Arse is In Egypt. Under the head of milking may.be comprised the cleanliness of the animals and the manner and time of milking. The Introduction of separators for practically Teveaied the necessity terCleanliness in a cow stable. At the mination of the process of separating, a peculiar allme la to be found adhering to the aldea of the separator. Its color varies from gray to green, brown and even black. When examined un-e- n clef the microscope, plants, hair, soot, linen, have been discovered, and when exposed to the air for a short time it putrlfies rapidly. It consists in reality of dirt, and as such must lajtn-- the quality of milk and butter.- - In order to keep the milk as free from the dirt as possible, the cows ought to be rubbed down with a straw whisk on their right hindquarters and udders before they are milked in the morning During the day it is necessary to currycomb and brush each animal. The best kind of brush to be used is the one rather more open than an ordinary horse brush, but of the best hog bristle. The animals are first scraped over with the currycomb and then brushed. In addition the adders of ail cows ought to be washed and dried before milking, and the milkers ought to dip their hands in cold water before milking each animal. Care must be taken to completely empty the udder when the cow is milked. In large establishments where several milkers are employed It is advisable to select one or two of the more careful persons to strip the cows after they have been milked. By this means the carelessness of some of the milkers may be corrected. Each milker should have bis own stool and pall marked and numbered, and should bo held responsible for the cleanliness of the same. The milk ought can through a double balr strainer, and the mlik cans ought. If possible, to be placed outside the cowhouse. R. H. Beamish in Connecticut Farmer. Cfltt t Kttrt In sharp contrast to the columns of rot which are published la the agricultural press regarding the large profits to be realized from a few dollars invested' In the poultry business, is the following from Farm Poultry, la am wer to a question from a correspondent, In which the editor ctqprly points Hsaswekvrs out what margin of profit may reasonWe desks to direct year attsatlon to tb ably be looked for: If motto: Oar Can the poultry business be started C:t toast of Alalama. or location for ia you antwliate a change with $350r have We test! the not get investment, why Ye a. It can be started, but we Imagstatement it." and in carder to veny our we ere making extremely low rate to ine we can read between the lines that homeseekers sod investors that they may in that start and tot that amount of InFoe vestment our friend expects to be supmake a persoaal investigation. and low railroad rate address The ported. and of course, wants sll L'n ion Land Co., Motile, Ala , er Maior T. the other expenses met. It cannot Omaha, H. C Northwestern s jar-tk-uar- s Agent, arisen, Three hundred and fifty be done. r. dollars is no money at all to invest in ia no letter Human nature oe the throne unless the operator ex-- f than human Batura in the alums. Three hundred pecto to find himself. I cent Interest dollars at and fifty per SAA for eeooad hand, Billiard tab , . would earn $21 a year, rfctau. Apply to r sdtirws, H. C. Aar. good business that would til b, LU) feb, Omaha, Nsi f Is 13It not acent Yet that Interest? per give Ne! aax-bugln- 7 ess on $1 that amount? Hur there' arriiW"wKoinr?8r3' a head profit than that double the K J"1 to bring out Fig results, lust like any other business. Now, if our inquirer has some other occupation' for a living and will ztart aa we suggest be can graduaHy build up a paying business. Moral Begin small; go slow; 3oc1 Rather expect too much with little. reverse it. IVlitn lurk, .There is probably no brapeb of the poultry business more profitable than duck raising, yet but comparatively few farmers will admit these big whtte beauties to tbelr premises. The wives would like to keep them, for their feathers are light find elastic, and every way as desirable as goose feathers, and while the goose lays but few eggs the duck lays a great many. The great objection raised against ducks Is they foul the horse troughs, and the majority of the eggs are lost, for It is of no use to give a Pekin duck nest or nest eggs. She lays wherever it happens. To keep ducks successfully and without annoyance about watering troughs a small pen is necessary. Their house need not be a fine affair nor the yard expensive. A fence two feet high will hold them, and twelve- - feet square Is ample for a dozen or fifteen ducks. Inside the yard may be placed a trough. An inexpensive trough may be made by taking two pieces of 2x10 scantling Jour, feet long. Round them up at each end like sled runners. Take a piece of galvanized iron two feet wide nnd nail it to the rounding aides of the scantling. To make it stronger nail pieces of 2x4s across each end. This makea a very convenient trough to clean, for It can be rocked back and forth to clean It. A pipe from the windmill supplies oura with water. Our trough has been In constant use for six yean and looks Ducks good for several yeara more. soon become accustomed to their home, and after their gate la opened in the morning It ought not be opened before 10 o'clock during the haying season they will go forth in search of bugs, etc., but frequent return visits will be made to that trough. The eggs should be gathered before they are given their liberty, and they should always be given breakfast in their pen. The best food for laying ducks la scalded bran and the table scraps. Ensilage wilt be eaten greedily by the ducks. Raw carrots are good food. Very little grain will be consumed it green food and table scraps are furnished. Ducklings are very easy to manage, but a mistake aometlmea costs the' loss of a large flock. They are beit raised in brooders even if hatchei under hens. For years we have no ap tifleial heat for ducks, but we would do so if we raised them in large number. They can stand more cold than a chicken, but we cover oura when the weather la bad, only letting them out of their box to eat. We feed them every two hours until they are several weeks old. Open water dishea are disastrous to ducklings. They get wet, roll over on their backs and die. We have never been very jtartlcular what we fed the d duckling-breacrumbs, cold potatoes, scalded corn chop and table scraps; only feed often And keep them clean. If Lice is sure death to ducklings. hatched under hens oil their heads as soon aa hatched. Inbreeding is a great cause of failure Jniluclni8lng.' You may inbreed chickens and have fair never. They take fits success, but. ducks , econoniy to try to get on vith the Stock on band to sate expense, Betsy Stock Journal. - I ftwt of jPrrtips-vf- c on Pears. fruits resfmnd so rapidly to good ftUHzing as pears, and where old seem to he running out a new lease of life is given to them by applying ground bone and potash. says a Highest of gll in Leavening No Power.- - tn the Pallforula Cultivator. are'the two es the soil that the trees exhaust, and when they can longr draw them from their surroundings they refuse to produce fruits. After many years of experience I can safely Bay that all of ftPWik&n. toe&rpf-- a .eld orchard, can Pear no sal-nb- AMViwLwimoftt-Awww- wd b? the annual application and ground bone. of potash y.v team 1 li toappiy about too pounds of muriate of potash elth MM) pounds of ground bone per etch year. One-ha- lf of this mtx--3r- e is applied tn tall, and the other half tn the spring at plowing time. Crimson clover seed Is sown with the fertilizer In order to give the necessary nitrogen. This repeated year In succession brings the orchard up to a condition where excellent crops of pears can be depended upon every season. Lately many of our standard pears hate been degenerating, andeven-upogood soli they fall to produce the paying crops that they should. The fruits are small, tasteless and apt to be knotty and poor generally. Our fall fruits are unusually poor and Insipid and if better pears could be produced at this time of the year there would be a better general demand. Our fall and winter pears are susceptible of higher and more delicious flavors if vie only give them the right cultivation and fertilization. The comparative difference between the fruits of the same variety of pears taken from two orchards is sufficient to convince one of the truth of this remark. Not a few are so podr that one can hardly believe that they came from the same stock as the other delicious specimens plucked from trees that have beep fertilized for several years. Herein lies the difference. It Is a crying need of the times that orchardista should get out of the old ruts, and educate the public up to a love for better fruits, lu this way the consumption' win Increase. We can only do this by abandoning the Idea that apple, pear and other orchard tree will take care of themselves. They will not. and never did, properly.-The- y need cultivation and fertilization just as truly aa do vegetables, grain or other farm products. Fruit growing requires as much scientific study ss grain growing or cattle breeding, and the sooner this Is generally recognized the better it wiil be for the Industry. !r Close Planting of Varieties. The Idea of mixed and close planting of varieties may be carried too far and In the wrong direction, unless a study Is made of the secondary effects. My attention was first attracted to the possibility of Influencing the size and quality of plum by the use of the right pollen by the following fact, .which alone la accountable for In no other way than except by the direct Influence of Joreign pollen: A chance seedling was planted on m? grounds, almost under the leaning Top of a tall Weaver plum tree; for keveral years the fruit was larre flattlai), oblong freestone of good quality and very productive. The plum being ao much better in quality, than the Weaver, the Weaver tree was cpt down the next season and ever since the fruit has been smaller, nearly round and a perfect clingstone. Last spring I applied pollen from the Weaver to a few blossoms, and the fruits clearly showed the effects of the Weaver pollen. C. W. Heidman. Leaps ot a Mountain Sheep. Tha mountain sheep does not leap from great heigths, and land either upon his horn or bis feet He knowa tha strength of his materials, too well to try it. ' His horns and skutT might successfully withstand tha ahock, but tbe weight of his body would break his spinal column In two or three places, to aay the least of it It Is true that when hard pressed a herd will some- times plunge down a terribly steep in- cllne.-Blla.and bounding from point point; until they plow Into the slide-roc- k below; but as to leaping over a sheer precipice, I never ' saw any one who even claimed to have Dairy Form. One point must always ever witnessed such a thing. The old bo kept prominently In mind. We may rams often fight by butting each other not know exactly how milk is produced, terrifically, and often splinter or aome-o- ff ends ot their horns but we do know that It comes, some- times break how, from the food. The great dairy In that way.- - -- W. T. Hornaday, in SL cow must be able and willing to eat, Nicholas. digest and assimilate Urge quantities of food. A large abdomen is Important, Currant Worm. The European curas it is an indication of health, vigor, rant worm ia on hand and, If he ia let vitality. This suggests the danger cf alone, will destroy the currant crop going to extremes. in Insistence on and eventually kill the hushes. This dairy form. The cow must be a good worm ia ot a greenish gray and about animat first, that is she must have abi- an Inch long, and is usually found on the undo' side of the leaf dose to the lity to Avell perform all the functions necessary to preservation of life and edge, often several on one leaf, and health. Fineness of bone or general he eats the whole of that leaf and then delicacy of structure may be carried goes to the next, until nothing is left too far. Another common complicaI,ook carefully at the lower part of tion In judging pure bred cows is the the bushes, for the worms generally difficulty in properly apportioning the start there and work upward; turn the relative importance of breed character- bush so that you ran see the under side istics and general dairy characteristics. of the foliage. Use W'hlte Hellebore, There Is no reason to believe that color, which is most easily applied with the or the size, shape or absenr'e of horns ordinary Insect pfiwder bellows. There materially affect the ability to give need be no fear of poison, ns tbe rains milk, but such things are taken into will noon wash the powder off, and beaccount by the breeder. There must be sides it tones all ito quality soon by exa considerable modification of definition posure to tha air. Some say that salt of terms in judging different breeds. about two tablespoonfuls to a pall of That which would be called email or water will kill' them. Ex. fine Id one mlght be called Urge or Moles. Moles are enormous eaten coarse in another breed. Ex. and the worms and the undeveloped Cross-Bre- d Fowls. In England quite matter they consume, It will tire any a demand is annually created for cross- one to feed them. I have often traced breds by the poultry men-n- re re adver- them to a hill of potatoes when evitising auctat showing that they are of dently they turned off -- with disgust a more hardy nature, and that as meal after destroying' any animal life near and egg producers they excel the bird the potato; hence I conalder them a Until a few years ago, blessing in the garden Instead of a In Its purity. on account of fanciers sacrificing the caiee. They are strictly an animal eatutility points of the breeds to gala high er and. will starve to death with the vegetables around scoring fowls, it looked aa if a similar most tempting step had to be taken in tbto country. them. A-- P. Sharp in Ex. But the fanciers are more careful now. Sioux City Stock Yards to Be Sold and we believe that better and hardier stock Is being grown. We prefer pure- Orders have been made In the federal bred poultry, but want them profitable. court for tbe sale of the Union 8tock lards at Sioux City, Iowa, to satisfy We do not care for high scores whe we aie aiming at supplying a market mortgagee to the amount of over for table poultry and eggs, and for that $1,000,000 In favor of the Missouri, reason the cross-bre- d question wss Kansas & Texas Trust company and raised. But let the fanciers contlnne the Boston Safe Deposit and Trust to aim at utility and hardlncsg, smftbe company, trustees, and A. L. Stetson The priority of the bottom wlll drop out of the idea of Individually, claims is established In the order given crossing for profit Iowa Homestead nd the Stock Yards company la alThe government reservation Mack- lowed only ten daya to settle them all inaw Island, which 'was presented to before the sale ia made. The yard will Michigan by the last, congress, has be bid in by tbe Sioux City Stock been formally accepted by the state Yards an organization company, and Gov. Rich has appo'ntcd commit formed by the unsecured creditors to sloners to have charge of It , Protect their equities. ng Absolutely pure le PeeoKWltloB Latest U. S. Govt Report Earn es without doubt these entiul constituents of -- 5h Had Blit.niler. About a quarter of a century ago iirUelle- - aa I'erfurmedat rsng'T'i one of the theaters. Thn'part of Lit-ett- e was allotted to Virginia Dejaze. This popular actress, then advanced in had lost all her teeth, and, to do ?eara, to her new role, she bad ordered a fresh set Aa the teeth felt uncomfortable, she took them out when the play was over and put them In her pocket. When In the greenroom, the incautiously sat down, and immediately jumped up, with a scream. hat is the matter? inquired our jolly old friend, Adolphe Deanery, I Nothing," said MUe. Dejazet have only bitten myself. Bevue Theatrale. " Tobacco Tittered sad Term Every day we meet tbe un wild shabby willow skin, and bamblinc fooutepo. oi d hit ml Tor tbe cl.er- holdms out a totwoco Tobacco deelf oye manhood and ity quarterla tbe happiness ot pei (act vitality. No guarunlced to sure just such caeos, and it a under sutrao-lebold to make them try. ibartty u curs by Drwztsia everywhere. Book Addre-- e free. bierim Kemedy Co , New ), iwl-le- Herd Leek. First Man at tbe Beach (to second erttnij bnyrfw kind of mwatt to come down here. I was her first, and consequently 1 have a prior claim on the young ladle ht this beach. Second Arrival A thousand pardons for intruding, but I really had no idem there would be a man her ahead of me. I'll get ont right away nnd try another beach, and it isn't likely Ill run against such hard luck again. Koxbury Gazetto. Odny. . " Make Tear 6we Hitters On receipt of to cents in U. B. t lam pa, Will send to any address on package Bto-ketee a Dry Bitters. On package make on gallon beM tonic known. Cures atom-ac- h, kidney diseases, nnd ia n greet appetizer and blood purifier. Juet the medicine needed . for spring and summer. Zte. at s, your drug atom. Address Ueo. Q, Grand Rapid. Mich. -- , Bra-KiTi- - e Hi (pholes Bobby was trying to make It plea ant for bis father's guest till that individual arrived, lie pointed to two York City or Lbioaso. boxes of cigar on the piano. ' la After Veer. The one at ther right is them wot paw give t his friens De udders b Darling" He gazed at.her with a tender, ap- smokes himself. All right, my boy," said the visitor,, pealing glanco. 1" helping himself to the private box, They were preparing to start out for I'll take one f these, for at present the evening, and he was anxious for I'ra not one of your fathers friyoda. her sake, to look liia Vest. Syracuse Boat my hat on straight? THE FARMER U'HAPrVI . Being assured that it was the husband of the coming woman, after givThe farmer reporting 60 bushels Wining explicit directions to the nurse re- ter Rye per acref' ton of hay and S3 garding the baby, trustingly, took the bushels pj Winter Whest hss reason to arm ot her who bad sworn to cherish be happy sad praise Salser's seeds! Now' and protect him and ao they went you try'lt for 18M and sow now of their way. New York World. grasses, wheat and rye. Catalogue and samples free, if you write to the John A. - - Open the Safety Valve Raiser Seed Co., La Crosse, Wt.. and W hen ther I too bl a bead of (team on, SSI (W.N.U.j you will be la dancer. Similarly, wheajthat Important safety valve of tbe eyntefn. they Nothing is so cheap and so very v a! until bo e I, become oliet ructed, open It prom pt-l- a folitenees and courtesy. with lloKteiterektooiarh tUUvre. and guard aceleat the ronsequeiipe of It closFarter Ctharee Teel la yepaler. mtm ure. btJIlouMieoa, dyepepelK. malaria, rheufor Ht jog4 work htiflertnf unit, matic and kidney camptelDt. nerrou-oe- -e VCMMIA ftl4 BCUkiO to ftUOtftitof a4 end neuralgia ere subjugated by this pleasant but potent Conqueror of dleeaee. The heart Is larger than the world, Le cause tbs wbols world cannot UR it 7 TA Mach Cariosity. at a eras if relief II I te heew The Judge Have you any reason to fhftt ws t arr ro m lii&irreOiMPBmftvafe jvm br offer,-whsentence should not be mmA wary tmifunmc tt Ia. lit mk 4niiUi passed upon you? its instltutioae, beX The lri&ouer I aint got much to This country, with hen longs to the people who inhabit it but it's right to the point tsy, 1 shot the feller I was only doin' it fer tun, an here you fellers are wantin' to hang me In cold blooded malice, so you air. Indianapolis Journal. y ' $ , BURCH, West Toledo, ALBERT O., "Kells Leiirrk Lure saved him for particulars. 5 i i -.- 1.1 save! my life." Writ Sold by Drugglats, Tbo. ..II .Ill HOT -- He H a a Frodent Man. V. James, what Chicago Tribune: have you been doing In the garret? It was hie wife who spoke. You wont betray me, Elizabeth?" exclaimed the prominent politician, pale and excited. Betray you? Certainly not What have you been doing in that garret? he replied in a hoars gk Elizabeth, whisper, I have been looking to see if any tody has discovered my views on KNOWLEDGE the silver question. That's where I keep them! Brings comfort and improvement and Olyeerlne. when Rr(Mats'arsnpkwlwllk The zraula. Cere ChepiOTlH end - tends to personal enjoyment ungloal eed only As. U vl. Clare Ca.llvuA, Cold eor. and I rightly nsea. The many, who live betothers and enjoy life more, with A lie Is always an enemy, so matter bow ter than lest expenditure, by more promptly well meaning It may look. adapting the worlds best products to r. It line's fleraS the needs of physical being, will attest Vo iufler ttMf UrwliUys W IS trtnl wik tbe Value to With of the pure liquid Narvcioitfcufpi, Tnotlat IShm laxative principles embraced in the greatest man wbodweamost for remedy, Syrup of Figs. f.j!w men. Ito excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas1 have found Fisos Cure for Consumpto the taste, the refreshing and truly ant F. R. medicine. tion an nnfalilng tor, beneficial 1305 Scott St, Covington, Ky., Oct 1, 1804. properties of a perfect laxative ; effectually cleansing tbe system, baa to come to stay, Every reform that dispelling colds, headaches and fevers begin to the heart ana permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and Has eons Vagle Cor Belv.Aafe taCeodrd.. WarreateS N cm er eMoty met with the approval of the medical dngglat lur Ik FOOT U profession, because it acta on the Kidweak- There ore people who wont to do good, neys, liver and Bowels without bat they or slow to comment. ening them and it Is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. If the Baby Is Cutting Teeth. Syrup of Fitrs Is for sale by all drugreiaedr, Was. I ear sad MB that old aaS bottles, but It is manTsMkla gists in 60c and sraebowi Soonure Szeer fer CUidrea ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Nebraska ha fourteen women saperin-Undent- s Co. only, whose name is printed on every of public Instruction. package, also tha name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not his wife never The man who' praises accept any substitute if offered. sometimes talks very nice in church. IMBlUOr.kuB-UBOaiBU,l'kUBl- -- 'e, - tl - DR. WINCHELLS TEETHING SYRUP Is the best medlrln for all disease Inrklrtit to children. It regulates the bowels; andits dentition i cures dlorrliea ami dysentery la the worst forms;eure ranker Bor throat: Is s certain preventive of diphtheria ; quiets and soothe all pain Invigorate the stomach and towels; correct all will cur gripiug In the towels and wind acidity:Do not failgu yourself and child with eolic. sleepless ninlitt when Ills aithln your reach to sure your cluld and save your owa strength. 1 LEAVES ITS J1ARK every one of tbe painful Irregularities and weaknesses that prey upon women. They fade the face, waste the figure, ruin tbe temper, wither yon np, make you old before your time. Get well: That's the way to Lok well. Cure tbe disorders and ailments that beset you, with Ir. Fierce'S Favorite Prescription. It regulates and promote ail the womanly function, improves digetioo, enriches the blood, dispels ache stid pains, melancholy and nervoutnee. .rifig refreshing sleejy and restores beai-- . .d Dr. Jaquet German Worm Cakes destroy worms A remove them from the system Prepared by Ewart Freprktsry Co.. Chicago, Hi, SOLD BV ALL DRUOaiSTS. OR. McCREV Til PRIVATE DISEASES KM 14or4fsof MEN ONLY ItBOmrjfnr rvrat - strength. iprncn I WELL HACHlilERY 1 U Li, Illuatrstad eeMloco eho-rt-o AUGgits, hock iKiLi,, de. AND JETTING MAOHIM.KY. Surr Fees, ilsre been tested and imuarud Sloni CUy F.wrtna A Iron Works, buootssors to Hech Mf? tssi t ity. Sate. Tbs Besix A cuss Mo. U, is IS Wa- -t Eiswatk street. kne-- 4. In FY IHN 4 th dk F ilrta OMIUA, HLAL EtENSIONSSPd W. N. I'., $ C OITLT XS SPECIALIST wmo TAT ills Ir. Ka Oswaba-- S , lh3. it hen answering adveniennU kindly mention this pape- - , |