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Show t , j Mayor Calls Council's Attention to Slanderous Charge Which is Made Against City Adminis j tration Calls Forth Vigorous Denial fromHhe j Executive and Councilrnen. ! j r , I A sensation was raised at the City council meeting last cvohlng when I n communication from the mayor that I it is charged that members of the I city council, the city attorney xand , the mayor are stockholders in the ' Merchants' Light and Powor company com-pany of this city which is contrary to the laws of the stale and the city, was read. The council became indignant at the imputa.lan and 'stoutly denied that they wero inteiested in any way, shape or form in the prqject. The communication of the mayor Called attention to the fact that i would be unlawful for himself or members . of the council to own stock In a company com-pany operating under a franchise granted by the city council and that the matter should be investigated. The council members individually denied that tliey had any Interest whatever In the new company and they nil stated that, If It were necessary, neces-sary, a complete Investigation shouid be made and that such an Investigation Investiga-tion would be courted were It to be instituted in the proper way. The members, of the council each expressed himself that the charges I are not well founded and inasmuch as no names are given as to who tho accusers are, the communication ot the major should be placed on the table for future consideration, it being be-ing stated by Councilman DIckerson that if,,there are charges to be made against! he council the partiC3 should m.ake themselves known and bring proof of their accusations. Attorney De Vine stated lo the council that lie is a stockholder In the Merchants' Light and Power com-jiany com-jiany and that he has a right to be, under the law, and still act as attorney at-torney for the city. Regarding the accusation that himself and Willis, the assistant attorney for tho city, are attorneys for the Salt Lake and Ogden railway company he stated that he was sorry to say that they hold no such position. Mr. De Vine stated further that Mr. Willis is not a stockholder In the Merchants' Light and Power company. The sentiment of the council, expressed ex-pressed by President Browning, Coun-cllmen Coun-cllmen Dnnn, Barker, Dickson, Hum-phrls Hum-phrls and Austin and acquiesced in by all other members, was that they have nothing whatever to do with the company in question and are not con-corned con-corned with its affairs, except as regards the welfare of the city. The motion to lay the communication on the table was carried by a unanimous unanim-ous vote. Following is the mayor's communication-"To the Honorable President and eBili.1 in .J asam 111 -i r tngeamnaaii Members of tho City Council, Ogden, Og-den, Utah: "Gentlemen- It is being persistently rumored around town that the mayor oi the city and at least two council-men council-men and the city attorney and assistant assist-ant city attorney are either owners of stock or attorneys for tho Mediants' Me-diants' Electric Light company, and it is Intimated that tho city officials voted themselves the electric franchise. fran-chise. "The constitution as well as the laws of the state of Utah, do not permit the city officers to do business with themselves. We have no right to grant a franchise to ourselves. These stories will simply be repeated -intil after a while it will bo too late to make an investigation and proporly refute the stories, "I therefore ask that tho city council coun-cil take such means as it deems proper prop-er to investigate this matter. For the mayor, I can say, ho never has had anj' Interest in tho Morchants' Light companj', no member of his family has any interest in It, neither has any other person directly or Jn-directly Jn-directly any interest which is being held for tho mayor; neither has the mayor any understanding with the Merchants' Electric Light company, or any other company or person by or through which he is to receive directly direct-ly or Indirectly any interest, Btock or consideration whatsoever In said company for money or any other consideration. con-sideration. Each and every member of the council, I. believe, can make equally as strong a statement. The city attornej', however, admits that ho owns one-twentieth of. the stock in the Merchants' Electric Light company com-pany and also that he Is acting as attorney for such electric light company. com-pany. I am also advised that the firm of Willis & DeVine, in addition to being attornej's for the light company, com-pany, are also attorneys for the Ogden Og-den & Salt Lako railroad, which com-pnny com-pnny also has a franchise from Ogden Citj If these statements are false it is an easy matter to correct them to satisfy the public. If, however, any of the statements are truo and any public officer of Ogden City Is the owner, agent, attornej or emploj'e of a corporation holding a franchise from Ogden City and doing business thereunder, such party should be required re-quired to relinquish any office ho may hold in the municipal corporation. "In presenting this matter to your honorablo body I have no complaint to make mj'self. I bring this matter before the city council simplj- that the matter may bo cleared up for the public good. Respectfully yours, "WM. GLASMANN. "Mayor." imw ii. inrTTT-maBapBaEii , i i n qgEsagu |