Show TWOMBNAXDACIIIM AHK Decro halted beMe the n4u flih 1 flowing creek nl looked at hli weep J an I reckon Ill J w nl tlitm down fiod Ten strike fi he Mid a deadly I r If expeealan on M I Maekt Mrd d hoe I Tv I tracked Col I fax A lung dlslnnee but Ive run flier editor dawn at lift an now Ill nil him full o lead l our as I know how lee work my RUM woolen In roughly ilremed Deere wt clothe miidbepattered with high bout 1 and widebrimmed hat Ills ml hlrl was open nl the nk revealing a liroon hairy throat This men hsd a record In the Touch lone region lie I was known far Rift wide us a knleYa man who did not value 1 human hu-man litea rumsn with bloodstained hands Yet for all of his reputation HIM visa something mill and pleasant about hen blue eyes Coir i knows Im lilt on his trail ftr hes dfldted mi llmt octet time but he cant gut away this yar lime muttered mut-tered Decrn as he twirled the cylinder kit his revolvers to see that they were In perfect working order There was an evil look on the mans tonea sinister deadly took > Of a sudden aa he stood thus the sound of a distant cry flame to his ears I I II started and listened What wua Ihr exclaimed I The rry waa repealed It was like the voles ft a child and he lone Indicated l greaMtrrrnr t Tints trouble tharlburst from the HIM nf Dark Decro IffA Out of sight l went hUrertdver In another moment he was hounding down the creek Ilk a deer He waa guided by the repeated erie I which now plainly Indlntled I I 1 great feer and dlalreia In ate momenta he cams bursting Into an open through which ran the sluggish strrrn There hp sow something that brought him In a halt In the water some dlitance from the bank stood a little girl who was wring r IIIR her hands and struggling desperately desper-ately I to move from the spot i Her legs were bare In Ihe knees and tier head of yrllow landed curls was uncovered I A short distance from her toward the renter pf the slroam 1 floated the water lily that had tempted her to wade nut from the shore Hyar h > arl called hark Deems tHHithlnilyi mat yet acrewhin this yar way fer little unT Oh oh ohI walled Ills terrified child I am caughied foal I cant tilt sway r lluml grunted tine man looking alarmed Caught he her Yes sir 1 Hultlns dot me I Waal dont ye be skeerl no more I young lady said the Us iMwhltker ruHUn In tones that tier gentle and almost muitral Ill hey ye out if thor fin two ohakNyes I will my door l Into the water I He promptly < tcppe < trying the Iwitom ranllauily lie kepi his feet constantly moving i Hut he did not advance far toward the irhlU before he slatted back his face filled with concern likes qulrkern n press twin he muttered CJoiicr nit her out so mo other way Out from beneath his rough coat came tt wickedlooking knife In a moment he was hacking away at Iu long strong bush i In a remarkably short time he had cut It down Then he advanced l to the edge of the water and thrust one end out to the thlld who was caught In the greedy qu lksand Retch holt dear ho directed Hhe graspe > > the bush Now hold hardhold for all yere truth said 1 Dark Decroi nuxlely ei > pressed on Ills flit Im goln try ter pull yet out Youll get wet fer Ill < r K per snug In l liter water but ye lt i twf nuntnt rl let CO Yer wont let DO will yer r dear No Hhe shook her curly head Thata right little one he nodded fAn yet bolt Npw hang hang fusil r Ilth He pulled I steadily I all I the while en < irouraglng her and she hung to the bush tenaciously lo this way he dragged her from thl qulrkund and brought her safely lo the shore Thar lhar ye be Idle oner1 he cried joyful I did nil you o the t-he was not more than four years old and the man muttered to himself Well she a leeUe rosebud she Isl Its Mu a long day lone Ive seen a child Ilk this serer Aloud M ached howl l II happen see mother let yet come off lapse alone pet Y Aint dot no newer was the replf Aint Wal now thet pars tont1ol Came here feeile I lose bud I You aint sheered o1 me be yet No sir you putted me out the water Im aint scatHe scat-He held out hls brawny arm and she ran Into them laughing A strange feeling echoed iMrk Decro and Mt him shaking like a hoof What make you tremble You told asked the little girl No was the bulky reply so he looked deep Into hr eyes Im not much cold dear but minors liner derndeel iiir feelln down per In my dissent I that I ever s gerlnee4 its bin a longtime long-time s nce t held a belie gal like you In these per arms ir titer wold lied nt gene wrong fer me 1 might h1 nee o my own now 11U1WIII Im a fool ter think o ihetl Wont yet kiss line leetle sweet Hhe put her arm about his neck and Mined his henrded cheek He strained her lo Ids breast Then he fell lo talking with her utterly utter-ly I wrapped up and absorbmt his find For an hour at least Dark Deem tltlinl wllh Hie child At length when she was alioul la leave him laying her paw would be aerobing for her he said This yara been liner happiest day Ive known In yarn little one An now afore yet BO wont yet tell me per name It Amy Amy whatr Amy Coifs The man fell back his face paling Colfaxl I he repealed lllt cant bneWata per fathers name Themenanll tail him Jim Jim Jim Colfaxl grated Jo < I roi Its bis Rail I heerd as hnw he wui merrled and He tied left a child up hyareomewhart An Ihlsls bib Amy shrank hack looking frightened Oh Im fold now she mid her vole trembling a frL r l r J hN I J i ig s j Ilft NOW IIANOHANO PAST Dont ho Hkeervd said Decro with n great etfult You hurl me when you took dat va > t wouldnt hurt you for Uw world tot font ten Ihouian vvmliU he de I Uied eviinestl Dint > er lelletome Mile ltoebiuir He held out his great hrnnn hand upiwilltmly ninth he teas on his Knees Kite hesitated nnd started forwari doubtfully and then once more ran Into Ide arm You wouldnt hurt me when you look hike illt she sold Never ho cried as he kissed her again and gain Youve opened the IHtrtals o beaten dear nn let a mot m-ot pure nuiKhlne Inter this oar old blackheart black-heart o mine lo now col lout hies per Ieellc llnsebudl Nine skipped an ay turning lo loss n Mis In him ere nine 11181 > > ea d tin Dark Deeros was left nlone with hula tumultuous thoughts At sunset as Dark Dears was slowly making I Ids way toward the camp of I Ten Htrlke a shout and pistol shot came to his ear lie realised it battle wua taking place near at hand 1 reckon Ill look In nn that > ar rcrln mngel he muttered as he leaped ton to-n ord the skit from where the sound cm In n moment he came bursting out upon 1 three men who were strugglln desperately two against one IInr hyarl riwred Decree this for nlnt a lllIar dMll I oallate Ill take a hand Hmackl smack sounded his hard flit Itlght and left he struck Ills blow were hard soul telling In a very few seconds ho put to nigh thin two rulllans who had attacked tins lone man Then they confronted each other started back cried Deeros CoHnl Hold hard rang from the lips of tins man who had been battling again odd I hate the drop He analched out a revolver and It was pointed fairly at Dark Decro heart Deco folded his arms acmes kit iKMd I have you cried Coital triumph nelly You have doinwl 1M here to 11111 coet Why houldnt I kill jreu OM sacs my own lifer Thar aint then least reason In the world came coldly from the HIM of rho nan i whose arms were folded over lab la-b Im going lo doll grated the other The hunt ends beret Hen you 4U 1 IMrk Dwroa Then came a low cry and little Amy Pimred running swiftly between IIIm Dun hoot dat man paper she cried Hint de sos dot save me from de water non sunk the revolver You muttered fanyou Did you ill veiny rhlld Waal I reckon I did Thonlhen I cant shoot no mailer what comes wine told moot IItol mow m-ow you talked I < 1 tiertalked of her other who I an angel In heaven Nn Deem you may kill me but I annul ihmit down In cold blood then the-n whn has saved the life of my arllng Amy Wnal Colfx eld the dork faeat nail huskily ef you dont shoot me I reckon neither one of us will shoot other one fer Im goln ter declare liner hal1 burled hyar an now Then he knelt and i once more held out tubs arm In the little girl Come Ultle Rosebud Inc I pleaded polar come kits me again for Im lOIn fr nwor an per wont never lee mo no more Will > er comer Nine ran Into kla arm |