Show AN ACCOMMODATINO PASTOR lie list Hie Inlereit nt Ills nngregattai at lleirl The minister of a congregation In an agricultural district WII greatly annoyed an-noyed Rundny after Hunda by the unruly un-ruly conduct of the Junior member ot hla Hock When one of the younger representative of the gentler sex got weary nf the evening services she would Invariably rlae and go out A moment later her admirer would seize hla hat and sheepishly follow her To such an extent would this course of action prevail pre-vail that by the lime the discourse wan finished only the old people remained for the cone islon of the service Mr 1 Jon concealed hlr chargln for several weeks but at last he firmly rnolved lu act A outh crow drowsy one Hunday livening and licking up his hal stepped step-ped Into the aisle Hut the minister keen eye vva upon him and to the culprit a dismay ho topped short In hla aermon Young man said he lice girl when went out last la I not the one you wish to walk home wllh When she goer I will lot you know at once riease sit down After this when ayoungwomau goes out I will call on the proper young f limn to take car of her The minister I resumed Idly dlicoume I There was much Uttering and considerable consider-able anger but the sermons were not Interrupted again Hartford Time |