Show A CLEVER SWINDLE rtOOUE GOT AWAY WITII ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS Poestled a Dllrlft Attorney nf Valifor WIftInctal a Mrfhnt In Inliries Uk fee little by a ilevillor Plittim of llpnmlng i NI m Tilt CICV rest swindling 1 schemes I ever J heard of woo auc ceHfully worked I right here In this M JI city i0ld District I r > Attorney lurnci to I a San KraiKlico reporter re-porter the other I day aa tho lawyers In the hlteman case tat talking together while they waited for the verdict of the Jury Tho case was brought to my office but try aa we would I we could find no charge that would fit the case and upon which there was any chance of Securing a conviction The principal Will a bright young mm and ho dropped Into one of the largo jewelry houses one day and naked to see come diamonds 110 seemed particularly pleased with n pair of big nolitalrc but the price UGO seemed too much for him its my wife birthday tomorrow ho said and Id like to data these stones I wont get any money until next week and I haven ITW now Of course Im a stranger and I suppose you couldnt trust moT Tho aaleaman aalil he thought not The would bo purchaser till fingered fin-gered Ihc atonn and then M If struck Jy a bright Idea I ho mentioned the name of a prominent cnplUllal anti I naked Ibo clerk If ho knew the min Tho clerk Sold ye4 The man men Honed had an Account at the store III tell you what Ill do then said the buyer He gave mo this check n day or two ago nnd Ill I Indorao It over to You In payment for these diamonds Tho check WAft for 1000 1 nnd after ionic constellation with the had of the firm It was decided to accept tho trade and the stranger departed with his Jewels Jew-els Becoming siiiplcloui however tho Jeweler look the check to the man who was supposed to hato made It and heal he-al once denounced II aa a forgery Then n hunt was commenced for tho stranger and when found tho check was handed lo him anti the diamonds wcro demanded demand-ed from him Ho denied Hint the check was a forger field Ihcro was some mlitako somewhere and that ho would ace It all right but na the Jeweler a were becoming becom-ing anxious ho finally proposed that ho give back life diamonds and they ahould return tho check JiThi dlnmondn were brought and after being examined under n magnl tying glaia were found lo bo Ibo panic ones sold the day before The check was given back but aa the Jcwclcra turned to go the stranger pointed out tint the check was lifeless to him with film Indoncmcnt to them on tho back unless they relndoracd It to him This they did l Bad departed No rooner had they gone than the holder of the check went down to their bank nnd on file Jewelry firms In doracmcnt collected the face attic of the check It was not a forgery continued Mr Ilarnea for we had no evidence to holY that It WAS not obtaining goods under folio pretence for the dlamonda wero given back to tho firm nnd It wm not obtaining money under falio pro tcncei because the note was Indoraed back again Wo could not hold him on any charge and ho lent fro while the firm paid the amount of the chock |