Show VETERANS COKNEKj GOOD SHORT STORIES FOR OLD SOLDlnilB Urn Naterys AIstorplio ltt All hlnolU jgaltj nn llrnllifr h1 of oforth Poll 0athA Minor fWSMIIAM atrayed In a dark little 6J room And all wool made I ehmful and 1 11Ien t P11 tt danced on the li WVY floor na never before I And the hmrt of the Student was bright llIlhtno 1 hit work and brtghliml hill life The future with promise was AIM IAn I nt was happy and And Men the prevent ple4ment And hOI In his breast wm lnitllle The world 1 < was a wart 1 at li Inens anti Joy And life was n beautiful drmmi of Ipalr No misery there and naught llreu of that one little tiMtn Ilul mankind It I henlleM held careless withal lle shut out the rays el the I Sun He puihoil to tire blind before he divined Jut what he had IhouKMIwnly done Then dark an 1 despairing all life looked to him With misery ever barrio The future one right was na dark aa the night The present had only r 09roel Too late wide ticrn title hulnrn he threw Th funbeam forever limit Plied The lift that In urned to I never re turneil And love wall Km Sunbeam that nl l Chicago ienlng Pint Hint a Kin null run Dabney II Maury the war veteran vet-eran hai a fund of anedol and plenty of wit for Spicing It and hU nturlra urn llitfned to with much plennure Illi fn orlte tale li I of him battle Hlth it Cactus tuili buhu happened when we were tatlonr In Texas upon the banks of the Itlo Irnnlf ant being a little aniloua one day rrgardlni a mill aptCk I MW muv I Inn In Ilin distance I determined to xn aofllx forward to ln > e tlgatn It I dll not tell any one of my mIIIn fear Inn to IM laughed aa n fob Marmll Aa I crept thruugh the brush toward the moving Irk It Suddenly grew much larger and I Paw It was coming tralght toward me I hal nn flrldglnx but aa I enjoyed an adventure I determined de-termined to meet the enemy no matter > hlll WAN Ho I Howl bollly up an 11 WI1I1fJ1 minute a in mooting Iii lane of me and then I law It was a lendll I white bull Now I wa neer afrnl of Taurus though I hAil had stay crnl eii rlrnrea with him on the prairies no inntlng my ground 1 I let fly at him with my rill again and again I think I must leave truck him for he Snorted I end I charge toward me I hot I again the pivot taking effect In hit I head Hut my Pilot only lingered him anti gave him treat alrength With a lrrltlo hallow he lowered tits head and made for me I link one look at its horn readied that then was no time to Ore again and dodged him I Jumped to one il lot It Into a title of lerbruth unit landed right In I the mldit of a great baq hr eaclua liuili 1 I you know what n eaclua huh IT In Its wlll l state It la n bundle of razors newly ahariwned unit turned Hail toward you and I felt on top nf M keen knives I lay liters until I could I need courage to crawl through the I laI leu and terrl My cut I crept home When I tohl I my story my Comrades did I not tllet me do Over there half a mile anti you will And n while bull don1 I In I the brush I a ill He I fell na I lay on the Carlos points ant If I hat It In do over aguln Id take my chance with the bull Now York llecorder lie IU til lllilnl Ileut V was stationed a few years ago at Fort Sheridan He was mnrrlMl ant bad a eharmlng family of there Ion of whom Ih Coldest I rnril won a bright red hvu Irtl little chap I of L They had been at Fort Sheridan for a year i or two when I lull V iua unterod to Join a comimind In Texan die mnlttr WAS of course dleeuwwd often In I the presence of Krneat Ueut V nhltlnc Me I wife not to forget to pack much Bad Such a thing aa It could not tw tin in Texas und fur Ihla reason he look It Into his hand I thai Textile mutt be n terrible ter-rible line to go to The afternoon before the Hart was to tx mad Ueut V told his mail Come Ernest uiek all your toys that you want for toniorrutv we leave for Texan That night Ira V gathered her little lit-tle ones nt her knee aa woo her euilom to say their irayera Krnel paid his Now I lay me ant then went on lod bleia my papa Clod bleM my mamma lol bloom l my brnthera Gold blame rneit nnd make him a good I boy Then he paused a moment ant went un with drep and earned feeling In his childish olc And O IKHI bye nod for we are going lo Texai lluffalu Hxproiss lnlrr < l w nlili Ixinntrol At the late reunion of Confederate and Union soldiers In Chicago no fa moua el ran from North or South wai the center of more lively Interest than Gen Jan M ingitreet one uf the east noted characters of Southern war history his-tory Pays the llama Horn of Chicago He was found ul parlor X of the Ialinr House resting after his Journey lo thin city from Inlnmlllf da where he now resides The Genteel had born fill journey will and excepting a alight deafnetw which has troubled him III Utter years tile appearance make It aeem Improbable Improba-ble that he la I the hero of two war but much li I the fact this gallant soldier having aened ItO n Taylor at the lattle I IIui Jtriai d > la Palma In Kit pit with tho nrot enrlI ff the arm or I I N rlhrrn Uexlnla during the a rY t I I litrrn Ih Him n Hf In a tall m 01111 I appearing gentleman wearing grir I I munirh nnd hcaxy burmild MI frm In I rrrrl and Idar0 itemn alI al-I a r markahly w pll prtMrrl i i man He received a nprMntatt of The Ham Him with M well I known I eourlrty and In a brief Interview rx I pressed himself An followni I You ask me what relation CHrli I tlinlly holens to the rtully i of the nation In my opinion religion M etery I thing Without Christianity we mall II m-all ro lo ruin while with It we ir build up the grandest nation that ever I folloted An lo the general feeling among the people north and south I have hl great oporlunllln for Observing and learning an to thin and I ran My nn illdly thai the feeling In I iulle general now that the people i am all family to get together and live file the ommon I Interests of our common euuntryi thai w f have got together here today on I Oil solemn occasion proves that fit beyond peradventure and I hnnlly think that a meeting of thin kind fr this urponii cOuld hl i > occurred In any other Ian I save thin I nm ala I thin la Pa File myself nil MtterntM nan Illword out of my life Bad I hn e naught lot love In my heart for my fellow inrn north and south A Mlllury llrHlUnu TIM eondlllon of Tgypt at the lime p vk In vain a parallel In hlit ry I1lIn h1 I foil iwcd n Ira III ln if Pattern dm ollim In the rmntln of a bodyguard denlllute of all flea exelt those which bound them to bin SrFn lurchapod on Infnntn In Georgia r ClrcPla they weir like the JnllArla at Constantinople I trained to armn nan na-n exclusive rofenilon Aand mount Ion I-on the Invoit steeds or Arabia Uconi he elite of film army In lime this body or > Acute nn I powerful men transformed Itself Into n warrior tIle wai dlvlI1 Into il cnmimnle and obeyed no authority au-thority excrpt trial of tin captain Thet wm known In oriental ihranc an IwYs the nuburillnalrn wen IbfmielMa what wo call the Miimelukra M I tile w 1001 turmoil a klnl of chivalry whl li governed the land I with deepotle xiw rind a r-ind caring nothing fur the nemlntl uaeralnt nf the lultan bade dtftai t 10 film shaky authority The firm Ir Ion I of llonnpnrtin prnchmntl kelcheil Hie evils of Mnmetiue lyrm ny the Pretend tailed on the populice 1111 Ald their llbvrnton We too are lru Murnulinann In It not we who bate destroyed the Ire that anld war rnuit I be lale on the ItuinulmanaT lilt not I we who bnve deitrnyed the Knlihln < it Malta Iwcaup those Insensate theval lent Wlleied nod wanted them to make war on Muiiutmannr Thrice ba ploy they who are on our hI1 l They ahull prottxr In their fortune and In their llic Happy thiiw who are ntulral They iball hiu lime to understand uo and I phnll array themieltea with ui Hut wiolthrim wooto thflp wh hall take up arm for the Mamtlukm not I light ugnlni uil There nhaltlw n i hIw IoU for them They Shall pylili I The contrast Ixtwren this languaie And I that which Its author had used 1141taly concerning tho church nhowa howjnii h hoallwh nlneerlty liters wan In lthcrIrt toow I HlflpuLn Uf al In1s1joo A wfj |