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Show YELLOWSIOHE Pffl OPENS The summer schedule of the Yellow stone park special over the Oregon Short Lino was inaugurated yesterday, the first train passing through Ogden en route to the park last evening. As in former years there will be a park train each way daily from now until tho close of the season. This train arrives in' Ogden at 8:10 p. m, and leaves ten minutes later, arriving ar-riving In the park at 6 o'clock In the morning If last night's business can he taken as an indication, this will be a great season for the park. The train last evening was made up of six Pullmans, Pull-mans, two day coaches and a combination combi-nation baggage and smoker. There was a very good showing of passengers from Salt Lake and intermediate inter-mediate points between the capital and Ogden and fullv fifty more passengers passen-gers boarded the train at this point. The Harriman lines have arranged for the six days' camping trip through the park again this year. More Yellowstone Yellow-stone park tourists pass through Ogden Og-den than any other city In the inter-mountain inter-mountain country. oo |