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Show uu STATE PRESS HOLDS ' SESSION AT PROVO i Provo, Aug. 7. The quarterly session ses-sion of the State Press association convened here thfs morning In ' the Provo Commqrclal club t rooms with the following" well-known newspap6r men In attendance as delegates: J. M. Kllkham. president of the association, Lehi Banner: I. E. Dlehl, secretary, Mammoth Recordt S. L, Rad-lon. park Glty Ttecord; D. C Johnson, Sprlnevllle Independent; O. P Felt, Argus. Salt Lake Cltv. W B. Dresser, accompanied by his wife, Milfonl Chronicle; A H. Schulthess. Beobachor, Salt Lake- Lewis A. Merrill. Mer-rill. Desert Farmer, Salt Lake; Otto Rydman, Utah-Korrcspondentcn, Salt Lake; Fred Turner. Logan Republican; Repub-lican; Charles Broadbent, Wasatch Wavo. Hebcr. Ira H, Masters. Press-Bulletin. Press-Bulletin. Bingham: Mr and Mrs. J S Barlow, American Eagle. Murray; Jesse Earl, Loqnn Journal; N. C Hicks and H. C. Hicks. Provo Post, J. Davl 1 Larson and Lester G Baker, Provo Herald; Jacob Coleman, Juab County Times, Nophl V H Ray, mavor of Provo, wel-I wel-I corned tho newspaper men loathe "city and in" a. yfiort-talk" complimented tho pwprk. joL thejxrosB'jtln calling attcn-.tlpnalo. attcn-.tlpnalo. .the resource's an'd opporjtjjm ittea qL'iiiQ -state, and urged further! efforts in the 'pond wdrlc. PwOtKtfH R Irvine: Jripresldenl 6L the. Provo ComrcSrcLil club, .Welcomed lhJJinem iws- of-4ho -presfl-oml A -H SchulU hess. for the association, responded, Prolteor le.wis A. Merrill of the Desert' JTrirmr. gave a talk ad Tho Relation," Of the 'pie'es to State Institutions" Insti-tutions" " " ,s' I. E. Diehl renort'ed the work of tho National Press association and brought up the question of securing the next national convention for Salt Lake City. This suggestion was generally gen-erally accepted and after some deliberation de-liberation a commltteo was appointed ' to take- up Uio matter with' thjf Salt liikp. Cprajuor,cfJ lubarfdAluj Statp Development league 'and other organizations organ-izations of the stato with tho view of presenting tho matter in-.nroper form "before t,bo National Jfres? association. Tho committee appointed are: I LX .Dlohl, Sf,,L. Rudd)n, II. C. Hicks, Jesse JEarl and J M. Kidkham. X S,. Barlow brought up the matter Q? the, -pnitcfr, Slates government, .printing. Tree tho return address on Stamped envelopes, thoreby taking this w'orR away Tram the country printer He said he thought the government gov-ernment could save some of the deficit de-ficit In the postal department by cutting cut-ting out this item of printing. The following committee was appointed to take up this matter with Senator Reed Smoot on his next visit to Utah; D. C Johnson, Jacob Coleman and S. L. Raddon. During tho noon recess a trout dinner din-ner was enjoyed at tho Lamar cafe. It wa3 decided to hold the next meeting of the Utah association in Salt Lake City. |