Show lulling lrt iili nllll it lolp 1 A quaint practice exists at the Illth op of London palace at Tulham and this conilita In what appeara to be a timehonored custom of waking up tho eplicopal douieatlca by meant of n long polo At Kulham the palace lodge keeper hAl a regular morning duty to perform In Arousing certain of the servants at aucccsalv hours beginning at about half paat the The polo he me la I not employed however like the old church roualng > tara which came In handy In churches In the cane of tnattenthe or dozing members of the congregation to bring them to a proper lento of their position Tho venerable man la I provided with n slender rod tome fifteen feet In length and with this he raps on the antique casements of the servants bedrooms In the quadrangle quad-rangle within the massive wooden gate of the large western archway and ho continues his attention until the sleeper gin a more or less grateful Answer |