Show STATISTICS There are scarcely ever fewer than W ships near Lands ind leaving or bearIng bear-Ing up for the Ilrlllih channel There are between 11004 ami 1SOOO men licensed as cab driver In London but only about 10000 are actually employed em-ployed The sultanate of Jobnre has nn area nf about 10000 square miles and n population popu-lation of bctwreen MOOUO and 300000 souls According to be tenth lemon there were 3MM hotelkeeper within the limit lim-it nf our country nha are ill 10 hove entertained dally an average of fifty guests The foreigners an more numerous among the domestic servant constituting constitut-ing 73 per cent ot the population while the natives In the same calling form 09 per cent Where the bottom of the ocean Is bad an ocean cable will frequently last only three or four years but on a good bottom bot-tom wire taken up after twenty years has been found almost as good aa ever According la the last census there Tere 60000 Germans t GOOO Americans JIOOO Husilans 1000 Poles S > French 11000 Scandinavians 10000 Italians 10 000 Dutch and Ilelglans TOOO Rwlas and a considerable nuirotr of other nil Honolulu In IJniUnd |