Show I ASTUTE HISMAttCK Wn innnenre In 11111 WoI1 llcll nernany n May The German HclchilaR closed I ltd session ses-sion after having achieved an almost unexampled record Of all the mcis here announced from the throne not n single one has become law I Tho chief dleippolntmont of the session from blue ministerial point of view was the rejection re-jection of the antlRoclallst bill On thlo point Prlnco lllsmarck cjprcnol himself In a fashion which somewhat urprlscd 1 those who are accustomed to regard him solely asa man of blood andIron and-Iron He mid ho was not sorry that tho antlRoclallst bill bad been rejected reject-ed I tor If It had not those lo whom we look for remedies against the wells of the land would have arrived at the conviction that they hod achleted l something and could now rest on their laurels Thl conviction would have been erroneous and I am therefore glad that the pillow ot f rest which those gentlemen gen-tlemen Intended to prepare for themselves them-selves has been liken nway Kor his part ho relied much more upon the Influence of women than upon the defeated de-feated bill Here Is whnt ITlnco llls march said lo n deputation of Slleslan ladles on May 13 I ulways regret that so little Influence Influ-ence In politics Is I allotted lo the better half of the human race I do not expect ex-pect ladles lo deliver speeches In parliament par-liament but I believe that the results of our elections would ho moro national na-tional and moro satisfactory If they were moro under fcmalo Influence than now Honest Herman women wire and mother do not appear In public 101 Socialists nnd I therefore believe that female sympathy with our political polit-ical Institution Is I n much stronger bulwark against Borlal Democracy than our revolution bill would mane been Itt It had been passed I |