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Show the first corps cf the amr of A CLEVER SWINDLE. Northern Virginia during the war he tweep the hut a He Is a tUL murt'- -i appearing gentleman, wearing gray ROGUE GOT AWAY WITH ONE BT TS TIMS FtTBUSBISO Costast. OLD GOOD SHORT STORIES FOR mustache and beatfy 4urniOea, hi V. M. Flltt.O. tdtturuil Motto re. THOUSAND DOLLARS. form Is ere I and hla eye piercing-- 1 SOLDIERS. UTAH. COALVILLE, togither a remarkably well preserved of man. fie received a B IHstrirt Atteraoy tl Califor-sl- a II Left All The Rams Horn with representative hla well known FuzaleA The spoon la setting tired. ipn. Mtiryi Sdrtulof S s Marrheat to ladoroe s BrathsV-mexvtsr4 a lu and brief M interview eourtery, BthinS UwfilrM'l Cheek tor Him by a Feeallar System - True love la all the sweeter because of imh n4 South A Military pressed himself as follows: You ask me what relation fhra-!laof Kessoalag. ,$!' Sflurae doesnt run smooth. .tp,Ahea,K'XnUy Jaip a&5S3t5EbUrr7-- . bvttwn one la la No NE test OF THE CLEV-ere- at the. Wlthou Christianity, w must slang. "Drug" SUNBEAM strayed thing tat a pull, any more. Its a drag. swindling In a dark little air go to ruin, while with it. we may build up the grandest nation that ever I ever room scheme heard of was sucAnd all was made existed Aa to the general feeling among Nothing so quickly assures the work cheerful and the people north and south. I have had tngroaa of hla employer's Interest in cessfully worked great opportunlUr far observing god -- bright; of an an. increase him wages..right here In .this danced on the learning as to this, and l ean ny cancity, said District floor as never didly that the feeling la quite general A woman at Llgloner, Pa, was fined now that the people are alL ready to Attorney Barnes to before. gcLAngetber.and II va fur tha eonimon r $lforten oaths. This seems to fig the Interests of our common country; that' commercial valued! an oath at 40 cents. studeot the porter the other we have got together here on was bright. day, as the lawyers this solemn occasion proves that fact d of the bicycles soldi In 1S95 In the Whiteman 1 and beyond peradventure, hardly case sat were for womens use. In 1894 the wo- ft lightened his work and brightened think talking together while they a that this of kind for meeting - his life mens bicycles were only $ pef cent of thla purpose could hava occurred In any waited for the verdict of the jury. The future with promise was filled. the sales. The case was brought to my office, other land save thla X am glad this ana was happy And even the present Is so. For myself, all bitterness has but try as we would w could find no pleasanL A wolf has been killing sheep in Linn passed out of my Ufe, and I have naught charge that would fit the case and upon And hope in hie breast was Instilled. but love In my heart for The high price of my fellow men, which there waa any chance of securing county, Kansas. beef Is supposed to have caused this The world was a world of gladness and north and south. a conviction. The principal was a bright diversion. young man, and he dropped Into one of Joy. A Military bMpaltaia, And life vi a beautiful dream; the large jewelry houses one day and The condition of Egypt At the tlm? Out in Kansas now when they want No misery there and naught of despair. to see some diamonds. asked seeks In vain a parallel In history Because of that one little beam. .rein iheygetim gpkol,PyJiimite He seemed particularly pleased with fallowed had Saladln of tradition bombs, balloona and prayers have been But mankind ts heedless and careless eastern despotism in the formation of a a pair of big solitaires, but the price, abandoned. withal bodyguard destitute of all ties except 1750, teemed too much for him. It's my those which bound them to hla person. wife birthday he aald. He shut out the rays of the sun. The English crown came to Queen He pushed to the blind before he Purchased as Infants In Georgia or 'and Id like to have these stones. I Circassia, they were, like the janlxarles won't get any money until next week, Victoria in the early morning. If It divined should come to Albert at the same time Just wbat he had thoughtlessly done. at Constantinople, trained to arms as and I haven't $750 now. Of Course, Im an exclusive profession, and mounted of day be might find It difficult to get a stranger, and I suppose you couldnt Then dark and despairing all life looked on the finest steeds or Arabia became trust It on. me?' The salesman said be the elite of his army. In time this body to him, . not. of beset, ever thought acute men and transformed With mlaery powerful Miss Louise Imogen Oulney, the poet- The was as dark as Itself Into a warrior caste, wa divided "The would-b- e futurermc bright purchaser still finess postmistress of Auburndale, has had Into 24 companies And obeyed no auhe hfgh'i the stones, and then, as If atruck gered her salary raised from 11.700 to 2,400. Th present had only regret. thority except tnat of It captains. a bright Idea, he ' mentioned the These were known in oriental phrase as Jy Her work seems to bearth guineas name of a prominent capitalist and Too late wide ooen the shfitters he beys, the subordinates were themselves stamp. asked the clerk If he knew the man. what we call the Mamelukes, and the threw; The clerk said yes. The man menhad sped. forever eunbeam kind whole a The formed of which a chivalry made At Weir City, Kas., a hen has governed the land with despotic power, tioned had an account at the store. renest in the forks of an apple tfee and The - Til tell never Is is and caring - nothing - for the nominal spurned that you what Ill tid, then said ljft dally lays an egg in thessae. Thii'ls of the sultan bade defiance the buyer. He gave me this check a turned, suzerainty the first tree known to have produced to his shaky authority. The first porAnd love was the sunbeam that fled. day or two ago, and Ill Indorse It over hen fruit tion of Bonaparte's Chicago Evening Post proclamation to you tn payment for these diamonds 4 sketched the evils of Mameluke tyranThe check waa for $1,000, and after ny; the second called on the populace to some Footpads In iCansas are becoming so Shot a White Bull. consultation with the heads of the aid their liberators. "We, too, are tru bold that they recently attacked two firm it waa decided to accept the trade, Gen. Dabney H. Maury, the war vetwe It Is who Mussulmans. not have The other night they eran. has a fund of anecdote and plenty policemen. the pope that said war must and the stranger departed with his Jewknocked n parson down, making off of wit for sptclng It. and hla stories are destroyed be made on the Mussulmans? Is It not els faHis much to with pleasure. listened with his Bible. we who have the Knights of Becoming suspicious, however, the vorite tale Is of his battle with a caetus Malta becausedestroyed those Insensate chevaljeweler took the check to the man who bush: A Chicago paper warns the people to iers believed God wanted them make "It happened when we were stationed war on Mussulmans? Thrtce happy wa supposed to have made It, and he that Satsn never taken a vacation. at once denounced it a a hen the banks of the Rio In Texas upon But it la questionable if even a warning one they who are on our sldel They shall a hunt waa commenced forforgrfyrf the stranger Grande, and being a tittle anxiousmovtn fortune la their and their prosper will the frem a man right on ground day regarding a smsll speck I saw to who are neutral. and when found the check was handed, arouse a stubborn people. go place. Happy those ing In the distance I determined time shall have to understand us to him and the diamonds were demandThey did softly forward to Investigate tL Ifearand shall array themselves with us. ed from hlnu or movements, one tell my any How would It do If the trustees of the not He denied that the check waa a alarmist. But woe thrice woe to those who Fair estate should advertise generally ing to be laughed at as a false toward shall take up arms for the Mamelukes forgery; aaldThere was some mistake brush the I through At crept for and shall to themselves us! for the wives be ns There present fight against somewhere, and that he would see It all moving speck it suddenly grew hope left for them. shall perish Identification. That would perhaps the becombut aa the Jeweleri-wfe- re much larger, and I saw It was coming The contrast betweenThey right, this language and save counsel tees and simplify matters. anxious he finally proposed that which Its author had used In Italy ing the church shows how much he give hack the diamonds and they termlnsd to meet the enemy, no matter concerning there was In either. Professor should return the check, So 1 stood boldly up and sincerity was What it In Ccq as a sort of death-be- d 1Thw diamonds were ' brought, and, ?i'ian'aUIif '' repentance after after being examined under a magniminute it w tn snooting dis- 4ttf having seen some of the Uilor-mad- e i and then 1 saw it wa a tance of fying glass, were found to be the eame "hysterica that her invention has prowas never I From bull. .Now, whit (hrl.tlan Ones sold the day before. The check splendid Eukur duced. sev1 afraid of Taurus, though had had The country has already heard msch wat given back, hut as the jewelers with him on the of the recent gathering on Memorial experience turned to go the stranger pointed out In spite of the pertinent query of eral let I so. my In ground, standing dedprairies, Day Chicago for the purpose of that the check was useless to him with Miss Willard, Why cant men be beaufly at him with my rifle again ,nd icating a monument to the fallen solhis indorsement to them on the hack, tiful T Chauncey M. Depew is re- again, diers of the south. It makes us blush "I think I must have struck him. for to think that some of our northern unless they reindorsed It to him. This ported to be entertaining the Idea that he snorted and charged toward me. I friends have taken occasion to speak in they did. and departed. he hae sufficient attractions to overshot again, the shot taking effect In his violent hostility to thf celebration. No sooner had they gone than the come the new woman.' head. But my shot only angered him There Is nothing In Memorial Day holder of the check went down to their him fresh strength. AVlth a which makes It the peculiar property on the Jewel; y firm's inA young lady in Detroit has .risked and gave terrific bellow he lowered his head and of class or section, and it seems to bank, and, her fortune by marrying a foreigner. mad for me. 1 took one look at hie us any a delightful occasion when north and dorsement, collected the face value of Many young ladles do that The Dehorns, realised that there was no tlm south, east and west, unite with clssped the check. It was not a forgery," continued Mr. troit case Is unique in that the danger to fir again and dodged him, I jumped hands to remember the soldier friends that the girl will lose the fortune comes to one aid into a pile of underbrush and Of all." If our leaders oTbhought and Barnes, for we had no evidence to right in the midst of a great action, north and south, had been mads show that; It was not obtaining goods through her parents, not through her ianded bush. Do you know what a of the same material and cast In the under false cactus husband. pretences, tor the diamonds cactus bush ts? In Its wild state It la a same mold as were Grant and Lee, were to the firm, and It was back given bundle of raaors, newly sharpened and and Lincoln and the war not obtaining money under false preMr, J. Pierpont Morgan has got the turned blade toward you, and I fell on would have bben Longstreet, fought and finished railroad presidents to patch up a peace, top of 20 keen knlvee. In four years Instead of continuing tences, because the note was Indorsed hut Mr, Morgan will find hearing the of a century. It back again. "I lay there until I could find courage throughout to crawl through the blades, and, terri- Is the most Imperative duty of tb We could not hold him on any exchange market, preventing gold ex ports and changing the sentiment of bly cut, I crept home. When I told my coming generation to forever lay aside charge, and he went free, while the me. Europe mere child play compared with story, my comrades adid not believe will and bury 'the animosities and Jealousies firm paid the amount of the check. and over which have sprung halt Go there mile, and you keeping the railroads from rutting find a white bull dead In the brush, I from backbitings that unfortunate contest. This rates. Tbs National Mansion. said. He fell as I lay on the cactus Is not only reasonable, but It Is patriA coplng of Indiana limestone Is beand If I had It to do over again otic and It Is Christian. Ram's Horn. points, v ing laid around the main conservatory Japan' and Russia look as If they I'd take my chance with the bull the white house to replace the ramat might entertain ut with the next war. New York Recorder. A Solriitr'a Aonwrr. Russia undoubtedly Seeks to get a footshackle, rickety wooden wall which Emperor Napoleon, after one of his has been an eyesore to every occupant hold In Corea for her great Siberian !( Lf AH Behind great battles, gathered the remnant of of the mansion since the and she is railroad, cohservrtory certainly opposing Lieut. V. was ststloned a few years hla forces around him, and proceeded How long Japan ago at Fort Sheridan. He was married to compliment them tn his cbaracteris-41- c was built. In the original plan of the Japanese influence. will cease to resent this action depends and had a charming family of three manner, so endearing to the hearts Presidents house provision waa made n the ability of Japan to control her sons. of whom the bldestTErnest, was a of his soldier Finally Company D. ef for a small greenhouse on the west little chap of 5. They the Guards, who had been tn the thick wing of the building, and the foundabright, temper. had been at Fort Sheridan for a year ofbhe fight, w re ordered to present tion was composed of the same quality or two when Lieut. V. was ordered to themselves, and to the astonishment Of When Shakespeare wrote hla Hamit a command tn Texas, The matter the Emperor a single soldier appeared. of sandstone that was put in the main join When an addition to the conand Othello, Macbeth and Lear, 5,000,-00- 0 was, of course, discussed ofn In the He was bound up In bandages, and building. servatory became necessary someone. people spoke the English language. presence of Ernest. Lieut. V. advising could barely walk. Now the number using that tongue is bis wife not to forget to pack such and Where ts the rest of your com- In a spirit of economy, put in a wooden wall and painted It the same color as estimates! at 113,000,000. If the Swan of such a thing, as It could not be had tn pany? asked the Emperor. A tear welled In the old soldier's y Avon had had so grand an audience In Texas, and for this reason he took It the sandstone. In a few years, howmust be a ter- as he answered. Your Majesty, his day, who knows but that ho might Into his head that Texaa the worms began to get In their ever, they to go to. The afternoon He on the field dead. and then sorrowrible have warbled something' that would before place the start waa to be made Lieut. fully added, "they foUght better thas work, and for some time past there has have equaled in popular approval MA V. told his son , been danger of a collapse some fine I. Come. Ernest, pack all your toys morning Just beneath the windows of Trip to Chinatown," or perhaps even we leave Mrs C4evsland boudoir. Congress at that you want, fur Trllb?" Aa Honest Sergeant. for Texas. the last session made an appropriaA military story comes from Ireland. tion forjtrengtheslng this wail of the That night Mrs. V, gathered her litIt is again asserted that hoops are one at her knee, aa was her custom, A non com m sslou ed officer, a mala conservatory. All the etone goon to return into fashion, A feminine tle to say their prayers. Ernest said hla barrack gate in Dublin, wa entering mistaken necessary la now In place, and a authority in New York says; When Now I lay me, and then went on: by the fresh one on sentry-ga- , wh0 marked Improvement is seen. the modistes tried to force hoops on ua God bless my papa. God bless my Immediately saluted him. The a few years ago we were not quite pre- mamma. God bless my brothers God officer unaware that hla ColoCbIIIbw Servaatt with a Foie. pared for them. Now, with the Baring bless Ernest and make him a good nel was Just behind, returned the saA quaint practice exists at the Bishnot Then he a a shoulders and lute. moment and kirte, eloping paused big boy.. thing permissible under the op of London'! palace at Fulham, and sleeves, the boope com- went on with deep and earnest feeling circumstances. Arrived at his quarters this consists In what appears to' be a In hla childish voice: he was surprised to find tn order for And, O, goodplete the picture, and we will take custom of waking up the God. for we are going to Texas! him to attend before the Colonel, on kindly to them. How are hoops to be bye, domestics Buffalo Express, he wa himself, by means of a episcopal presenting asked how reconciled with bloomers and knickerhe cam to return the salute, knowing long pole. At Fulham the palace lodge bockers? full well h was not entitled to it t keeper has a regular morning duty to Interview with Leagotroet, In the Feast embarrassed, he promptly perform In arousing certain of the of reunion At the late Confederate answered: Sir, 1 alway return everyHenry Schwab stepped into a elevaservants at aucceaslv hours, beginning and Union soldier In, Chicago, no faI not am to. tor at Chicago and fell four stories. mous entitled Th Colofive. The pole he veteran from North or South was thing at about half-paStrange to say he wa not Injured be- the center of more lively Interest than nel taken aback by his ready wj nee la not employed, however, like the dismissed him. laughingly a aa he But stag- Gen. James Longstreet, one of the most shaking np. yond rousing-stave- s, which old church gered out of the basement door of the noted, characters of Southern war hisIn the case in In churches came handy Tlaie and Step. shaft a wag remarked that he bed had tory, says the Ram a Horn of Chicago, of inattentive or doting members of the He waa found at parlor X of the Palmer drop too much. "Sometimes, said an old soidjw congregation, to bring them to a proper House, resting after his Journey to this one sees the Captain of a company A Chicago jury waa permitted to etty from Gainesville, Ga where he marching proudly along, n Um with sense of their position. AThe venerable slender rod now resides. the music but out of step; the company man it provided with smoke in the court room, and it listened The General hid borne his journey right, the Captain wrong. In length, aud with feet fifteen some DItres,ln. to all the lawyer had to well, and attentively excepting a slight deafness But then I have seen a musician march' this he raps on the antique casements say. Nothing more is needed to show which has troubled him tn Utter years ing" out of step to the music of his of the servants bedrooms tn the quadown the low nature of the jury. It will do his Appearance make it seem imoroba-bl- e band, and there la now and then a solrangle within the massive wooden gates almost any foolish thing it Its tastes are that he la the hero of two wars: but dier who never really leurns k of the large western archway, and he U this fact: such the aoldler The famibar to. t gallant order ts: step. .f 'Left pandered conUnuemhls attention nntll the sleeper Gen. served with left the at foot left, the having Taylor left; down at the 1 git ca a more or less grateful answer. battle of Rrsac de la Palma tn 1M4, tap ef the Cf .ra titttp. TIMES VETERANS CORNER. and with Ice-crea- m U ,ii to-d- One-thir- - VK' n. one-fourt- h red-head- -- time-honor- st THE GREAT STRIKE OF 1877. Fight oe tb Railroad Kystom. The most desperate and extensive strike that had yet occurred In this country was that of 187T by the employes of the principal railway trunk lines Baltimore and Ohio, the Pennsylvania, the Erie, the New York YVotral and their Western prolong- A Deiprr! Bad Bitter Summer Weakness Is caused by thin, weak, impure blood. To have pure blood which will properly .sustain your health . and give nerve strength, take --t- he and other main points were seized. Freight traffic on the roads named w as entirely suspended 4hd the passenger and mall service greatly Impeded. When new employes sought to work militia had to be called out to preserve order, Baltimore and Pittsburg were each the scene of a bloody riot. At the was.. lm latter place, where tho-jnn- fr mens and most furious, the militia were overcome and besieged in a round house, which It was then attempted to burn by lighting oil cars and pushing them against 1L Fortunately, the soldiers escaped across the river. The militia having had several bloody and doubtful encounters on July 21, 22 and 23, at the request of the Governors, President Hayes dispatched , .United States troops to Pennsylvania, Maryland and West Virginia. Faced by these forces the rioters In every gave way without bloodshed. The torch was applied freely and with dreadful effect Machine shops, warehouses and two thousand freight cars were pillaged or burned. Men, women and children fell to thieving, carrying off all sorts of goods kid ball shoes, parasols, coffee mills, whips and gaa stoves. The police found seven great trunks full of clothes In one bouse; eleven barrels of flour In another. It Is said that a wagon load of sewing machines waa sold on the street, the machines bringing from ten cents to $1 apiece. The loss of property was estimated at $10,000,000. In disturbances at Chicago nineteen were killed, St Baltimore 'Ulne.at Reading thirteen, Ono and thrice aa many wounded. hundred thousand laborers are believed to have taken part in the movement, and at one time or another 6,000 or 7,000 miles of road were in their power. rlo.ods Sarsaparilla mm R You w Uea olumbia . ee Gar Jackets or FLshJtkln. The esklmoa of Alaska make jackets of the skin of the trout of that region, known as the Dolly Var-de- n, which they tan for this purpose. The-DoVarden is a handsome fish of a pale purplish gray color; It attains a length of tfro and a half feet and a weight of ten or twelve pounds. The skin Is waterproof, and with lts bright red spots It makes a very showy jacket. 9 y where. T Qlccles -1- 00are the OOLCHHAS product of the oldest and best equipped tt- and ire the re- In America, cycle factory suit of eighteen years of successful striving to make the best bicycles in the world. 1899 Columbia are lighter, stronger, handsomer, more graceful thin ever Ideal machines for the use of m those who desire the best thats made. IUkttoxd Bicycles cost less $80, $60. They are the equal of many other d makes, though. a p g 0 g 1 lr j S F 9 gj g i v higher-price- POPE MFd. CO. Coml OSct FaetsrkB HABTfOXD. TO. ' " BOTTOM, NCW OMICAOO, AN TAAMOtTOO, MOVIOINOI. BUFFALO. Colombia CAtAlogoA Ullwf of both Coiom-t- oi and Hirtferd froo At ASF ColombtA ofoAcy, or by mAil for tVO liMipt y "ASK YOUR PKUUOlai .. THE BEST red-spott- Uy PEOPLE AND EVENTS ' The -- CHILDREN A JOHN CXPI.R A SONS. New York, H - duke of years of age. Inherit a fortune of 600,000 a year. , The phosphate mines of Florida number IDS, and they yield more than 600,000 tons of phosphate annually. Certain highly sensitive people In England are discussing the question Are billiards compatible with Christianity? Russia produced 297.500,000 'poods of petroleum In 1S94. a falling off of over 27.000,000 from 1893. A pood la thlity-al- x pounds Yonkers (N. Y ) people are protesting against the proposed destruction of the old PhlUpse Manor House, wherein Washington once slept. Knighthoods come high. It cost Sir Henry Irving $500 to answer the. first days dispatches of congratulations from Europe and America. A woman 76 years old waa one of the hopeful pioneers who filed homestead claims In the United States land office of Todd County Minnesota, last month. Major Henry T. Stanton, who read the poem at the dedication of the Confederate monument In Chicago last week. Is reported critically 111 at his home, tn Frankfort, Ky Arthur Balfour, becoming tired of golf. has. taken to the bicycle. The British Parliament, It is said, is watching Mr. Balfours experiments In wheeling with deep Interest. Mrs. Harlan Is almost of as generous build as her husband. Justice Harlan, who Is six feet two Inches tall. When seen together, they attract much admiring-hut Surprised attention. Rev. Dr. Moxom, of Springfield, Mass., who Is able to spell his name backward, cannot be seduced to officiate before the wealthy of a New York church at $15,000 a year. A clerk In a New York rubber store has a rainy-da- y suit of clothes that Is unique. It is a sack suit made of the very best mackintosh material, and the wearer may stroll along Indifferent to , any downpour White satin was the principal material at the court ball at Buckingham palace recently, as it has been for the last three seasons- satin shot with gold, with pink, with , silver, and with Hamilton-only-daughterl- pew-holde- rs mother-o-pea- .Nursing Mothers.Infants, rl tint. The city of Hamburg Put a little of it out of sight yourself, and see how good is. Its it LORILLARDS EDUCATIONAL. OF THE SAGRfcD HEART Ttu mrx of lvv Maa Is thl Aosdomr, onalw-WSt Uio hrllirtos. of tb Sonod Butt, nubrorro tire tocolutitllt.oM U t o but. nun of .abject, am. Old retliwd adoration. Fro$Mr of drjKotm.nt. oonal nontsore and tbe srlno.plaa of ewrelll? eio Enre-tOaround tMKOT ln otWottoB. em bodl azat lari lit r- fo auitlav.rj oonatnnt o h t tda, f aa b baoltb objetbai. rtr, maternal onto. as t loalrkBsaa tbry M ott.s ted trimFVr Fail tea opot a Ittoadny, Sit L Itmharpon. oddrow lllK SirSSlOb, tteolons ACADEMY .7 j has voted $250,-0for expenses during the homing celebration of the opening of the Baltic Sea SMdtziy aact.4 Heart, SI. Joorph, Me. Canal. Among other things, a dinner OF I0TRE DAME Is to be given in honor of the Kaiser (IXIYERSITY and 800 guests. The coat of the service THK firTV8KCOMO VCAK WILL OPfcfe TUFSOaV IIPT.Id, 1699. ts estimated a. $3,000, and that of the Fall MUM ra ClAMlfA Lf Urn w wine at $8,600. d lerhiiMlfAl CnflAMrlf.Thofo at4 UvumiyM OovreM. tot EdwtiAto Backed by Lord Rosebery, an expediPrMHti7 fa tt laowpletonwsnt fartooTto AMdtor II lF4po tion will soon be undertaken Into the HsQiftraL Catatoffuo rrot frrona aplirati a to--; Lav. jumiv Moajumxt, C. S. Kura Uula lad. entlrley Unknown country between Tripoli and Alexandria. Here were once the gardens of the Hesperldes, and her flourished the Greek elty and colony of lb lest serve regulator known, "it I cures nervous prostration, restores Cyrene. the ruins of which are now nervo-vite- l tod sexual powers. IM1I about to be excavated. 1 it lilac (Mereer'sJ Bold bv RichDr. Max Nordau is a good deal of a ardson Drug Co. and E. E. Bruce & philanthropist tn hla way, as much as j to , Omaha, Neb., and all druggists. he professes to despise the degenTbe beat known combination to bnl.d eracy" of the great He gives his proart weak fessional services free to the poor tn hla eopu. 1MII A a fc sale Male lMercers) Bold by Rjrbard-- j neighborhood In Parts, and likewise son Co. and E E. Bruce & Co., Drug to the needy members of the 11 I Omaha, Neb., and druggists. colony tn the French cap. ital The only Englishman to decline one of I fifty for or assotraromost tn WryT lu of thte the Queens birthday presents Is Mr. LUUJh Kpv It will abow a $t nLA I r t t i oj Holt of Liverpool who refuses t8 ac- DAVIS CREAM SEPARATORS Mvarm4 t fir details Ataat thM cept the baronetcy offered to him for li wva.d lAkto toiaa wit WafTd ffiaphAF the reason that he has eight children, prk tfT akta Waft Maild Fre and is unwilling to practically pauperDAVIS A. ANK!M BLDQ. AWD Iff FC, CO lol Manufacturer, Cfiteago ise ihs other seven In order to settle a sufficient Income on his eldest son to gdigut , Lhl K. tost T, Aigrift) sustain thepos:tlon after his death. Boa IM, feteboater, A, V 00 !. Austro-Hungari- an 1 fr ARTIFICIAL LIMBS |