Show llrpnhllcan Ccnnljr tonyrullon fly order ol iho County Central Com mltlu 01 the Republican party neon VllIlIon o f b he Itepublleant of Summit county Utah territory oonilttlng of lixlylwodehimlei Itnereby l culled lo aitemble In the City 1 llall al Park City J Ill In void ronnly on Holimlny elm I 711 I diy of Sejitcmlwr Wo l at II orlock p in Bald convention U culled for thu pur loON of Kelcjtlng twonty lithl delopil to the Third Judicial littrlct Convention Conven-tion to ho I held at Halt hobo 1 City on September 10 ISVo u at 10 ocloik a m fur the purpote of nomlnallng Ihrra judce 11I1I11It dlilrlct Jui o for thin 1 imrtiote of nelectlnff twentyeight I liilrgate to tutu Flip Senatorial Dittrlcl Coinmitlon lo beheld be-held in link City on Katurdav tho Ulit day of feptmnlwr 1806 al 10 oolock ain a-in for the piirnoe of nominating n y male iwnaior for raid district Hiiid elxto two delegate lo IK apportioned appor-tioned an followf Park Pity gig Ooilvllle 7 1 Wanthln 1 Konru 4 Pali 2 2 1arley Park 2 KM kp 1 u 1 Echo 2 ilhnvlor 3 1 Woodlaml 2 Oakley I Precinct eoinmltlee art n0 iiiei > twl lo call primarlei for the Ition of dllio gnti t m ttliove optimum our I and 1 lo PlWIAILY Invllothe pr tin and Ill rtlclIIIIII of lUpuhliean J belle I MAKK IfoikiK Chairman W 0 WALLAce fcccrctiry |