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Show oo WIRELESS BRINGS A SHIP RELIEF N Cleveland, O., June 1G. Two hundred hun-dred members of tho Michigan Bankers' Bank-ers' association, who started on a pleasure Jaunt, leaving Detroit yes-.torday yes-.torday afternoon on the Detroit & Buffalo Buf-falo lino steamer Western States, aro on their way to Buffalo on the steamer steam-er City of Cleveland this morning, after af-ter having been transferred from the Western States following the disablement disable-ment of that boat In mldlake last night. Wireless telegraphy was responsible for the quick rescue, and It was tho first time In the history of the Great Lakes that tho wireless was put to such a practical tesL The Western States was disabled by tho bursting of a cylinder and though she was in no Immediate danger, the pnrty of financiers decided to leave her when the City of Cleveland, reopondlng to distress signals, came alongside. Tho accident to tho , Western- States occurred off Amherstbjirg, Ontario, Bhortly after dark. Tjbjftbursting. of the cylinder followed' -tho breaking of-a of-a bolt In a high-powered engine The engineer was slightly scalded, but no other person was Injured The wireless wire-less call for help was sent out immediately, imme-diately, and the City of Cleveland and the Eastern States responded. Tho former vessel was only a short distance away aud started for the disabled dis-abled boat, the Eastern Stales helng Informed that he aid was not needed. When the City of Cleveland arrived the bankers held a conference and decided not to stay aboard the Western West-ern States. The two boats were then lashed together and the gang planks set. The water was calm and tho transfer was made without accident. It was after midnight when tho City of Cleveland left the stranded vessel, bound for Buffalo. Tho Western States turned her nose toward Detroit, and is attempting attempt-ing to roach that port, traveling by means of her low-powered engines. |