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Show GIRLS, LIVE ONES, WILL BE MODELS IN SHOW WINDOW Chicago, Aug S. The National Association As-sociation of Window Trimmers now In session here have taken their stand in favor of flesh and blood models for the display of both women's and men's garments in show windows, to replace the dummy with Its placarded appeal of "Take Me Home for $9.9S." They InslGt that the dummy will soon become a thing of the past and real human beauties with voluptuous forms, for female apparel, and Adon-le-llkc men for the display of the latest lat-est Importations from London, will take their place. The members of the Window Trimmers' Trim-mers' association men who form the connecting link between do' goods merchants aud tho casual passerby decreed this yesterday afternoon. Moro than 200 "trimmers," all of whom regard their occupation as a scientific profession, voted to "pass" papier mache figures for tho future when the superiority of the "real thing" was demonstrated by one of their leaders. g The contrast was shown on the "stage" of a school of window trimming trim-ming In West Jackson boulevard. There were several women dummies with fixed smiles and hands extended in stiff greeting, gowned tastefully and expcnslvoly. Eyeing them with the typical unenthuslastlc stare of their kind were a number of "gent dummies.' rigged out in everything from "neat and nobby campus clothing" cloth-ing" to full evening regalia Then Will Bates, instructor at the window trimming seat of learning, began be-gan his lecture. 'Before us,' he Bald, "we have a sample of the wooden display with which we have contented ourselves in the past. If anything, the expressionless expression-less countenances and the motionless figures of the dummies frighten prospective pros-pective buyers "Goods might just as well be displayed dis-played on racks. Remember, this is the twentieth century well along In it, too and people don't look on the dummy as they used to years ago. What they want is novelty and there Isn't any more of that In tho dummy. Just think how much better this clothing cloth-ing could be displayed on the human figure and how much more striking would be the effecL The shade was drawn down and tho audience waited W.lwn the curtain rolled up again the same background was "discovered," "discover-ed," but the dummies were gone. In their places stood three young women wom-en in their street clothing. Bates ascended the platform carrying carry-ing several bolts of cloth. With these and a paper of pins he worked wonders won-ders In fifteen minutes, without cutting cut-ting or stitching he had dressed tho girls in costumes that, so far as appearances ap-pearances were concerned, might havo como from Paris. The folds and tucks, the sweep of tho train, tho outlining of the slender figures were as perfect as if tho gowns had taken days to put together. It is now a mere matter of tho influence in-fluence of the Royal Order of Window Trimmers over the heads of tho great house3 by which thev are employed -whether tho flesh and blood model jwlth eyes that can look love to other joyes shall hereafter prove the attraction attrac-tion to shoppers. or tho papier mache fraud that has positively lost Its charm. |