Show Till OAT STRIKE OF 1877 A 1106ptf110 Pilot Illltrr I 1101 on ilia nallrn1 l Kilrm < The mo t deaperat and ettinr n strike that bal 3et occurred In thin country was that of 1877 by the employ em-ploy of the principal railway trunk llnesthe Baltimore and Ohio the Iennnylvanla the Brie the New York Central and their Western prolongi lion At a preconcerted time Junctions and other main point were seized Freight traffic on Iho road named was entirely impended and the passenger and mall service greatly Impeded When new employee ought to work mllltla had to be called out to preen order llalllmore and Httaburg were each the rene of a bloody riot At the latter place where the mob was Im memo and moil furloui the mllltla were overcome and benlcgeJ In a roundhouse round-house which It was then attempted to burn by lighting oil car and pushing them against It Fortunately Iho soldiers escaped across the river The mllltla having had several blood anl doubtful encounters on July 21 22 sell 23 at Ibo request of the Hovcrnor President Hayes dispatched United States troops lo Icnmylvanla Maryland Mary-land I and West Virginia Pace I by these force the rioter In every Instance In-stance gave way without bloodshed Tho torch wo applied freely and with dreadful effect Machine shop ware home and two lhou ird freight car were plllagM or burned Men vom en and children fell to thieving carryIng Ing off all sorts of Koodklll ball hoes parasols coffee mills whips anti gas stoves The police found raven great trunk full of clothe In ono house ctcien barrel of flour In another It li I sold that a wagon load of sewing machine was sold on Ibo street the machine bringing from ten cents toil to-il apiece The lOll of properly was estimated nt 10000000 In disturb ance nt Chicago nineteen were killed nt Haltlmore nine at Heading thirteen I and thrice as many wounded Ono I hundred thousand laborers are believed 110 have taken part In the movement and at ono limo or another C 000 or 7009 I miles of road were In their power |