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Show LTV ' ENDORSE SOUTH FORK RESERVOIR At a meeting of the Ogden chamber of commerce yesterday, J J. Hill president and J. J. Brummitt secretary, secre-tary, it was decided that tho organization organiza-tion should start an actlvo campaign for the betterment and Important improvements im-provements around the city in order to bring it up to a metropolitan standard stand-ard of excellence and prominence The consensus of opinion expressed was that Ogden was no longer a frontier town, but a great center upon which wore focused the oj'es of the leaders of commerce and finance, and that to bring it up to the high standard required re-quired by Its Importance as a great mercantile center, that it must follow-In follow-In tho footsteps of others similarly situated and Inaugurate a system of improvements which modern Ideas and modern tlmos demand. Tho first improvement considered was a suitable public playground, fully equipped with the latest gymnastic paraphernalia and placed under the direction of a competent Instructor By this means tho children will have an opportunity to amuse themselves proporly and at the same time acquire ac-quire a phj-slcal training that will bo profitable to their health and morals S. S Smith. was appointed chairman of this committee and he was in-Bturcted in-Bturcted to take up this urHcr at once and see what steps can be taken to make tho scheme a realltv. J. J. Brummitt was appointed 'chairman 'chair-man of a committee to see what can be done towards the Improvement and better lighting of the boulevards of this city. Under his direction a scheme will be formulnted to bring good results. The city fathers and the merchants will be consulted and n united effort made to make Ogden look like a metropolitan city as much as possible. It was claimed that these Improvements would stimulato business busi-ness and induce more capital to come to Ogdon and help to make It a larger and grander city to live In as well as a commercial center of importance. Another committee wns appointed to co-opernte with those now working for the success of the South Fork projecL It was given full powor to act In conjunction with these and assist in every possiblo manner, both financially and morallj-. Tho chomber of commerce felt elated elat-ed over Its successful efforts In bringing about the establishment of a permanent Cliautauque assomblv, and assisting In the work of consolidating consoli-dating the dual systems of telephones. . |